Let's say RFK Jr. is Democrat presidential nominee, and the Republican is a RINO - who do you vote for?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.

The Rino.......any democrat is going to empower the democrat party, and that democrat will vote for most, if not all of the democrat agenda.....a Rino is not my choice, but will simply be a holding action...
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.

The rino is the lesser of two evils....the democrats are simply pure evil.....racist, sexist, anti-semitic, America hating.......a rino is the lesser of two evils...
RFK is batshit crazy but I totally plan to vote for him in the primaries. As for the general, I will vote for anybody but Biden, Trump, or Desantis. A.N.Y.B.O.D.Y
RFK jr is a bad choice, he supports the government creating a new economy, all based on Green Renewable Energy.

RFK is a nut......it isn't that he doesn't trust the Chinese flu vaccines....he doesn't trust any vaccines.....
RFK is a nut......it isn't that he doesn't trust the Chinese flu vaccines....he doesn't trust any vaccines.....
thats not true at all,he has said many times he is not against vaccines,he is just against the covid vaccine killshot and has spoken of the dangers of it many times.

i would love trump back,he is the first potus sense JFK not part of the corrupt two party system but i would much rather have RFK jr anyday of the year over trump because trum lied,he said he would release all the JFK files before getting elected and he only released a portion of them.forget releasing the files Americnas want a REAL investigation into the murders of his father and his uncle,trump will never do that,RFK WOULD,that more than anything is WHY it would be the happiest day of my life if he got elected which will never happen,he will never even get the nominee.
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.
I'd vote for the Republican over any Democrat because they are so liberal and even if they weren't, the woke mob will run them over. The challenge with RFK is his speech problem. Not sure if he could handle even Biden. It would be a very difficult thing to watch for sure.
Or you can vote for the guy who can do the job and can put together an effective team.

RFK Jr. is a nutty fringe character, and the only reason ANYONE is paying attention to him is that his Dad was famous.
If he or she can be controlled by the establishment and or other nations like in the case of Biden we will never get the leadership we deserve...
The RINO...

The Democrats have lost their way... and their minds...

If the Republicans run anybody BUT Trump I will be voting Republican in 2024...

Otherwise, it's a toss-up between the Crazy People, a Dark Horse, Third Party, or sitting that one out...
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.
RFK over anyone but Trump
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while I don't agree with several of his political views, I still like him, and find him to be genuine AND someone who does love America. The Democrats don't want to have primary debates and it's obvious why. After a few debates RFK Jr. would easily win the nomination - they only thing that would prevent that is the deep state and rich global radical left elite - their rigging the election against him, like they did against Trump in 2020. So, let's say RFK Jr. is able to overcome a multitude of obstacles against him and clinch the Democrat ticket. And let's say the so called Republican Party rigs their primary to give RINO sewage like Fatso, Chris Christie or Asshole Hutchinson. My question is for the Republican voters and conservative minded people in this forum. do you vote for RFK Jr. or do you THINK you are voting for YOUR perception of the lesser of two evils by voting RINO?

For me, if RFK Jr. is the Democrat nominee, I would not view RFK Jr. in the lesser of two evils category, I truly believe he is a good person who loves America, but is someone I disagree with on several issues. When it comes to a RINO, if there is anything that is more disgusting and evil than a pedophile, it is a RINO. I would have to think for a long period of time as to something outside of the Soros family and Bill Gates that is more evil than a RINO. RINOs and today's Democrat party are glowing examples of Cisero's "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." quote. RFK Jr would NOT fall into Cisero's quote.

When I turned 18, I registered Republican. While I suspected it even in high school that the Democrat Party and Republican Party were two cheeks of the same buttocks, I still registered for at that time what I perceived to be the lesser of two evils - Republican Party. It wasn't long before I could no longer take the GOPs faux facade of wrapping themselves in the flag and proclaiming themselves to be patriots in comparison to George Washington etc. I had enough of their lies and betrayal, they espoused limited government all while increasing the size of government. I switched to the Libertarian Party. A few years ago a registered as American Independent.

So, now that I ranted longer than I expected, and as usual my post is longer than I originally intended it to be, getting back on the original intent of this post, I will answer my own question. If it is RFK Jr vs a RINO, I will have RFK Jr. bumper stickers on all of our vehicles, I will wear in RFK Jr. hat, while I do not have much free time, I would volunteer a small portion of my time campaigning for RFK Jr. I will vote for RFK Jr. over a RINO. And yes, I would vote for RFK Jr. over Ron DeSantis, there is just something about DeSantis I just flat out do NOT like.

In closing, for those GOP voters, do not view a RINO as a lesser of two evils vs a Democrat, a RINO is the worst of two evils, because the RINO is lying to you about who they are, at least their Democrat opponent is running as who they REALLY are.
I will not vote for a democrat. Much as I dislike Trump, I will vote for him in the general over any democrat for the simple reason that their policies and their agenda are disastrous for this country. And it may well be that one or more SCOTUS justices will be replaced during the next presidency and I do not want another progressive liberal court.

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