Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

Murray carefully documents his assertions, as did Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton. Because you never went to college you would not understand that.
And Academia still considers them to be cranks.

The Soviet Union has a low crime rate. So does Communist China.
Um, the Soviet Union hasn't existed since 1991. It was in all the papers. As for China. Sure, they have a low crime rate. They also have no freedom of religion, thought, etc.

Social reform and social welfare spending did not reduce the crime rate. Raising the prison population did. The only thing that works is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.
Actually, what reduced the crime rate was boomers aging out of the "Young, Dumb and Full of Cum" stage of life.

We lock up more people than China, a communist police state, and we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. The Prison Industrial Complex actually perpetuates criminal behavior, it doesn't reduce it.

There will never be a revolution in this country. The closest thing to a revolution will be a race war with blacks against everyone else.
Or everyone else against whites when they get tired of our shit.
And Academia still considers them to be cranks.
Because Academia fears what they have to say, Academia does not debate them on equal terms but tries to suppress them.

Academia knows that what they say is true and fears the political changes that can come from their truths.
Because Academia fears what they have to say, Academia does not debate them on equal terms but tries to suppress them.

Academia knows that what they say is true and fears the political changes that can come from their truths.
Right, they are a bunch of meanyheads who won't let the Nazis march on the quad. That's it.

Not because the Nazis would get their asses kicked.
Right, they are a bunch of meanyheads who won't let the Nazis march on the quad. That's it.

Not because the Nazis would get their asses kicked.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race on earth does not mean that there are no inferior races.

Your persuasion, like the Nazi persuasion, requires violence to enforce it. My persuasion requires a civilized environment where facts and logical reasoning are respected.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race on earth does not mean that there are no inferior races.

Your persuasion, like the Nazi persuasion, requires violence to enforce it. My persuasion requires a civilized environment where facts and logical reasoning are respected.

Superior races don't spend most of history running from people trying to kill them. Also, religion isn't a race.

You hold crank views that academia rejected, and you just refuse to stop being stupid.
Superior races don't spend most of history running from people trying to kill them. Also, religion isn't a race.

You hold crank views that academia rejected, and you just refuse to stop being stupid.
If Judaism is not a race, indeed the most superior race in existence, why is this true?


Jewish Genius, from Commentary, April 2007​

Jews are extravagantly overrepresented in every field of intellectual accomplishment. Why?
by Charles Murray

As soon as Jewish children born under legal emancipation had time to grow to adulthood, they started appearing in the first ranks of the arts and sciences. During the four decades from 1830 to 1870, when the first Jews to live under emancipation reached their forties, 16 significant Jewish figures appear. In the next four decades, from 1870 to 1910, the number jumps to 40. During the next four decades, 1910–1950, despite the contemporaneous devastation of European Jewry, the number of significant figures almost triples, to 114.

To get a sense of the density of accomplishment these numbers represent, I will focus on 1870 onward, after legal emancipation had been achieved throughout Central and Western Europe. How does the actual number of significant figures compare to what would be expected given the Jewish proportion of the European and North American population? From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times.

Disproportionate Jewish accomplishment in the arts and sciences continues to this day. My inventories end with 1950, but many other measures are available, of which the best known is the Nobel Prize. In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math.

Now everyone of these teens need to be held accountable for taking the life of this young teen, I wouldn't have a problem with them being tried as adults, for the simple fact you can't just take a life and not be held accountable for it. What I am tripping on is the same folks coming on here crying for the life of these young men are the same ones that are ok with an officer of the law shooting an unarmed black woman in the face and murdering her. Now you make excuses for that, but you want blood in this case.
Could you share that story! Because no one I know would be in favor of that!
What do you think would happen if four white guys beat to death a black guy? Plea deals? National sympathy? …I’m thinking rioting and looting. Including the murder of innocent people both black and white. That’s the legacy of the BLM riots.

There is no greater societal privilege than having a rationalized right to end someone else’s life.

“LAS VEGAS (AP) — Four Las Vegas teenagers accused in the fatal beating of their high school classmate have agreed to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter in a deal that will keep them from being tried as adults, lawyers said Thursday.”

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.”

I wonder if theses soft on crime, whining, crying, liberals, understand that they are going to bring back vigilante justice?
And Academia still considers them to be cranks.

Um, the Soviet Union hasn't existed since 1991. It was in all the papers. As for China. Sure, they have a low crime rate. They also have no freedom of religion, thought, etc.

Actually, what reduced the crime rate was boomers aging out of the "Young, Dumb and Full of Cum" stage of life.

We lock up more people than China, a communist police state, and we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. The Prison Industrial Complex actually perpetuates criminal behavior, it doesn't reduce it.

Or everyone else against whites when they get tired of our shit.
Are there any other countries in the industrialized world where anyone who wants a gun can have one? Open up a few car doors and skip those silly background checks. How many of our prisoners are in jail for a crime committed with a gun? Guns should be kept at home to settle domestic disputes. :D
And the young man is dead by the hands of these four model citizens because of Trump right? Dumbass

How many Black Men have been killed by Whites and gotten away with it? I am from South. I know that this happens. They accepted a plea deal, which happens everyday. You're just pissed because of the plea deal. How many WHITE MEN, who kill Blacks take a plea agreement? You do not give two shits about that.
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