Latest presidential poll puts trump below 40% approval

Poll: 60 percent disapprove of Trump, while clear majorities back Mueller and Sessions

His 4 year old tantrum showing no respect to McCain...a great American...sank him to 39% approval. He will fire Sessions after November in an effort to install a puppet in the DOJ. He will then fall further.
Which was the polling site that averages all the poll results together? I was checking that during the '16 elections, but can't remember now what it's called.
Not that these polls mean a whole lot, considering what the polls said in '16. LOL
I can't get into WaPo - Here's an ABC link.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Bad news for Trumptards. Looks like the disinformation campaign, Crazy Rudy G, Stalinist threats on a free press, talk of firing Sessions or Rosenstein, pardon dangling for Crooked Paul, and continued assorted daily derangement are not helping the Orange Clown. Here are the highlights:

Trump approval
Yes 36%
No 60%

Mueller investigation
Support 63%
Oppose 29%

If Trump directed Cohen to pay off women
He committed a crime 61%
He didn't commit a crime 31%

Has Trump tried to interfere with Mueller probe in a way that obstructed justice
Yes 53%
No 35%

Should Trump pardon Manafort
Yes 18%
No 66%

YIKES :rolleyes:
Sure, what the heck, let’s ignore the stock market, unemployment levels, consumer confidence, trade deals, etc., etc. and just focus on some BS poll. Sounds like a winning strategy.
I can't get into WaPo - Here's an ABC link.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Bad news for Trumptards. Looks like the disinformation campaign, Crazy Rudy G, Stalinist threats on a free press, talk of firing Sessions or Rosenstein, pardon dangling for Crooked Paul, and continued assorted daily derangement are not helping the Orange Clown. Here are the highlights:

Trump approval
Yes 36%
No 60%

Mueller investigation
Support 63%
Oppose 29%

If Trump directed Cohen to pay off women
He committed a crime 61%
He didn't commit a crime 31%

Has Trump tried to interfere with Mueller probe in a way that obstructed justice
Yes 53%
No 35%

Should Trump pardon Manafort
Yes 18%
No 66%

YIKES :rolleyes:
Another pollster completely discrediting themselves.....
Do you people ever stop to wonder why different polls every few days with different results are occurring? Either the general population is schizophrenic or the polls are fixed to achieve an outcome.
4 days ago NBC had him in the mid 40s unchanged from before the controversies yet here we are 4 days later with a different entity at an all time low.
What's different?
The questions
The respondents

So how do you determine which poll is actually accurate if either?

Fools game
I can't get into WaPo - Here's an ABC link.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Bad news for Trumptards. Looks like the disinformation campaign, Crazy Rudy G, Stalinist threats on a free press, talk of firing Sessions or Rosenstein, pardon dangling for Crooked Paul, and continued assorted daily derangement are not helping the Orange Clown. Here are the highlights:

Trump approval
Yes 36%
No 60%

Mueller investigation
Support 63%
Oppose 29%

If Trump directed Cohen to pay off women
He committed a crime 61%
He didn't commit a crime 31%

Has Trump tried to interfere with Mueller probe in a way that obstructed justice
Yes 53%
No 35%

Should Trump pardon Manafort
Yes 18%
No 66%

YIKES :rolleyes:
It's always that 30-35% that unfailingly support the Orange Disgrace. I see them here at USMB every time I come here making complete lummoxes of themselves.
I can't get into WaPo - Here's an ABC link.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Bad news for Trumptards. Looks like the disinformation campaign, Crazy Rudy G, Stalinist threats on a free press, talk of firing Sessions or Rosenstein, pardon dangling for Crooked Paul, and continued assorted daily derangement are not helping the Orange Clown. Here are the highlights:

Trump approval
Yes 36%
No 60%

Mueller investigation
Support 63%
Oppose 29%

If Trump directed Cohen to pay off women
He committed a crime 61%
He didn't commit a crime 31%

Has Trump tried to interfere with Mueller probe in a way that obstructed justice
Yes 53%
No 35%

Should Trump pardon Manafort
Yes 18%
No 66%

YIKES :rolleyes:
It's always that 30-35% that unfailingly support the Orange Disgrace. I see them here at USMB every time I come here making complete lummoxes of themselves.

Minimally half of the people who give him a thumbs up on approval do so ONLY because of judges, tax cuts, abortion and deregulation. Aside from that, they are as alarmed as everyone else at the behavior of a 3 year old.

The hardened base who indeed wouldn't care if he shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue is in the 10-15% range.
Libtards why did the polling company oversample Dem's vs Rep's? Which Dem states did they oversample? You morons are not fooling anyone. :auiqs.jpg:
I can't get into WaPo - Here's an ABC link.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Bad news for Trumptards. Looks like the disinformation campaign, Crazy Rudy G, Stalinist threats on a free press, talk of firing Sessions or Rosenstein, pardon dangling for Crooked Paul, and continued assorted daily derangement are not helping the Orange Clown. Here are the highlights:

Trump approval
Yes 36%
No 60%

Mueller investigation
Support 63%
Oppose 29%

If Trump directed Cohen to pay off women
He committed a crime 61%
He didn't commit a crime 31%

Has Trump tried to interfere with Mueller probe in a way that obstructed justice
Yes 53%
No 35%

Should Trump pardon Manafort
Yes 18%
No 66%

YIKES :rolleyes:

We presently have a man implicated in a double felon in the White House. This man has eclipsed Nixon and Clinton in his criminal acts.
Do you people ever stop to wonder why different polls every few days with different results are occurring? Either the general population is schizophrenic or the polls are fixed to achieve an outcome.
4 days ago NBC had him in the mid 40s unchanged from before the controversies yet here we are 4 days later with a different entity at an all time low.
What's different?
The questions
The respondents

So how do you determine which poll is actually accurate if either?

Fools game

His actions during the McCain death dishonored the Country. He showed what a Slug he is.

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