Letting Joe Biden Stay as President is an Insult to the American People

The Democrat Party has shown utter contempt for the American people by refusing to allow a mentally handicapped President to be removed from office. Joe Biden has already been judged incompetent to stand trial, and his subsequent actions have confirmed that he is unable to perform his official duties. They have made a mockery of the Presidency by allowing it to effectively stay vacant for over two years while the country has been embroiled in military conflicts abroad and an unlawful invasion of foreign nationals at home.

For God's sake, are we going to throw our nation's fate to the winds until next January? Do any of you think that no major decisions will need to be made until then? Do you think that unelected and unaccountable people should be running our government? Isn't that a real attack on democracy?
Biden is not mentally handicapped. He was not judged incompetant to stand trial. Noneof his actions have confrmed that heis unable to perform his duties. The presidency has not been vacated, the US is attempts at diplomacy is not being embroiled in conflicts and there is no invasion going on here. Nothing you say is happening. You are insane.
Jeezus - you dingbats elect a geriatric nutcase and then have the audacity to whine about Biden? At least Biden knows who won the 2020 election, Trump doesn't even know that or how to pronounce "Yosemite".

Or oranges.
Only a paid hack, or someone posting from a padded cell, would believe that.

Mr. magatard, just get used to call Kamala, Madame President
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They have to keep Biden in office. If they booted him everyone would see Harris has no intention of keeping any of her campaign promises.
The Democrats are in control of the White House and the Senate. Any 25th Amendment action to remove Biden would need their blessing. Do you seriously think the Republicans would block this?

What SHOULD happen is the Vice President and the Cabinet declare the President unfit to serve. The Vice President then assumes the power of the President. Upon confirmation by Congress, the Vice President assumes the office of President and nominates a new Vice President.

Of course, the Democrats feel free to ignore Constitutional provisions whenever they find them politically inconvenient, even when they put the country in jeopardy.

So, no one has tried and no one has tried to stop them.

Why lie?
The Democrat Party has shown utter contempt for the American people by refusing to allow a mentally handicapped President to be removed from office. Joe Biden has already been judged incompetent to stand trial, and his subsequent actions have confirmed that he is unable to perform his official duties. They have made a mockery of the Presidency by allowing it to effectively stay vacant for over two years while the country has been embroiled in military conflicts abroad and an unlawful invasion of foreign nationals at home.

For God's sake, are we going to throw our nation's fate to the winds until next January? Do any of you think that no major decisions will need to be made until then? Do you think that unelected and unaccountable people should be running our government? Isn't that a real attack on democracy?
The so called journalists really need to hit Harris hard on why she aided in the Biden cover up. But, they won't, and it probably wouldn't help the Trump ticket much if they had to do the journalist's work. Yet another reason why Harris doesn't want to talk to the media. Better to let Oprah interview her.
The Democrat Party has shown utter contempt for the American people by refusing to allow a mentally handicapped President to be removed from office. Joe Biden has already been judged incompetent to stand trial, and his subsequent actions have confirmed that he is unable to perform his official duties. They have made a mockery of the Presidency by allowing it to effectively stay vacant for over two years while the country has been embroiled in military conflicts abroad and an unlawful invasion of foreign nationals at home.

For God's sake, are we going to throw our nation's fate to the winds until next January? Do any of you think that no major decisions will need to be made until then? Do you think that unelected and unaccountable people should be running our government? Isn't that a real attack on democracy?

Go to sleep little boy... Dow--another record high close. Crimes down, the market is up. If he’s sleeping, lets give the next president a sleeping pill.
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I love Republicans. Most of my bosses are Republicans. Most of my rich friends are Republicans. That's why it's funny when Republicans here say Democrats are the party for the rich. Certainly not my rich friends. They're all Republicans.

I just don't love Republican policies. Their policies have made the rich richer and the middle class poorer. I just want the right to form a union and insist on having a seat at the table. In the last 40 years labor lost it's seat at the table and all the raises have gone to the rich.

Let me show you America and you tell me where you fall

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Sometime around age 50, the average American can now expect a household net worth exceeding $1 million.

Smart people are generally successful and generally Republican. Tell us something we don't know.
Smart people are generally successful and generally Republican. Tell us something we don't know.
Republicans here try to suggest democrats are the party for the rich. CEOs are all republicans. Fiscally conservative. So would I be if I had all the power. That’s why democrats like unions.

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