Late Night Douchebag (Jimmy Kimmel) Show Tries To Defend Crooked Hillary


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Hey, here is a great idea to hide the turkey neck and make the issue less obvious! Wear a fucking giant pant suit that is starched and goes up to the chin. :p

She is starting to look like the great actor Dr. Loveless from the Wild, Wild, West and Star Trek.
Just saw the rerun of Crooked Hillary propaganda douche Chris "Tingle" Matthews. He giggled and asked his crew of Crooked Hillary propaganda douches if that Jimmy Kimmel was not rehearsed. DUH! Crooked Hillary is right handed and therefore would have grabbed the jar with the right hand and turned the lid with the left. Also notice no vacuum release sound indicating it was previously opened. They must think democrats are really stupid idiots! And they would be correct, but still.

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