Learning shortcuts and simplifiers


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
I'm guessing there may be a few of these to make a thread worthwhile.
I recall seeing this once before and forgot to post it somewhere. Just now saw it and here you go.
The video clip will explain this method. Looks shorter and easier than others, especially if you don't have a calculator (or slide rule like we had when I was in school);

The Japanese Way to Multiply Is So Much Cooler Than Ours​

You have to try it.

That is very cool and not something I was taught in school.

I was 12 when Sears came out with their first electronic calculator circa 1972. My dad bought one and we thought it was super cool. I remember it sold for $88.88.

It wasn't until my sophomore year in HS (1976) when they finally allowed calculators into math class, hand-held calculators were becoming common and I guess they realized they were here to stay.

But I think we lost something in the trade, kids are not taught to solve math problems by hand.

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