Leaked Components of Peace Plan


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
I've read some leaked components of Part 2 of President Trump's Deal of the century, which is the political part. (Part 1 is the economic part.)

1) Egypt will cede some of the Sinai to Gaza, so there will be more breathing room.
2) Hamas will be disbanded.
3) The Egyptians will build a seaport and airport for the expanded Gaza, and open their border to it.
4) Abu Dis will become the capital of a country to be called (get this!) "New Palestine."
5) Most of the important settlement blocs, like Gush Etzion, and Maalei Adumim, will go to Israel.
6) If either Israel or the Palestinians reject the Deal, then their aid would be cut off.
I question if peace is even possible.
They both want the same thing.
I've read some leaked components of Part 2 of President Trump's Deal of the century, which is the political part. (Part 1 is the economic part.)

1) Egypt will cede some of the Sinai to Gaza, so there will be more breathing room.
2) Hamas will be disbanded.
3) The Egyptians will build a seaport and airport for the expanded Gaza, and open their border to it.
4) Abu Dis will become the capital of a country to be called (get this!) "New Palestine."
5) Most of the important settlement blocs, like Gush Etzion, and Maalei Adumim, will go to Israel.
6) If either Israel or the Palestinians reject the Deal, then their aid would be cut off.

I like it! You know the Palestinians are going to reject it. Nothing could have given them more then Olmert willing to give
Enough time to do 'accounting of soul', about the so called victories and strong right.
Who decides the victories and Who has the power to raise or lower that right.
Especially with the dates preceding elections.

None of those who gave up lands on the Israeli ended well.
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I've read some leaked components of Part 2 of President Trump's Deal of the century, which is the political part. (Part 1 is the economic part.)

1) Egypt will cede some of the Sinai to Gaza, so there will be more breathing room.
2) Hamas will be disbanded.
3) The Egyptians will build a seaport and airport for the expanded Gaza, and open their border to it.
4) Abu Dis will become the capital of a country to be called (get this!) "New Palestine."
5) Most of the important settlement blocs, like Gush Etzion, and Maalei Adumim, will go to Israel.
6) If either Israel or the Palestinians reject the Deal, then their aid would be cut off.
It looks like BDS will not even break stride.
I've read some leaked components of Part 2 of President Trump's Deal of the century, which is the political part. (Part 1 is the economic part.)

1) Egypt will cede some of the Sinai to Gaza, so there will be more breathing room.
2) Hamas will be disbanded.
3) The Egyptians will build a seaport and airport for the expanded Gaza, and open their border to it.
4) Abu Dis will become the capital of a country to be called (get this!) "New Palestine."
5) Most of the important settlement blocs, like Gush Etzion, and Maalei Adumim, will go to Israel.
6) If either Israel or the Palestinians reject the Deal, then their aid would be cut off.
It looks like BDS will not even break stride.

So Your will invent some new fatwa threats,
different from the ones issued since the 1930's?
So from an Arab Palestinian point of view this is bad why?
I've read some leaked components of Part 2 of President Trump's Deal of the century, which is the political part. (Part 1 is the economic part.)

1) Egypt will cede some of the Sinai to Gaza, so there will be more breathing room.
2) Hamas will be disbanded.
3) The Egyptians will build a seaport and airport for the expanded Gaza, and open their border to it.
4) Abu Dis will become the capital of a country to be called (get this!) "New Palestine."
5) Most of the important settlement blocs, like Gush Etzion, and Maalei Adumim, will go to Israel.
6) If either Israel or the Palestinians reject the Deal, then their aid would be cut off.
It looks like BDS will not even break stride.

BDS will be just as impotent now as before.
I can’t see Hamas willingly being disbanded. They have fortunes made from decades of corruption and fraud to protect.
I can't imagine how much more Israel might want. Perhaps a pony?
I question if peace is even possible.
They both want the same thing.

Cant see Israel rejecting it
Indeed, the US took everything Israel wants and that is the plan.

Just like I predicted.

You know, Olmert gave them almost everything they wanted and they rejected it. Just as I predicted.

Let’s try this again; Why would Israel agree to anything that would forbid them from having access to the Western Wall? Again, I predict there will be no answer. Maybe those HASIDIC JEWS could help you! Keep posting !
What we’re looking at is a roll call of Islamic terrorist welfare scammers, a criminal syndicate that is terrified of any change to the status quo that has allowed them to amass incredible wealth through fraud and mismanagement.

The logic behind the "deal of the century":

"So, the DOC is intended to create a framework of legitimacy for normalization between the Arab world, excluding some countries that willingly or unwillingly are under Iranian influence, and Israel. It is based on the premise that the Palestinians would object to it, and that an agreement on the core issues will need to be further negotiated, in a process that can take years, but that will eventually have the Palestinians negotiating with a clear understanding of the balance of power between them and Israel, and not hallucinating that they can maintain maximalist demands forever, once their leverage, the joker card called normalization, is no longer theirs to hold hostage to."

Yes. Been saying this for years. The way to peace between Israel and Arab Palestinians is through the other Arab nations.

Perhaps a pony?

Who wouldn't want a pony?

The logic behind the "deal of the century":

"So, the DOC is intended to create a framework of legitimacy for normalization between the Arab world, excluding some countries that willingly or unwillingly are under Iranian influence, and Israel. It is based on the premise that the Palestinians would object to it, and that an agreement on the core issues will need to be further negotiated, in a process that can take years, but that will eventually have the Palestinians negotiating with a clear understanding of the balance of power between them and Israel, and not hallucinating that they can maintain maximalist demands forever, once their leverage, the joker card called normalization, is no longer theirs to hold hostage to."

Yes. Been saying this for years. The way to peace between Israel and Arab Palestinians is through the other Arab nations.

“Yes. Been saying this for years. The way to peace between Israel and Arab Palestinians is through the other Arab nations.”

I’m seeing that dynamic taking place. I think that Arab nations began losing interest in “Pal’istanians” a decade ago. That was a change brought about in large part by “Pal’istinians” losing their status as little more than a regional flail against Israel. The inertia of time and the changing political landscape have brought about real change. Arab nations, grudgingly, see Israel as a bulwark against Shia Iran and know full well that the Israeli military is their “best friend” opposing the Iranian mullahs.

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