Let us see what Netanyahu does

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

129 Israeli children and 1,523 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

More will die unless they stop firing daily at Israel..............

They murdered 3 teens, and will pay a price for it...............

Tell them to stop waging terrorism against Israel and the world...........Israel has taken and given back land many times only to be fired on again.............

Those who complain about Israel should understand that the IDF could easily take the entire area any time they damn well please and send all of these people out of the area, but they don't.

Israel has a right to exist........The animals who refuse to accept them are the disease, not Israel.
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state.
If Hamas murdered those teens, it's blowback from Israel's actions in the '70s and '80s

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spare me your anti-Jew BS........Jews have lived in the region for a very long time.....This fight goes back thousands of years............

When Israel was created the arabs drove out Jews out of their countries bragging that they could all die in one place..........They asked their people to leave and that they could come back after all the Jews were dead................

They lost...........

Israel is a Nation, and that isn't going to change because of your Pravda about them stealing land...........You profess the BS of endless War there.............

Tell me about the Hebron massacre.............Tell me about the constant slaughter of Christians and Jews in the entire region.

Tell me about those ISIS dogs who just crucified 8 that didn't agree with their version of the Islamic Faith.

These people are rabid animals....Their BS is why this War is endless.
Perhaps a wholesale slaughter is in order...like what we should be doing to ISIS...

The Nazis of the Middle East, bombs will fall, as usual...

which is exactly what "palestinian" terrorists keep doing.

then they whine that israel returns fire. *Shrug*

which has nothing to do with the terrorist scum killing three innocent young men.

i hope israel takes 300 palestinians and holds them until the scum who killed the israeli boys are turned over for prosecution.
The Nazis of the Middle East, bombs will fall, as usual...

Your describing the Muslims. To a tee, I might add.
Iron Dome intercepts two rockets from Gaza over Netivot | JPost | Israel News

Sorry little man, I know the Zionist scum all too well. Hitler killed too many Jews but nearly enough Zionists...

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Perhaps a wholesale slaughter is in order...like what we should be doing to ISIS...

The Nazis of the Middle East, bombs will fall, as usual...

which is exactly what "palestinian" terrorists keep doing.

then they whine that israel returns fire. *Shrug*

which has nothing to do with the terrorist scum killing three innocent young men.

i hope israel takes 300 palestinians and holds them until the scum who killed the israeli boys are turned over for prosecution.
Israel will just slaughter 300 Palestinians, 200 hundred of them children. It's what Nazi Jews do.
Well we know that Obama will not do anything but point fingers.

Obama will do his best to kick this can down the road.

what should he do, start another unnecessary war?

a least what Ted Cruz did, say something about it... Obama had said noting until today. He also Praised the PA for their help. The same PA who just formed the coalition government with Hamas:cuckoo:


Sorry little man, I know the Zionist scum all too well. Hitler killed too many Jews but nearly enough Zionists...

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...
America and Palestine's Jews: What Lincoln Would Have Seen in Jerusalem

In his travelogue, Seward reported on important demographic details relating to the Jewish community of Jerusalem in 1871:

The population of Palestine is estimated at only 200,000.... Jerusalem is divided now according to its different classes of population. The Mohammedans are four thousand, and occupy the northeast quarter, including the whole area of the Mosque of Omar. The Jews are eight thousand; and have the southeast quarter.... The Armenians number eighteen hundred, and have the southwest quarter and the other Christians, amounting to twenty-two hundred, have the northwest quarter.


For many years, the small Jewish community in the ancient city of Hebron lived in peace with their tens of thousands of Arab neighbors. But, on the night of August 23, 1929, the tension simmering within this cauldron of nationalities bubbled over and for a period of three days, Hebron turned into a city of terror and murder as the Arab residents led a rampaging massacre against the bewildered and helpless Jewish community.

By the time the massacre ended, 67 Jews lay dead - their homes and synagogues destroyed - and the few hundred survivors were relocated to Jerusalem. The aftermath left Hebron barren of Jews for the first time in hundreds of years.

The Stolen land is a Lie............Jews were there, Period............They have a right to be there and the Nation is not going away.

Yet we have those who distort history and seek the destruction of Israel.

They can all kiss my butt.
Well we know that Obama will not do anything but point fingers.

Obama will do his best to kick this can down the road.

what should he do, start another unnecessary war?

a least what Ted Cruz did, say something about it... Obama had said noting until today. He also Praised the PA for their help. The same PA who just formed the coalition government with Hamas:cuckoo:

he did say something.

and nothing ted cruz says is relevant or worth listening to. he also can spew anything he wants because he isn't president and never will be.

Sorry little man, I know the Zionist scum all too well. Hitler killed too many Jews but nearly enough Zionists...

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

So happy and relieved you're a card carrying leftist.. STAY THERE..
Paint is a troll. He gets self satisfaction in pissing people off...........

That is because he is a pathetic troll, and that is all..............Just ignore the dumb ass and move along.
I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

So happy and relieved you're a card carrying leftist.. STAY THERE..

I know a religious slaughter of innocents, or modern-day Nazi when I see one. This isn't my first rodeo...
Sorry little man, I know the Zionist scum all too well. Hitler killed too many Jews but nearly enough Zionists...

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

Hey Paint.................

We kicked Mexico's ass and took Texas............Tell them to come and take it back........

We stole it.............with a can of ass whooping...............didn't we.

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