Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

How many Black Men have been killed by Whites and gotten away with it? I am from South. I know that this happens. They accepted a plea deal, which happens everyday. You're just pissed because of the plea deal. How many WHITE MEN, who kill Blacks take a plea agreement? You do not give two shits about that.
Post me a story of one and I will say the same. Find one post where I said either was ok, now on topic the op was about the lack of media coverage of this incident, don’t be a child and point to other incidents to avoid the question. What would be the media coverage if the races were reversed? Clown
Post me a story of one and I will say the same. Find one post where I said either was ok, now on topic the op was about the lack of media coverage of this incident, don’t be a child and point to other incidents to avoid the question. What would be the media coverage if the races were reversed? Clown

Like I said, Black Guys take a plea agreement and you are shitting bricks. How dare do something is only for WHITE MEN!
In other words, you do not have an answer that is consistent with what you want to believe. Your willingness to dismiss obvious facts is why I doubt you attended college.
Guy, your shit would be laughed out of a college.

I'm sorry that you are jealous that my life has been far more interesting than yours.

You haven't presented any facts, you just keep dragging up the same shit that is passed around by the Internet's cockroaches under the floorboards.
If Judaism is not a race, indeed the most superior race in existence, why is this true?


Jewish Genius, from Commentary, April 2007​

Jews are extravagantly overrepresented in every field of intellectual accomplishment. Why?
by Charles Murray

As soon as Jewish children born under legal emancipation had time to grow to adulthood, they started appearing in the first ranks of the arts and sciences. During the four decades from 1830 to 1870, when the first Jews to live under emancipation reached their forties, 16 significant Jewish figures appear. In the next four decades, from 1870 to 1910, the number jumps to 40. During the next four decades, 1910–1950, despite the contemporaneous devastation of European Jewry, the number of significant figures almost triples, to 114.

To get a sense of the density of accomplishment these numbers represent, I will focus on 1870 onward, after legal emancipation had been achieved throughout Central and Western Europe. How does the actual number of significant figures compare to what would be expected given the Jewish proportion of the European and North American population? From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times.

Disproportionate Jewish accomplishment in the arts and sciences continues to this day. My inventories end with 1950, but many other measures are available, of which the best known is the Nobel Prize. In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math.

Dumbass, you do realize blacks were the early Jews, Jewish ✡️ is not a race.
Guy, your shit would be laughed out of a college.

I'm sorry that you are jealous that my life has been far more interesting than yours.

You haven't presented any facts, you just keep dragging up the same shit that is passed around by the Internet's cockroaches under the floorboards.
What I say might be silenced in a college. It would not be refuted because it is obviously true.
If it were true, you wouldn't just have a few debunked cranks saying it.
It is easy for me to document the main assertions of race realism using data I find on the internet: blacks tend to be less intelligent than Orientes and whites; we have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

One does not need to go to the internet to know about these average but durable racial differences. All one needs is extensive contact with the three major racial groups.

One does not need to be a debunked crank to believe that. One needs to be a debunked crank to deny it.

Those who maintain that the three major races are intrinsically equal in non cosmetic characteristics cannot find any evidence to substantiate that.
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The Old Testament Israelites, like the antient Egyptians, were Caucasians.
It was Caucasians that wrote the Old Testament and the New Testament. You told us the Father and the son are one and then you took Jesus and made him white and then gave him to us. Now we see this white Jesus and think if Jesus was white then God is white and there could be nothing further from the truth.
Of those arrested for murder, 45.8% were white; 51.2 were black.

Of those arrested for robbery, 44.7% were white; 52.7 were black. individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than

Considering that in the United States there are many more whites than blacks, for nearly every kind of crime blacks have a higher rate than whites.
Let's look at that.

It pretty much shows you are a liar and the truth isn't in you.
I have never made a statement like, "Whites are superior to blacks." That would assert that all whites are superior to all blacks. Moreover, it would beg the question of what I would mean by "superior."

When discussing racial differences, I am careful to use words like "tend" and "average.
It is easy for me to document the main assertions of race realism using data I find on the internet:

Um, you can prove UFO's exist using information you find on the internet.
You can prove that Vaccines cause Autism using information you find on the internet.

we have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Illegitimacy is an artificial concept. Marriage has only been a thing for about 3000 years. Most of human existence, most babies were "Illegitimate", whatever the hell that means.

One does not need to go to the internet to know about these average but durable racial differences. All one needs is extensive contact with the three major racial groups.

Okay, I met lots of really awesome black people when I was in the military.
I've met a lot of really dumb white trash.
I guess the only group I can say consistently good things about are Asians, but that's deceptive, because 50% of the ones I know I'm related to through marriage.
Um, you can prove UFO's exist using information you find on the internet.
You can prove that Vaccines cause Autism using information you find on the internet.

Illegitimacy is an artificial concept. Marriage has only been a thing for about 3000 years. Most of human existence, most babies were "Illegitimate", whatever the hell that means.

Okay, I met lots of really awesome black people when I was in the military.
I've met a lot of really dumb white trash.
I guess the only group I can say consistently good things about are Asians, but that's deceptive, because 50% of the ones I know I'm related to through marriage.
The fact that you are unable to evaluate evidence indicates that you never went to college.

If illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice, as you maintain, unmarried mothers and their illegitimate children should be denied welfare checks, and other help from the government.

That is just exactly what I want to happen. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to pay for the mistakes of irresponsible, immoral people.
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