Levin: Let The Whole Damn Thing Collapse

The agencies' budgets include their respective pension outlays; Therefore the ~$600B I cited includes those amounts.

Maybe I admit it's a problem, maybe not. But first we have to agree on the numbers. I really feel we can't go on any further if we can't. And I hope we do. This will be a nice debate if it stays friendly and we :trolls:.

I thought we were told that just a few years ago the Clinton administration had a surplus.... yet now we are being told that we can't get that back without major tax increases? After all the added spending that the Bush and Obama administrations have already made? We can't do it? There's some BS in there somewhere.

According to GAO, to grow out of the problem would require double-digit GDP growth for the next 75 years.

According to Ben Bernanke in April of this year:
Unfortunately, we cannot grow our way out of this problem. No credible forecast suggests that future rates of growth of the U.S. economy will be sufficient to close these deficits without significant changes to our fiscal policies.

Also, nobody's calling for major tax increases - The only thing that was ever on the table by anyone this year was a 4.6% increase on wage earners making over $250k - And only on those wages above $250k.

I'm not saying it can't be both. But whatever it is, it's got to be sane and reside somewhere near the real world. Blind ideology does not solve problems, no matter how aggressive its proponents.

There was never any consideration of those tax increases being accompanied by any real spending cuts "on the table."
There was never any consideration of those tax increases being accompanied by any real spending cuts "on the table."

Blind ideology does not solve problems, no matter how aggressive its proponents.

It isn't blind ideology to expect that the government cut itself as they expect Families to do.

It's the prudent thing to do.
There was never any consideration of those tax increases being accompanied by any real spending cuts "on the table."

Blind ideology does not solve problems, no matter how aggressive its proponents.

It isn't blind ideology to expect that the government cut itself as they expect Families to do.

It's the prudent thing to do.

Then tell me what you want to cut. "Entitlements" is not an answer. I need program names. You are $1.2T from a balanced budget.
Blind ideology does not solve problems, no matter how aggressive its proponents.

It isn't blind ideology to expect that the government cut itself as they expect Families to do.

It's the prudent thing to do.

Then tell me what you want to cut. "Entitlements" is not an answer. I need program names. You are $1.2T from a balanced budget.

Article 1 Section 8.

No more be said.
The Omnibus bill looks like it might crash.....
Will go to sleep tonight and before I'm out will ask for Santa to make it so.
It isn't blind ideology to expect that the government cut itself as they expect Families to do.

It's the prudent thing to do.

Then tell me what you want to cut. "Entitlements" is not an answer. I need program names. You are $1.2T from a balanced budget.

Article 1 Section 8.

No more be said.

Oh gawd... What a perfectly silly answer you silly, silly man.
Translation: "I lost the argument and have zero left..."


Spouting jingoistic nonsense and promptly declaring victory does not a winner make. Some day you'll wake up and realize how dumb you are.

Translation: " I again reinterate I have nothing left to speak cogently of..."

Translation: "I'm a loser, and a class A pussy so I overcompensate with jingoistic sillyness and insulting people on the internets."
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