Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

You were probably asked to join the staff [of Stormfront}.

Table 43 shows that is a lie.

Stormfront would not ask me to join because of my high opinion of Jews and Orientals.

Race and crime in the United States​

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites...

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness...

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the opposite.[57][58]

Stormfront would not ask me to join because of my high opinion of Jews and Orientals.

Race and crime in the United States​

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites...

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness...

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the opposite.[57][58]

2002 and 2008? It's 2024.
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Nothing has changed. The Negro race is still characterized by a shocking high crime rate.
That wasn’t a problem in the American past with black families though. From 1870 to 1920 the divorce rate among black couples was actually a little bit lower than the divorce rate among white couples. So we have to ask what’s going on? A lot of these problems are due to left-wing radical policies. There’s nothing wrong with the so-called black race. So-called because race is a human invention. Really there’s only one human race.

And lots of Africans are fellow Christians
2002 and 2008? It's 2024.
There are taboos and sanctions against criticizing Negroes. Consequently, it is difficult to find recent data on black social pathology. If there had been significant declines in black crime, I am sure that it would be easy to find confirmation of that on the internet.
There are taboos and sanctions against criticizing Negroes. Consequently, it is difficult to find recent data on black social pathology. If there had been significant declines in black crime, I am sure that it would be easy to find confirmation of that on the internet.

And of course most cities will fudge the data anyway to cover up for their pet demographics.
And it's worse; it would be less if they quit offering thugs plea deals, but you can't fix stupid; most of the feral animals need to be locked up for life or shipped to a wildlife preserve far away from civilized people.
Funny how racist like you don't give a damn when someone white commits a crime, you are quiet as a damn church mouse, but if it is a person of color boy you are up in arms. Your numbers are bogus and have been debunked so many times it isn't even worth arguing with a fool.
There are taboos and sanctions against criticizing Negroes. Consequently, it is difficult to find recent data on black social pathology. If there had been significant declines in black crime, I am sure that it would be easy to find confirmation of that on the internet.
Get some new material, because the clown show has played out.
Funny how racist like you don't give a damn when someone white commits a crime, you are quiet as a damn church mouse, but if it is a person of color boy you are up in arms. Your numbers are bogus and have been debunked so many times it isn't even worth arguing with a fool.
No white person, no Oriental, not Hispanic ever committed a crime against me. It has always been one or two Negroes.
Again, I'm sorry you come off as such an easy mark...
Jesse Jackson fears black criminals too.

Once I asked a young black man, "If you are alone in a city after dark, and four young black men are walking in your direction, will you feel safer if they are black or white?"

He answered, "I will feel safer if they are white. I think most blacks feel the same way."

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