'Let's Not Shoot These Kids': Florida Police Caught In Shootout With 12yo Boy, 14yo Girl

Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

Sorry......that argument is foolish.....

Gun control....

Do what we want now, or we will get mad and take everything.

Gun Control....

Okay, now, we want this.....and if you don't give us this, this time...we will get mad and take everything....

Gun Control...

Okay, now, we also want this and you better give us this even though we said we only wanted those other things......because if you don't give us this, now.....we will get mad and take everything....

Sorry....you tell the fuckers...nope....we are going to push our side, convince people you are fascists, and you can go fuck yourselves.....
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

You don't think like they do....that's why.

They don't care about guns being stored safely........they just know it now will cost you more to own your gun, and that some people will not want to have the hassle and the expense, and the safe taking up room....so they won't bother to get a gun........also....if they can get a mandatory law, then they can create an increased penalty if you fail to comply.......if you are burgled and they take your guns despite your gun safe? You then have to prove you actually locked up your guns, and you will still face the penalties of having your guns stolen....you won't have any benefit, just more expense and more risk...

It used to be just locks on your guns......now .....as you see in this post, that isn't enough...now they want a safe......will a safe on your nightstand be enough? Or will they next want a 700 pound safe bolted to your floor even if all you have is a .22 pistol.....

You had the Titan model A safe? Well according to new government regulations you need a Titan model B and if you don't get it, you will be committing a misdemeanor and will lose your gun rights forever......

You still don't understand how they think, and how they will fight this fight....
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Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.
Those are safety methods so children living in the home do not have access to weapons. Not to make sure burglars can't get them,
Great for both..
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

Sorry......that argument is foolish.....

Gun control....

Do what we want now, or we will get mad and take everything.

Gun Control....

Okay, now, we want this.....and if you don't give us this, this time...we will get mad and take everything....

Gun Control...

Okay, now, we also want this and you better give us this even though we said we only wanted those other things......because if you don't give us this, now.....we will get mad and take everything....

Sorry....you tell the fuckers...nope....we are going to push our side, convince people you are fascists, and you can go fuck yourselves.....
Listen you numbskull, people just like you are why the government is the way it is today, and why it takes advantage of you, because you lack the damn common sense the good Lord gave to a knat. Sorry, but that's the problem we are having today (people with no common sense anymore), and if you think that I'm not on the conservative side of all issues being a conservative myself, then you are the extremist here. I mean you actually pulled the damned race card to try and make a point. Good grief.
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

You don't think like they do....that's why.

They don't care about guns being stored safely........they just know it now will cost you more to own your gun, and that some people will not want to have the hassle and the expense, and the safe taking up room....so they won't bother to get a gun........also....if they can get a mandatory law, then they can create an increased penalty if you fail to comply.......if you are burgled and they take your guns despite your gun safe? You then have to prove you actually locked up your guns, and you will still face the penalties of having your guns stolen....you won't have any benefit, just more expense and more risk...

It used to be just locks on your guns......now .....as you see in this post, that isn't enough...now they want a safe......will a safe on your nightstand be enough? Or will they next want a 700 pound safe bolted to your floor even if all you have is a .22 pistol.....

You had the Titan model A safe? Well according to new government regulations you need a Titan model B and if you don't get it, you will be committing a misdemeanor and will lose your gun rights forever......

You still don't understand how they think, and how they will fight this fight....
Oh I understand how they think, and yes you are right on alot of points, but then you just go bonkers attempting to clean up someone's damned mess that they caused in hopes to keep the government at bay over it. The problem we have today, is that we're not dealing with the same citizenry that we were dealing with years ago, so we have to adjust to the threat's, and to the government who is also dealing with the same situation's even if they created alot of it.
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

Sorry......that argument is foolish.....

Gun control....

Do what we want now, or we will get mad and take everything.

Gun Control....

Okay, now, we want this.....and if you don't give us this, this time...we will get mad and take everything....

Gun Control...

