Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")

and you have proof this came from whichever middle school/high school/college they attended?
Where else would it come from? Hatred has to be taught.

lets see... where else could children learn hatred from birth if not a school.... hint: where does racism and its continued propagation come from in most places. or for newer generations: what about the Internet? I admit that due to going to catholoci school etc I had a pretty "america can do no and has never done wrong" thought system until I started researching stuff online on my own
Part of leftism is indeed hatred of America. This is undeniable. One of the bastions of leftism is academia. This is also undeniable.

It stands to reason that leftists in academia are teaching their hatred.
have you seen the recent reform of education in texas?
And the people pushing that are representative of ALL, exactly?

You keep proving my point.

and which conservatives spoke out against it vs those that defended it?

I don't have a link, but me, for one. Faith should be taught in the home and in the church and in religious schools. It has no place in secular schools.
Where else would it come from? Hatred has to be taught.

lets see... where else could children learn hatred from birth if not a school.... hint: where does racism and its continued propagation come from in most places. or for newer generations: what about the Internet? I admit that due to going to catholoci school etc I had a pretty "america can do no and has never done wrong" thought system until I started researching stuff online on my own
Part of leftism is indeed hatred of America. This is undeniable. One of the bastions of leftism is academia. This is also undeniable.

It stands to reason that leftists in academia are teaching their hatred.

and yet you provide no real evidence

most liberals are NOT leftists

most liberals do NOT hate America

I know LOTS of people who have gone to college in the past 30 years and not one of them has come as a leftist or reported any left wing bias in their colleges
No, you're not.

have you seen the recent reform of education in texas?
And the people pushing that are representative of ALL, exactly?

You keep proving my point.


i didn't see one conservative speak out against it

did YOU speak out against it?

I did hear some conservative radio talk show hosts AGREE with it

and I did hear many of their callers call in and AGREE with it...

were you one of them?
Part of leftism is indeed hatred of America. This is undeniable. One of the bastions of leftism is academia. This is also undeniable.

It stands to reason that leftists in academia are teaching their hatred.

and what exactly do you consider hatred of america?

also it doesnt "reason" at all that just because one "hates" america that they teach it in their classrooms. most are professinal enough to leave their own views out on top of that the fact that not all classes are political.

based on your posts I would bet a good bit of money you never went to college for any length of time.
And the people pushing that are representative of ALL, exactly?

You keep proving my point.

and which conservatives spoke out against it vs those that defended it?

I don't have a link, but me, for one. Faith should be taught in the home and in the church and in religious schools. It has no place in secular schools.

so you are against teaching intelligent design in public schools then? awesome!
All I know is that 'political science', is not really science.
And, that, real, 'pure scientific paradigms', are suppressed, when it is politicized.
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

Being anti DoE, AFT & NEA isn't anti-education, no matter how many times you want to try and claim that it is.

I'm sure they know the difference. Most Conservatives are anti-union especially when it comes to the preservation of their jobs versus doing their jobs...And sadly? Indoctrination, and history revisionism isn't quite doing one's job, is it?

Just look at the graduates these days? Boggles the mind that many cannot read their diplomas.

In another thread it was suggested that Hitler could not possibly be a Leftist (he was) because the first people he supposed went after was the "Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")"

I laughed so hard I snorted.

There are thousands of posters here at USMB, who among them would be considered "Liberal Intellectual Elite", I mean besides Jake Starkey, cause he's a "Republican"

I'm laughing again.

Can anybody nominate a poster as LIE?

Mao, Stalin, Hitler, the Ayatollah, all murderous dictators go after the educated liberals first. Always. Because of the threat of not following. In Cambodia, if you were discovered wearing glasses, you were killed.

When the current Republican Party screams "we want our country back" and threaten with guns, who are they threatening? No ones rights are gone. We are paying the least amount of taxes in the last 50 years.

When you have the right yelling at the "government" to "Stay away from my Medicare", do they even know where Medicare comes from?

And their own leaders call them "Hobos and bums" for being unemployed, and still they blindly follow. Just the way the Germans followed Hitler.
lets see... where else could children learn hatred from birth if not a school.... hint: where does racism and its continued propagation come from in most places. or for newer generations: what about the Internet? I admit that due to going to catholoci school etc I had a pretty "america can do no and has never done wrong" thought system until I started researching stuff online on my own
Part of leftism is indeed hatred of America. This is undeniable. One of the bastions of leftism is academia. This is also undeniable.

