Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

Well, only by losers who need a racial identity because they have no accomplishments of their own.

Seriously, man, you need therapy.
I do not take pride in being white, because I was born that way. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that whites of European ancestry have created the most advanced, the most prosperous, and the most humane civilization in history.

Orientals are catching up with us. I expect China to achieve world hegemony by the end of this century, if not sooner.

Meanwhile, Negroes lag behind, as they always have. It is not our fault that they lag behind. Human evolution has not prepared most of them for the social and intellectual demands of civilization. The Negro race represents an earlier stage of human evolution.

Ashkenazi Jews, on the other hand, are at the pinnacle of the human species.
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I do not take pride in being white, because I was born that way. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that whites of European ancestry have created the most advanced, the most prosperous, and the most humane civilization in history.

Orientals are catching up with us. I expect China to achieve world hegemony by the end of this century, if not sooner.

Meanwhile, Negroes lag behind, as they always have.

Actually, Whites and Asians are barely reproducing at replacement rates in the world.

Human quality is what matters. The growth of a race with an average IQ of 70 is nothing to celebrate.

Oh, guy, the 19th Century called; they want their crackpot anthropology back. And Piltdown Man's skull.

Here's the thing: if you want to really cite evolution, blacks will be better adapted to live in the world global warming is creating.

And if USMB is proof of anything, it's that any idiot can operate a computer.
Oh, guy, the 19th Century called; they want their crackpot anthropology back. And Piltdown Man's skull.

Here's the thing: if you want to really cite evolution, blacks will be better adapted to live in the world global warming is creating.

And if USMB is proof of anything, it's that any idiot can operate a computer.
Those who will be the least harmed by global warming will be those living closest to the north and south poles.

As computer technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, it increases the relationship between intelligence and income. Artificial intelligence is the most recent step in this process.

Bill Gates, with an IQ of 160 said, "Software is an IQ business."
Those who will be the least harmed by global warming will be those living closest to the north and south poles.

As computer technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, it increases the relationship between intelligence and income. Artificial intelligence is the most recent step in this process.

Bill Gates, with an IQ of 160 said, "Software is an IQ business."
Those who will be the least harmed by global warming will be those living closest to the north and south poles.

As computer technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, it increases the relationship between intelligence and income. Artificial intelligence is the most recent step in this process.

Bill Gates, with an IQ of 160 said, "Software is an IQ business."
Again, only a matter of time before AI replaces the need for Human intelligence.

Or that we start interfacing with computers directly.

If you told 20-year-old me, we'd all be walking around with miniature computers in our pockets; well, I might have believed you because I was really into Sci-Fi at the time.

But here's the real advantage they have. Their males are well-hung. That's why that girl you were creeping on dumped you for Jamal. Right before he stuffed you into the locker.
Again, only a matter of time before AI replaces the need for Human intelligence.
You remind me of a cartoon I saw years ago. It was probably in the New Yorker.

Two men are standing in an unemployment line. One is asking the other, "Do you remember when we looked forward to a time when machines would do all the work? Can you remember why we thought we would still have jobs?"

Artificial intelligence will increase the need for a high IQ to be employable.

Computer technology and automation have been putting people out of work for decades. Artificial intelligence accelerates the process

One fourth of American Negroes have IQ's of 75 or less. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. Artificial intelligence will increase black unemployment.
You remind me of a cartoon I saw years ago. It was probably in the New Yorker.

Two men are standing in an unemployment line. One is asking the other, "Do you remember when we looked forward to a time when machines would do all the work? Can you remember why we thought we would still have jobs?"
Well, that's a pretty stupid cartoon. We currently have a labor shortage.

We also don't have unemployment lines anymore. It's all done on line if you find yourself on one after the Republicans wreck the economy.

The thing is, they aren't rewarding Americans who are smart and stay in school. They outsourse those jobs to Indians.

One fourth of American Negroes have IQ's of 75 or less. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. Artificial intelligence will increase black unemployment.
That's not really true, either.

In fact, only 2% of the population scores below 70 regardless of race.
That's not really true, either.

In fact, only 2% of the population scores below 70 regardless of race.


Posted on October 29, 2012

A Conversation with Arthur Jensen

American Renaissance, August and September 1992

Arthur Jensen gave this interview to Jared Taylor in 1992. It is still as timely and relevant as the day it was recorded.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

Computer technology eliminates the better paying jobs most people have the intelligence to learn.
Actually, we may soon be at a point where no one is needed to work, because EVERYTHING is automated, but that's really not how it has worked out.

We actually have labor shortages of manual labor because Americans don't want to do those jobs.
Oh, look everyone, Hector goes back to his happy place of debunked racist cranks.
The reason I doubt you went to college is because you do not know how to evaluate evidence.

Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton enjoyed successful academic careers, despite the efforts of those to silence them who could not refute them.

Charles Murray has become rich from book royalties.
The reason I doubt you went to college is because you do not know how to evaluate evidence.

Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton enjoyed successful academic careers, despite the efforts of those to silence them who could not refute them.

Charles Murray has become rich from book royalties.

Murray has become rich selling books to racist that the racists mostly never read.

All those other guys are worm food, and their universities treat them like the crazy uncle who was in the Klan.

My university hasn't denounced me; they keep asking me for money for some reason.

And my response is, 'What you are charging kids for tuition these days, you have some nerve!"
We actually have labor shortages of manual labor because Americans don't want to do those jobs.
The way to deal with that problem is to eliminate the welfare system and hold down the underclass with a draconian criminal justice system.
Murray has become rich selling books to racist that the racists mostly never read.

All those other guys are worm food, and their universities treat them like the crazy uncle who was in the Klan.
Murray carefully documents his assertions, as did Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton. Because you never went to college you would not understand that.
Yeah, because repressive governments always work out so well...

Until the revolution happens and all the special people are shot.
The Soviet Union has a low crime rate. So does Communist China.

Social reform and social welfare spending did not reduce the crime rate. Raising the prison population did. The only thing that works is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.

There will never be a revolution in this country. The closest thing to a revolution will be a race war with blacks against everyone else.

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