Okay, now, we also want this and you better give us this even though we said we only wanted those other things......because if you don't give us this, now.....we will get mad and take everything....

Sorry....you tell the fuckers...nope....we are going to push our side, convince people you are fascists, and you can go fuck yourselves.....
Listen you numbskull, people just like you are why the government is the way it is today, and why it takes advantage of you, because you lack the damn common sense the good Lord gave to a knat. Sorry, but that's the problem we are having today (people with no common sense anymore), and if you think that I'm not on the conservative side of all issues being a conservative myself, then you are the extremist here. I mean you actually pulled the damned race card to try and make a point. Good grief.



Please....take this because we know if we don't give it to you you will get mad and take more....

Oh....you want more.....well, take that too because we know if we make you mad you will take more....

Ummmm....You want even more...but, like, you said if we did the last two things that that is all you wanted and you would leave us alone.........no? Oh, okay, then take this too......cause again, if we make you mad you will take everything....

Back again? But....okay, I'll shut up...just don't hurt me.......
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

Sorry......that argument is foolish.....

Gun control....

Do what we want now, or we will get mad and take everything.

Gun Control....

Okay, now, we want this.....and if you don't give us this, this time...we will get mad and take everything....

Gun Control...

Okay, now, we also want this and you better give us this even though we said we only wanted those other things......because if you don't give us this, now.....we will get mad and take everything....

Sorry....you tell the fuckers...nope....we are going to push our side, convince people you are fascists, and you can go fuck yourselves.....
Listen you numbskull, people just like you are why the government is the way it is today, and why it takes advantage of you, because you lack the damn common sense the good Lord gave to a knat. Sorry, but that's the problem we are having today (people with no common sense anymore), and if you think that I'm not on the conservative side of all issues being a conservative myself, then you are the extremist here. I mean you actually pulled the damned race card to try and make a point. Good grief.

Didn't say you weren't a conservative.....I am saying you don't understand the left....and why they demand what they demand....and why giving them a bite at the time just allows them to digest the entire apple......sorry......you don't win by losing a baby step at a time...
Gun owners are amazingly responsible but when criminals break the law, break into homes, it isn't the fault of the home owner.......
This is why even the NRA agrees with guns having trigger locks, being kept in gun safes, and keeping the guns completely separate from the ammunition.

None of that was done.

Until you need the gun....you mean except for that...right? When the guy is in your home and you don't have 10 minutes to get to the safe, punch in the code, take out the gun, find the key to the trigger lock, unlock the lock, then go to where you keep the ammo, and, I imagine you want that in a separate safe too.........then load the gun....

The guy, or guys are in your home, likely armed.....but the 30 steps you need to deploy your weapon....I am sure they will wait till you get all the steps done...


These guns were in a locked house....they broke the law.....

If we let idiots like you set up mandatory storage rules then we will have to eventually store the keys to the gun locks at a police station or gun store and get written permission to access those keys before we can unlock the guns...

Sorry, no thanks.

They broke into a home......this is on them.
To start with, you are carrying your concealed weapon while you are away from the home, so if you return home and it's being robbed, then 1st you contact the law, and you get them on the way while you secure the perimeter. If you surprise the criminal's because you walked in on them, then hopefully you get the drop on them before they get you with your own guns left in an unsafe manor. But if you have your weapons secured, then you have the upper hand if they didn't bring the weapons with them. If you have your home secured, then you have the upper hand again, because hopefully their weaponry won't be as good as what you are carrying on your person. If they get the drop on you, then the the only hope is that the 9-11 call you might have made in the first senario (if you couldn't wait on them before going in) will have the police on the way in order to secure the location again, hopefully save you, and deal with the burglar's before they escape. The second situation is just going to be you and them if they get surprised.

I agree.....

But I will never support government mandates on storing your guns in your own home....that leads to draconian rules meant to entrap normal gun owners....not going to support it.

And I had a situation where we came home and the door was open.........we left the door open accidentally as it turned out....I didn't enter, I called the police....they searched the house...I didn't "secure the perimeter," I let them do it...that is how you do it...I also informed them that I had guns in the home........
Guns were secure, good work.

