'Let's Not Shoot These Kids': Florida Police Caught In Shootout With 12yo Boy, 14yo Girl

There aren't too many guns in the hands of irresponsible people...these guns were in a locked house....that is responsible.....
Even the NRA says responsible is to put them in a gun safe, use trigger locks, and keep the ammunition separate. None of that was done.
The firearms were locked up. The home was locked. Are you suggesting there is an obligation to lock firearms away from burglars?
While there is no legal obligation, anybody with a room temperature IQ would do so.
Think about the scenario of not doing it. A burglar shoots you with your own gun.
A loaded gun should always be kept on the nightstand by the bed.
Actually a loaded gun should always be kept within reach. Preferable on your person if you're going from room to room. But when leaving an empty house, lock them up so a burglar can't make use of them.
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....
the children are in foster care. That should answer your question.
so they had some shitty parents?.....or did both parents die?...
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....
the children are in foster care. That should answer your question.
so they had some shitty parents?.....or did both parents die?...
This boy and girl are not brother and sister. They didn't have the same parents. This older girl has a history of bad behavior. She burned her last foster home to the ground.
One of the news casters referred to them as Bonny & Clyde, I thought that was a bit harsh, now maybe not so much.
his is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child
Then don’t get a gun. I have repeatedly told associates of mine not to get a gun if you’re not capable and willing to use it to end someone’s life.

Wanting or not wanting to kill someone is immaterial. If they place themselves in a position to get shot, that's their mistake and they need to face those consequences.
And they are still alive even though the first article I read says that the deputies fired more than 60 rounds.

So they were intentionally not hitting the target, perhaps hoping the gunfire would scare them into putting their weapons down?
These kids were raised in bad conditions......but you want to blame guns......600 million guns in private hands, over 19.4 million Americans can carry guns for self defense in public

1.1 million Americans use guns each year to save lives from rape, brutal beatings, robberies and murder...

But two kids raised in horrible situations, the girl apparently had issues and set fires and the boy was in foster care.........but you want to blame guns...

This is why we don't take you seriously.
Did you read the article? These kids weren't armed until they broke into a house that had dozens of unsecured firearms, and readily available ammunition.

If the homeowner had simply locked his firearms up, none of this could have happened.
Would you mind defining what you mean by locking them up? Are you referring to a gun safe, a lock box, a locked room, this is a sincere request.
Would you mind defining what you mean by locking them up? Are you referring to a gun safe, a lock box, a locked room, this is a sincere request.
If there are a large number of guns, then use a gun safe for those you don't need for home defense. Those used for home defense should be either in a lock box, or have a trigger lock. When you get home, you unlock them, and when you leave the house empty, you lock them up.

These kids were raised in bad conditions......but you want to blame guns......600 million guns in private hands, over 19.4 million Americans can carry guns for self defense in public

1.1 million Americans use guns each year to save lives from rape, brutal beatings, robberies and murder...

But two kids raised in horrible situations, the girl apparently had issues and set fires and the boy was in foster care.........but you want to blame guns...

This is why we don't take you seriously.
Did you read the article? These kids weren't armed until they broke into a house that had dozens of unsecured firearms, and readily available ammunition.

If the homeowner had simply locked his firearms up, none of this could have happened.
The firearms were locked up. The home was locked. Are you suggesting there is an obligation to lock firearms away from burglars?
If the premises aren't secure, I'd say definitely lock them up, and even if the premises are secure, then there's nothing wrong with extra levels of security, especially for weapons and ammo.
What do you mean by if the premises aren't secure?
Would you mind defining what you mean by locking them up? Are you referring to a gun safe, a lock box, a locked room, this is a sincere request.
If there are a large number of guns, then use a gun safe for those you don't need for home defense. Those used for home defense should be either in a lock box, or have a trigger lock. When you get home, you unlock them, and when you leave the house empty, you lock them up.


Yep....as long as it isn't mandatory...because first you have mandatory requirements...then, like the British and Japanese, then you have home inspections......sorry, not going to support that crap.
Would you mind defining what you mean by locking them up? Are you referring to a gun safe, a lock box, a locked room, this is a sincere request.
If there are a large number of guns, then use a gun safe for those you don't need for home defense. Those used for home defense should be either in a lock box, or have a trigger lock. When you get home, you unlock them, and when you leave the house empty, you lock them up.


Mandatory Trigger locks, by the way, are unConstitutional.

As per the Heller decision...

3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment
Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.
Yep....as long as it isn't mandatory...because first you have mandatory requirements...then, like the British and Japanese, then you have home inspections......sorry, not going to support that crap.
The government shouldn't have to mandate common sense. But since there are far too many gun owners who don't have common sense, since there are no requirements you know anything about firearms in order to buy one, then there should be legal mandates, licensing, and regulation.
"Weapons everywhere!" You know that these weapons are illegal in the hands of children don't you? What's the solution to "weapons everywhere"? Maybe gestapo tactics and confiscation? Imagine how Mexican citizens felt when the American president shipped about 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels? Nobody was investigated or indicted or even fired when one of the weapons was used to kill an American Border officer.
Yep....as long as it isn't mandatory...because first you have mandatory requirements...then, like the British and Japanese, then you have home inspections......sorry, not going to support that crap.
The government shouldn't have to mandate common sense. But since there are far too many gun owners who don't have common sense, since there are no requirements you know anything about firearms in order to buy one, then there should be legal mandates, licensing, and regulation.

Yes....you are a fascist...you don't have to tell us, we can already tell by your posts....

In Britain, mandatory storage laws led to home inspections....sorry, ain't going to happen.....
Mandatory Trigger locks, by the way, are unConstitutional.

As per the Heller decision...

3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment
Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.
I'm referring to trigger locks for a gun left in an unoccupied home. As I said, when you get home you unlock your weapons, and lock them up before you leave.
Mandatory Trigger locks, by the way, are unConstitutional.

As per the Heller decision...

3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment
Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.
I'm referring to trigger locks for a gun left in an unoccupied home. As I said, when you get home you unlock your weapons, and lock them up before you leave.

I agree......not going to support any mandate from the government to do it.....if you lock up your home, you are good to go...if you simply leave them in your home, you are good to go...if some asshole breaks into your home, that is on them......and they should get a life sentence for stealing guns...that is how you keep people from stealing guns in the first place and then you don't have to worry about any other silliness of locks or fees, or licenses....

Life sentence if you steal a gun......
To me, a cop's job is to protect and serve, not let armed rodents run rampant. If you don't like cops being out there, blame those who are just like these two kids for being the reason why cops are even needed in the first place.

God bless you and our men and women in uniform always!!!

The government shouldn't have to mandate common sense. But since there are far too many gun owners who don't have common sense, since there are no requirements you know anything about firearms in order to buy one, then there should be legal mandates, licensing, and regulation.

Yes....you are a fascist...you don't have to tell us, we can already tell by your posts....

In Britain, mandatory storage laws led to home inspections....sorry, ain't going to happen.....
They don't need to be mandated if there is near universal voluntary compliance.

This is like the old ad campaign "lock it, and pocket the key." Because people used to leave their cars unlocked, and the keys inside.

Had people continued to do that, i'm sure they would have passed a law mandating it.
Mandatory Trigger locks, by the way, are unConstitutional.

As per the Heller decision...

3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment
Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.
I'm referring to trigger locks for a gun left in an unoccupied home. As I said, when you get home you unlock your weapons, and lock them up before you leave.
Expect to be burgled every time you leave the house.

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