Latin and.drug streets gangs,should be classified as domestic terrorists

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
I had the unfortunate experience of living in Holyoke,ma for a period of time,and the city,which is called puerto rico,is a pile of shit just like most cities in western massachusetts.if you go to the highlands,its nice,but latino gangs,and black gangs,and other degenerates hold neighborhoods hostages by encouraging prostitution(latin kings in holyoke pimp them)drug dealers,and violence. They are the.most disgusting of cultures,gangs,and in my book,should be handled NO QUARTER like the islamics threatening our interests overseas and here. Any thoughts?gangs are another self inflicted malady.i think in bad neighborhoods,to improve our quality if living,instead of appeasement,all force necessary should be used to eliminate the problem.
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Do you mean that they should be rounded up and held indefinitely without charges?
Do you mean that they should be rounded up and held indefinitely without charges?

Terrorists were not rounded up without intelligence,surveillance or proof. Law abiding citizens have rights,not terrorists,not gangs. Figures theyre pussies in groups,in areas where the law prevents citizens from arming to defend themselves. Im in south georgia. Pose a threat,and its a shoot first ask questions later scenarios. They arent here. This state also follows castle law in regards to citizens defense.
Anything that degenerates or lowers the quality of life of law abiding citizens should be eliminated.
Do you mean that they should be rounded up and held indefinitely without charges?

Terrorists were not rounded up without intelligence,surveillance or proof. Law abiding citizens have rights,not terrorists,not gangs. Figures theyre pussies in groups,in areas where the law prevents citizens from arming to defend themselves. Im in south georgia. Pose a threat,and its a shoot first ask questions later scenarios. They arent here. This state also follows castle law in regards to citizens defense.

You didn't really answer the question, but I knew the answer already.
As i stated previously,no terrorist was ever held without proof of crime or charge.same will be with gangs. This urban vermin will scraped out if the cities if i have my way. Law abiders have more rights than criminala. If you dont like the time,dont commut crime.
Latin and.drug streets gangs,should be classified as domestic terrorists
Aside from confusion by first 2 words, I agree completely. why limit to Latin? how about black or white gangs? but I also hear you, because I had the dispriviledge to live among these latino gangs in N Philadelphia, I don't have much sympathy for them, but I still have understanding not to judge people by race, because I've seen white and black scum as well...
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Latin and.drug streets gangs,should be classified as domestic terrorists
Aside from confusion by first 2 words, I agree completely. why limit to Latin? how about black or white gangs? but I also hear you, because I had the dispriviledge to live among these latino gangs in N Philadelphia, I don't have much sympathy for them, but I still have understanding not to judge people by race, because I've seen white and black scum as well...
Another joker who thinks fascism is the path to happiness. Gangs are a symptom of poverty, rather than doing something about urban blight and perhaps helping a few people you would just send in the army to act as police on our own soil. How many other laws that protect us from tyranny would you throw in the dumpster?
Another joker who thinks fascism is the path to happiness. Gangs are a symptom of poverty, rather than doing something about urban blight and perhaps helping a few people you would just send in the army to act as police on our own soil. How many other laws that protect us from tyranny would you throw in the dumpster?

That's a load of horsecrap. MS-13 is not a gang because of poverty, they enjoy making people suffer, they ENJOY it.
Law abiding citizens have rights,not terrorists,not gangs.

And there's the slippery slope right there.

First, terrorists don't have rights.


I say we add country music singers, NASCAR fans, and Suzanne Vega to the list.

And criminals. We absolutely must not let criminals have rights. This is America!
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This guy stinks, but he is an excellent illustration of how our country could jettison the legal protections we as a nation enjoy with just the right scapegoat. Miranda rights, a right to a speedy jury trial, posse comitatus, the constitution, are nothing but obstacles to one such as this.
Terrorists and gangs have no rights. Law abiding citizens do. Sorry quality of life abd public safety are priority over vermin scum. Scum have no rights. Criminals have been protected too long.
Terrorists and gangs have no rights. Law abiding citizens do. Sorry quality of life abd public safety are priority over vermin scum. Scum have no rights. Criminals have been protected too long.

You do realize that your statement is the textbook rationalization for fascism and has never led to more freedom for any citizen of any country that has ever abandoned reason and decided to tackle it's social problems by force?
Domestic terrorism for the sake of urban or regional issues is no excuse. Time to get rid of the problem so folks in urban areas can have a better quality of life without scum penetrating the lives oflaw abiding citizens. Holyoke,ma had a great conservative black policw chief anthont scott,who vested thousands of hours getting the garbage off the streets,only for luberal scum judges to repeatedly allow them back on the streets,even after 25-30 aerious offenses.well documented and well known. Time to get rid of the scum.
Terrorists and gangs have no rights. Law abiding citizens do. Sorry quality of life abd public safety are priority over vermin scum. Scum have no rights. Criminals have been protected too long.

You do realize that your statement is the textbook rationalization for fascism and has never led to more freedom for any citizen of any country that has ever abandoned reason and decided to tackle it's social problems by force?

Facism and communism is the pandering you are suggesting. Law abiding citizens are protected,gangs are domestic terrorists,and to say they have rights means you support them,and dont value a quality of life in the cities. Force us necessary to handle a threat to law abiding citizens,im sorry,but stop crying for one sticks a fun to anyones head for bad life chouces,and when those chouces affect the quality of life if abother,or interfere with anothers everyday life,it shall be handled accordingly.
Are you screwing with me or do you really believe this shit? It makes me nauseous to hear Americans talking like this. If you would deny basic rights to your fellow citizens then you do not deserve them for yourself.
Are you screwing with me or do you really believe this shit? It makes me nauseous to hear Americans talking like this. If you would deny basic rights to your fellow citizens then you do not deserve them for yourself.

Terrorists and gangs have no rights. They will not have priviledge,nor are they in my eyes,fellow citizens.
If you commit crime of this nature,you lose your rights. This will deter others to follow the same.

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