It stands to reason that leftists in academia are teaching their hatred.

and yet you provide no real evidence

most liberals are NOT leftists

most liberals do NOT hate America

I know LOTS of people who have gone to college in the past 30 years and not one of them has come as a leftist or reported any left wing bias in their colleges
Thank you for your meaningless anecdotal evidence.

Meanwhile, for proof of liberal bias in academia, see here:
  • The overall ratio of Democrats to Republicans we were able to identify at the 32 schools was more than 10 to 1 (1397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).
  • Although in the nation at large registered Democrats and Republicans are roughly equal in number, not a single department at a single one of the 32 schools managed to achieve a reasonable parity between the two. The closest any school came to parity was Northwestern University where 80% of the faculty members we identified were registered Democrats who outnumbered registered Republicans by a ratio of 4-1.
  • At other schools we found these representations of registered faculty Democrats to Republicans:

  • Brown 30-1
    Bowdoin, Wellesley 23-1
    Swarthmore 21-1
    Amherst, Bates 18-1
    Columbia, Yale 14-1
    Pennsylvania, Tufts, UCLA and Berkeley 12-1
    Smith 11-1
  • At no less than four elite schools we could not identify a single Republican on the faculty:
    Williams 51 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    Oberlin 19 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    MIT 17 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    Haverford 15 Democrats, 0 Republicans
have you seen the recent reform of education in texas?
And the people pushing that are representative of ALL, exactly?

You keep proving my point.


i didn't see one conservative speak out against it

did YOU speak out against it?

I did hear some conservative radio talk show hosts AGREE with it

and I did hear many of their callers call in and AGREE with it...

were you one of them?
Your own prejudices are not proof of mine.

I don't listen to talk radio.
and what exactly do you consider hatred of america?
How do you feel about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
also it doesnt "reason" at all that just because one "hates" america that they teach it in their classrooms. most are professinal enough to leave their own views out on top of that the fact that not all classes are political.
Most, perhaps. Certainly not all.
based on your posts I would bet a good bit of money you never went to college for any length of time.
What is your academic background?
and which conservatives spoke out against it vs those that defended it?

I don't have a link, but me, for one. Faith should be taught in the home and in the church and in religious schools. It has no place in secular schools.

so you are against teaching intelligent design in public schools then? awesome!
I don't need your approval.
What is the sceintific concensus on global warming?

Let me clue you in, its not in line with your position.

You have to refuse sceince to retain your idiot ideas

Here let me help you, the warmers claimed for 20 years the Sun had NOTHING to do with the warming that it was mythical all caused by man. They have NEVER conducted a single experiment verifying the claim, NOT one.

Now since the warming stopped in 1998 they have claimed that the Sun did in fact cause it and that warming will return as soon as the sun heats up again. And yet once again not a single experiment proving or validating the idea that CO2 caused the heating to begin with, not a single one.
You are a perfect example of the fact that lying is the Holy Eucharist of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism.

You have posted the lie that warming stopped in 1998 many times on many threads and you have been corrected many times by me and yet you still religiously continue to lie. The fact still remains that the decade following 1998 was the WARMEST in the history of direct instrument measurement. You were asked repeatedly how is this possible if warming stopped in 1998, but you just cut and run to repost the same lie in another thread like you did here.

And the only fools claiming the sun did it are you worthless lying deniers. What honest people have been saying is the warming will continue even while the sun is at it's lowest activity. This decade ending in 2010 will be the warmest in the history of direct instrument measurement in spite of the sun's inactivity this decade.
How do you feel about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

usually lean towards necessary evil. I don't think japan was ever going to give up otherwise. I do think we (meaning FDR) provoked pearl harbor though which makes it different.

What is your academic background?

bachelors of computer science and working part time towards masters
I see a lot of leftists in this thread disparaging the education of the conservatives present without showing their own academic pursuits.

funny...I can recall you questioning a liberal's education... I asked you what YOURS consisted of, and you didn't bother to answer.

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