Yep....then the criminals broke in and stole them.

What you don't understand is there is no security level that will be acceptable to the anti-gun extremists.......and they want all locks and safes to be mandatory.....barring a lot of people from owning or carrying guns.......and then will come the home inspections to make sure you are following every single "i" and "t" they want you to dot and cross......

Life sentence if you steal guns.....that is how you stop this........but you want to help them make it impossible for normal people to own and carry guns......you think this is a ratinal, legitimate demand....it is not......they want mandatory locks and safes not for safety, but as an impediment to own and carry guns especially for the poor and minorities....it is also racist at its core...
I understand your fears of government, because I see it also big time these days, but if these things aren't addressed properly by we the citizen's, then the government that you fear will become a reality, because it's going to use or exploit everything to it's advantage, so if you leave the door open (metaphorically speaking), then the government is going to exploit that open doorway whether you and I like it or not. Most citizen's lock and secure their weapons, so I really don't think that we have an issue on our hands because of this case.

Sorry......that argument is foolish.....

Gun control....

Do what we want now, or we will get mad and take everything.

Gun Control....

Okay, now, we want this.....and if you don't give us this, this time...we will get mad and take everything....

Gun Control...

Okay, now, we also want this and you better give us this even though we said we only wanted those other things......because if you don't give us this, now.....we will get mad and take everything....

Sorry....you tell the fuckers...nope....we are going to push our side, convince people you are fascists, and you can go fuck yourselves.....
Listen you numbskull, people just like you are why the government is the way it is today, and why it takes advantage of you, because you lack the damn common sense the good Lord gave to a knat. Sorry, but that's the problem we are having today (people with no common sense anymore), and if you think that I'm not on the conservative side of all issues being a conservative myself, then you are the extremist here. I mean you actually pulled the damned race card to try and make a point. Good grief.

Didn't say you weren't a conservative.....I am saying you don't understand the left....and why they demand what they demand....and why giving them a bite at the time just allows them to digest the entire apple......sorry......you don't win by losing a baby step at a time...
I am a conservative, vote republican, and work for a living. I know what you are saying, but giving the government the keys to the car when we know it can't drive is just ludicrous. I ain't giving them those key's, so my guns are in the safe except for the one I carry.

It's actually sad we had to even have to deal with this in front of the government, because it never sleeps trying to destroy conservatism in this country.
Weapons everywhere.
Yes, and they need to be secured.

Every gunowner must take steps to ensure his guns are secured; had that been the case in this situation, this shooting wouldn’t have happened.

Every gunowner must assume his home will be broken into at some point.

My guns are kept in a safe – as an added precaution, the AKs have padlocks through the receiver/mag well; the AR 15s have cable locks through the ejection port/mag well.

With rights come responsibilities.
If we take all those precautions, and we pass background checks with flying colors, we should be allowed to posses full-autos, right?
Weapons everywhere.
Yes, and they need to be secured.

Every gunowner must take steps to ensure his guns are secured; had that been the case in this situation, this shooting wouldn’t have happened.

Every gunowner must assume his home will be broken into at some point.

My guns are kept in a safe – as an added precaution, the AKs have padlocks through the receiver/mag well; the AR 15s have cable locks through the ejection port/mag well.

With rights come responsibilities.
If we take all those precautions, and we pass background checks with flying colors, we should be allowed to posses full-autos, right?
If you pass the Class III qualifications, sure. You can own a tank if you want to hard enough.
I applaud gun owners who promote gun safety, but I don't think that is our most pressing gun-related problem these days.

This story particularly is just saddening to me. I don't know what kind of Sid Vicious monster is lurking inside that 14-year-old, but a 12-year-old is just so young to be caught up in this kind of dumb violence. Best case scenario, I imagine the young one will be in lifetime therapy.
How did the 12 year old, and the 14 year old get their hands on the weapons and ammo if they were secure or locked up ??
They broke into the home.......a home that was locked and secured.
Apparently the home wasn't well secured if a 14 year old girl could break into it. All they did was break a window to get in.

