Let us see what Netanyahu does

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

Hey Paint.................

We kicked Mexico's ass and took Texas............Tell them to come and take it back........

We stole it.............with a can of ass whooping...............didn't we.
Remember the Alamo, where they they slaughtered the American squatters. As for taking it back, they are doing that one brown baby at a time. Carry on...
Paint is a troll. He gets self satisfaction in pissing people off...........

That is because he is a pathetic troll, and that is all..............Just ignore the dumb ass and move along.
If you don't like the hard truths, then go play with yourself little one...


You wouldn't know the truth if it reached up and bit you in your tiny.................

Which is why you are troll.......You have nothing down there at all.........
Wow, blowback for something that happened before most of those people were born.

You really are a retard and a half.
Actions have consequences.
Hamas wouldn't exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't been allowed to inflict their nation on twice as many Arabs in 1948, driving 700,000 Arabs into surrounding states. There's no shelf life for blowback, Bitch.
what should he do, start another unnecessary war?

a least what Ted Cruz did, say something about it... Obama had said noting until today. He also Praised the PA for their help. The same PA who just formed the coalition government with Hamas:cuckoo:

he did say something.

and nothing ted cruz says is relevant or worth listening to. he also can spew anything he wants because he isn't president and never will be.


Yeah... thank you Abbas for your help :doubt: Obama quote: "Abbas a man of peace":cuckoo:
Wow, blowback for something that happened before most of those people were born.

You really are a retard and a half.
Actions have consequences.
Hamas wouldn't exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't been allowed to inflict their nation on twice as many Arabs in 1948, driving 700,000 Arabs into surrounding states. There's no shelf life for blowback, Bitch.

And what the hell will they say when the IDF drives their sorry butts out of the whole damn region..............Blowback Bitch..........

This thread is about the murder of 3 Israeli teens by murdering thugs.

Blow back is coming bitch. From the IDF
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

Hey Paint.................

We kicked Mexico's ass and took Texas............Tell them to come and take it back........

We stole it.............with a can of ass whooping...............didn't we.
Remember the Alamo, where they they slaughtered the American squatters. As for taking it back, they are doing that one brown baby at a time. Carry on...

Which is why you love illegal immigration, and Obama of course...........

I'm not sure why you love Camels yet.
Paint is a troll. He gets self satisfaction in pissing people off...........

That is because he is a pathetic troll, and that is all..............Just ignore the dumb ass and move along.
If you don't like the hard truths, then go play with yourself little one...


You wouldn't know the truth if it reached up and bit you in your tiny.................

Which is why you are troll.......You have nothing down there at all.........
Sweetcheeks, you couldn't play at my level if I placed you on top of a ten foot ladder. Run to Mommy now, nite nite soon...
Hey Paint.................

We kicked Mexico's ass and took Texas............Tell them to come and take it back........

We stole it.............with a can of ass whooping...............didn't we.
Remember the Alamo, where they they slaughtered the American squatters. As for taking it back, they are doing that one brown baby at a time. Carry on...

Which is why you love illegal immigration, and Obama of course...........

I'm not sure why you love Camels yet.
Capitalists love illegal immigration, it keeps wages down. Why else do you think the borders haven't been closed in 60 years little man...
Bottom line.

The IDF is about to bust their asses for those 3 teens.........

And their isn't a damn thing the anti-Jew posters can do about it.
Bottom line.

The IDF is about to bust their asses for those 3 teens.........

And their isn't a damn thing the anti-Jew posters can do about it.

The IDF is about to blow shit up in revenge. It's what Nazi Jews do. Considering that they had no problem killing their own children, to encourage Jews to move to Israel, why would they be bothered killing those of the Palestinians? Answer, they aren't...
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News
Why not wait to find out the FBI's opinion concerning which side abducted and murdered the three teens?

"One of the teens, 16-year-old Naftali Frenkel, had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship and his family is from Brooklyn, N.Y.

FBI Director James Comey said the agency launched an investigation into the kidnapping as soon they went missing, since one of them is an American citizen."

Israeli PM Calls Killers of Three Israeli Teens 'Human Animals' - ABC News


The zionuts do not give a shit about evidence.

This incident provides them a golden opportunity to murder thousands of Palestinian Arabs women and children using WMD's provided by US taxpayers.

Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News
Your link has a LOT of chicks on the right side - French kissing, showing boobies, Palmera Anderson etc...
Sorry little man, I know the Zionist scum all too well. Hitler killed too many Jews but nearly enough Zionists...

I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

Dude, don't even go there. For every claim you and your Palestinian pals have, the Jews also have one.
Useless argument, don't waste USMB's bandwidth.
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.


Most Palestinian land remains in Jordan, fomerly known as Transjordan;
the Israelis have been forced to kick their butts a few times.



Mandatory Palestine


I'm just curious as to how a real sick fucking mind operates so tell us in your words, what constitutes a "Zionist?"
Anyone who thinks the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Is this news to you, they've been around for a few centuries now eh...

Dude, don't even go there. For every claim you and your Palestinian pals have, the Jews also have one.
Useless argument, don't waste USMB's bandwidth.
I won't, the land belongs to those willing to die to take it, only the Zionists can't be that honest, so they aren't. When they are slaughtered and pushed yet again into the sea, it's always just a matter of time (see history), so be it...
Bottom line.

The IDF is about to bust their asses for those 3 teens.........

And their isn't a damn thing the anti-Jew posters can do about it.

The IDF is about to blow shit up in revenge. It's what Nazi Jews do. Considering that they had no problem killing their own children, to encourage Jews to move to Israel, why would they be bothered killing those of the Palestinians? Answer, they aren't...

yes, jews should never defend themselves from terrorists, right?

seems to be a pretty common historic thread. but as i like saying to all the pro terrorist types, feel free to let me know what your objections are to the dozen musim countries, including those created by the UN like the UAE.

oh wait... the pro terrorist crown never has those objections.
Bottom line.

The IDF is about to bust their asses for those 3 teens.........

And their isn't a damn thing the anti-Jew posters can do about it.

The IDF is about to blow shit up in revenge. It's what Nazi Jews do. Considering that they had no problem killing their own children, to encourage Jews to move to Israel, why would they be bothered killing those of the Palestinians? Answer, they aren't...

yes, jews should never defend themselves from terrorists, right?

seems to be a pretty common historic thread. but as i like saying to all the pro terrorist types, feel free to let me know what your objections are to the dozen musim countries, including those created by the UN like the UAE.

oh wait... the pro terrorist crown never has those objections.
Do you have that in English?
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.

When 650,000 Jews were given the green light to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, crimes like three murdered teens in 2014 were guaranteed.

And it was set in motion long before 1948:

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Actually , the UK had no authority to create a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. But James Balfour wanted to show Chaim Weizmann, a leading Zionist, his gratitude for developing liquid acetone which allowed the UK to defeat Germany during WWI.

But the UK issued its White Paper in 1939 declaring the Balfour Declaration NULL AND FUCKING VOID.


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