Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")

Yup. It sure is. It's a great big world down there inside the atom. :)

did you delve into anything that required hyperbolic diff eqs? conquering those will be a great feat one day in the future for me, b/c now they make my head hurt
Just flirted with it a bit, and that was painful enough.

Holy cow...that was 27 years ago...

o lulz I am not even 27 yet, I can imagine the pain you went through without and google!
LOL desh.... what a trip down memory lane!

Yeah this guy may not be as bad as Toby.

I doubt the truth about his education would be what he would claim.
I've got nothing to hide.

Looks like you do, though -- you keep refusing to list your own education.
Its his team who hates higher education, science and history.

They have to fight itellectual persuit to retain their failed ideas.
That's "It's" and iNtellectual" and "pUrsuit". :lol:

What does it matter you elitist POS?
You're laboring under the mistaken idea that others have told me about this, and I'm relating it to you.

On the contrary -- I have seen many leftists who without a doubt hate America.
As if you would ever tell the truth. :rofl:
You're in no position to lecture anyone about dishonesty, Skippy. :lol:
Yet you dishonestly edited out the pure hatred for America that your fellow travelers openly admit knowing it will resonate with the right wing. You can't deny that only scum who hate America would hope for terrorist attacks so people will appreciate the wonderful GOP.

There is no scum lower than the right wing scum hoping for harm to come to America.

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
I see a lot of leftists in this thread disparaging the education of the conservatives present without showing their own academic pursuits.

But of course. Their pursuits are nobler dontchaknow? ;)

Their attitude reflects what they think of everyone else...including the people they claim to be champion of...
If you want to know what a leftist thinks or wants, see what he accuses conservatives of.

And to wit? What they take credit for...:eusa_shhh:
And today's moment of far-left insanity is brought to you by edthecynic!

Remember...when you think far-left insanity, think edthecynic! :lol:
Sure, your MessiahRushie calls Americans STUPID because of his great love and respect for stupid people. :cuckoo:

December 10, 2008
DEMINT:** Americans are not stupid.
RUSH:* Yes, they are.
1. I don't listen to Rush.

2. Jesus Christ is my Messiah.

3. America elected Obama -- Rush may have a point. :lol:
And you are an ELITIST like your MessiahRushie who thinks Americans are stupid.

You America hating CON$ervoFascist ELITISTS think you are smarter than anyone who does not agree with you while mindlessly accusing them of being ELITISTS, just as you were PROGRAMMED to do by your master in the first quote in my sig.
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.

um huey p would have been president if he wasn't killed and then as you said we would have seen REAL socialism. huey p was a scary scary fuck. watch the old videos of his talk, he was going to limit every family to 10 million of net worth and then force them to distribute the rest or give the assets to the gov to distribute them

he was also against anyone owning homes etc while people around them didn't have one. just imagine chavez in white skin

I doubt Huey would have ever beaten FDR.

But, yes, that was true socialism.

Ironically, as much as the right bitches about FDR, he probably saved the country from going hard left during the depression. That was probably the last time when the American Worker's Party actually had some clout.
An excellent summary of the Nazi ideology (also from the book I referenced)

A virulent anti-Semitism, a blood-and-soil ideology, the notion of a master race, the idea of territorial acquisition and settlement in the East. These ideas were embedded in a popular nationalism which was vigorously anti-modernist, anti-humanist, and pseudo-religious.

That comes closer, in its general principles, to describing the right than the left. In fact, with some alterations for place and time, it sounds remarkably like modern day American conservatism.
funny...I can recall you questioning a liberal's education... I asked you what YOURS consisted of, and you didn't bother to answer.

he did somewhere back. has a (degree?, not sure whats its called exactly) from AAS
Ummm, no. An Associate's in Applied Science in laser/electro-optics. From Vincennes University. John Mellencamp's alma mater.

for me:

Bachelor of Science (propulsion engineering), U.S. Naval Academy. Bull Halsey's alma mater

Masters in Business Administration, University of Maine. Steven King's alma mater
An excellent summary of the Nazi ideology (also from the book I referenced)

A virulent anti-Semitism, a blood-and-soil ideology, the notion of a master race, the idea of territorial acquisition and settlement in the East. These ideas were embedded in a popular nationalism which was vigorously anti-modernist, anti-humanist, and pseudo-religious.

That comes closer, in its general principles, to describing the right than the left. In fact, with some alterations for place and time, it sounds remarkably like modern day American conservatism.

I have to agree... the popular nationalism, and pseudo-religious pieces are right out of the GOP playbook.
And today's moment of far-left insanity is brought to you by edthecynic!

Remember...when you think far-left insanity, think edthecynic! :lol:
Sure, your MessiahRushie calls Americans STUPID because of his great love and respect for stupid people. :cuckoo:

December 10, 2008
DEMINT:** Americans are not stupid.
RUSH:* Yes, they are.
1. I don't listen to Rush.

2. Jesus Christ is my Messiah.

3. America elected Obama -- Rush may have a point. :lol:

Nice list. :lol:
Was Hitler a liberal or conservative? I think by most classic definitions of liberal, he would be a liberal but so would the patriots in the American Revolution. In most revolutions, intellectuals are first to be attacked, and most revolutionaries are considered to liberals.
Was Hitler a liberal or conservative? I think by most classic definitions of liberal, he would be a liberal but so would the patriots in the American Revolution. In most revolutions, intellectuals are first to be attacked, and most revolutionaries are considered to liberals.
I get it....You're in a contest with Ravioli and Truthdontmatter for the stupidest post of the day, aren't you? :lol:
Wiki and left wing loon foundation sites don't count.

why would you say that? Are you saying that every organization with any sort of a philosophical perspective is incapable of accurately portraying the historical facts about a subject?
Wiki and left wing loon foundation sites don't count.

While you're at it, how 'bout coming up with the history, as it relates to test scores and literacy rates, from the time the DoE was created to today.

correlation does not equate to causation.
Wiki and left wing loon foundation sites don't count.

why would you say that? Are you saying that every organization with any sort of a philosophical perspective is incapable of accurately portraying the historical facts about a subject?

Not when they have a political bent of any sort...Just the facts...just the facts.

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