Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

No, buddy, the brothers are getting laid, and you have to pay for it. Learn to deal. Heh, heh, heh.
You have just explained why the tax revolt happened in the late 1970's. Whites did not want their tax money spent helping unemployable black adults and their illegitimate children.

They should support their own worthless bastards.

Nope. If we have to support old fucks like you (supposedly) we should be supporting people who are going to be in the workforce someday.

We could save HUGE amounts of money with mandatory euthanasia at 70. We don't because we aren't a cruel society.

What does Professor Arthur Jensen say about the Negro race that is not true?
You have just explained why the tax revolt happened in the late 1970's. Whites did not want their tax money spent helping unemployable black adults and their illegitimate children.

Why do you keep thinking White People being stupid is something to be proud of?

We saw what happened with the "Tax Revolt". Scammers like Ronnie Raygun and Howard Jarvis convinced dumb white people if they voted tax cuts, they could score them poor people of color. What we got instead was slashing of services, massive public debt someone is going to have to pay back some day.
Why do you keep thinking White People being stupid is something to be proud of?

We saw what happened with the "Tax Revolt". Scammers like Ronnie Raygun and Howard Jarvis convinced dumb white people if they voted tax cuts, they could score them poor people of color. What we got instead was slashing of services, massive public debt someone is going to have to pay back some day.
I voted against Reagan in 1980 and 1984, but I understand why he was elected president. Reagan was the white man's candidate. He appealed to hostility to blacks, and it worked for him. By 1980 it was obvious that white efforts to help blacks were only increasing black social pathology.
I voted against Reagan in 1980 and 1984, but I understand why he was elected president. Reagan was the white man's candidate. He appealed to hostility to blacks, and it worked for him. By 1980 it was obvious that white efforts to help blacks were only increasing black social pathology.
Well, actually, Reagan toned down the racism by 1980 and a lot more by 1984.

But here's the thing. He appealed to racism, and made things MUCH MUCH worse for the white working class.

Do you not get this? Racism is how the ruling class gets stupid white people like you to vote against your own interests.

It's like the Old Joke

A millionaire, a working man, and a welfare recipient walk into a restaurant and the water brings out 12 cookies. The Millionaire wolfs down 11 of the cookies and says to the working class guy, "That welfare person wants half your cookie!"
Well, actually, Reagan toned down the racism by 1980 and a lot more by 1984.

But here's the thing. He appealed to racism, and made things MUCH MUCH worse for the white working class.

Do you not get this? Racism is how the ruling class gets stupid white people like you to vote against your own interests.
In general elections I always vote a straight Democratic ticket. Nevertheless, I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. When Negroes were treated like second class citizens the Democrats dominated the country.
In general elections I always vote a straight Democratic ticket. Nevertheless, I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. When Negroes were treated like second class citizens the Democrats dominated the country.

Yes, you seem to think that was true, but it really wasn't.

If Democrats hadn't reached out to blacks, they'd have never started the New Deal.
If Democrats hadn't reached out to blacks, they'd have never started the New Deal.
If you really had a college degree in History, you would know that that is not true. Southern whites and working class supported the New Deal. They left the Democrat Party because of the black ghetto riots and more durable increases in black social pathology. They haven't come back.
If you really had a college degree in History, you would know that that is not true. Southern whites and working class supported the New Deal. They left the Democrat Party because of the black ghetto riots and more durable increases in black social pathology. They haven't come back.

WOrking Class Whites bailed a lot earlier than that. How do you think Ike got elected twice?
WOrking Class Whites bailed a lot earlier than that. How do you think Ike got elected twice?
Eisenhower won because he was a war hero, and because he made it clear that he would not reverse the reforms of the New Deal.


Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Edgar Newton Eisenhower (1954)​

by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.4 Their number is negligible and they are stupid.

Eisenhower won because he was a war hero, and because he made it clear that he would not reverse the reforms of the New Deal.

Ike won because White people returned to the GOP fold once the danger was over.

Nixon probably should have won, had it not been for black people voting for JFK, and the only reason why LBJ won was because Goldwater was fucking nuts.

How much effort should the Democrats put into winning white people who would vote against their own economic interests because they hate gays and blacks?
How much effort should the Democrats put into winning white people who would vote against their own economic interests because they hate gays and blacks?
Appealing to whites who dislike Negroes worked for Nixon in 1968 and 1972. It worked for Reagan in 1980 and 1984. It is working for Trump now.

By the way, I voted against Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.
Appealing to whites who dislike Negroes worked for Nixon in 1968 and 1972. It worked for Reagan in 1980 and 1984. It is working for Trump now.

By the way, I voted against Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.
Campaiging against the Jews worked for Hitler, what is your point here?
Campaiging against the Jews worked for Hitler, what is your point here?
Jews are characterized by intelligence, success, and prosperity.

That is my point, and the difference.

Those who hate Jews resent them because of their intelligence, success, and prosperity. No one hates Negroes for those reasons.
Jews are characterized by intelligence, success, and prosperity.

That is my point, and the difference.
Nope, finding someone to hate is always wrong...

Those who hate Jews resent them because of their intelligence, success, and prosperity. No one hates Negroes for those reasons.

Why is the reason for hate make it okay.

Frankly, given the Germans were eating their dogs after the Jewish Socialists overthrew the Kaiser, they had kind of a right to be mad.

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