The homeowner had recently left and said no one should be at the residence but that there was an AK-47, a pump shotgun, a handgun and 200 rounds of ammunition inside, records show.
Greetings. Instead of characterizing apparent emotionally troubled young citizens as THUGS, how about law enforcement and American Society@Large begin viewing most children engaging in Anti-social behaviors, as kids who THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, SUFFERED a potential life scarring medical disease known as Childhood Trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences! (ACEs).

My friends, 12 years as a Brooklyn, New York cop assure me the following SCIENTIFIC Medical Research is valid.

MD, PhD SCIENTIST spills the beans to Oprah about how Childhood Trauma affects ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Bruce D. Perry - Early Brain Development - Reducing The Effects Of Trauma:

(Dr. Perry clearly explains the physiological changes to a child's brain when exposed to trauma)

Cali Surgeon General explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:


☮️♥️ EndHate2021


  • Dear_Mom_Tupac_Iceman.jpg
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Greetings. Instead of characterizing apparent emotionally troubled young citizens as THUGS, how about law enforcement and American Society@Large begin viewing most children engaging in Anti-social behaviors, as kids who THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, SUFFERED a potential life scarring medical disease known as Childhood Trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences! (ACEs).

My friends, 12 years as a Brooklyn, New York cop assure me the following SCIENTIFIC Medical Research is valid.

MD, PhD SCIENTIST spills the beans to Oprah about how Childhood Trauma affects ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Bruce D. Perry - Early Brain Development - Reducing The Effects Of Trauma:

(Dr. Perry clearly explains the physiological changes to a child's brain when exposed to trauma)

Cali Surgeon General explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:


☮️♥️ EndHate2021

So treat the children without feverishly going after the abusers of the children, otherwise who caused the problem in the first place ??? How about beginning or starting by making strict laws and super heavy fines immediate, otherwise as a deterrent of future children being hurt by those who keep throwing gasoline on the fire these days, and are doing so because they have no fear of the justice system now ??
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You do realize that if you lock your doors and windows when you leave that the gun in your home is secured don't you
You do realize that locked doors and windows can easily be broken into, and that an unsecured gun in your home is in fact not secured.

Apparently for some this is difficult to understand.
You do realize that if you lock your doors and windows when you leave that the gun in your home is secured don't you
You do realize that locked doors and windows can easily be broken into, and that an unsecured gun in your home is in fact not secured.

Apparently for some this is difficult to understand.

No...it isn't... You lock your doors you guns are secure......if someone breaks in, they have broken the law...

We know what you guys will do...first it was just gun locks, now you are pushing for all gun owners to get safes......and then the punishment will be created if you don't get a safe....then you will increase the requirements for that safe. And then, you will increase the penalties if the safes are not up to your evolving standards and then, after all that, you will still punish people who have their guns stolen.....since 2 kids stealing guns are rare, while actual trained, robbery crews who target gun owners will still crack the safes and get the guns.....

And yes, gangs have dedicated robbery crews who target gun owners...in California, the baby mommas work for the Secretary of States office and have all the access for who owns guns .........
Until you need the gun

I keep a handgun unsecured when I’m home.

When I leave home it’s either secured or comes with me.

This isn’t difficult to understand – one can be both a responsible gunowner and maintain personal security.
You do realize that if you lock your doors and windows when you leave that the gun in your home is secured don't you
A safe designed to secure weapons, has a different level of security built into it, that's because it's a weapon that it's attempting to secure, otherwise as opposed to the Windows and doors on your home etc. The gun safe is designed with far greater thought going into it than the lock on your Windows or door's had designed into them. It's simple really, otherwise you might hide a $10.00 dollar bill from your brother in a cookie jar, but if it's a thousand dollar bill you would up the level by putting in a "safe" or rather find a super safer place if you didn't want him to steal it from you.

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