Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")

My experience and the relative lack of media coverage of event's like "Little Eichman's".
Your admittedly limited experience.

I wouldn't put too much stock in the media, either. Their leftward bias causes them to not report much of what makes liberals look bad.


That being said, expanding the conspiracy to cover the "liberal media" doesn't help your argument either.
And your dismissal of it all as a conspiracy doesn't help yours.
somebody sneaked up on TM whilst she was a sleepin and but a bore worm in her ear and now it's reached her brain. :eusa_eh:
Lets just remember who hates higher education, science and History?
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.

um huey p would have been president if he wasn't killed and then as you said we would have seen REAL socialism. huey p was a scary scary fuck. watch the old videos of his talk, he was going to limit every family to 10 million of net worth and then force them to distribute the rest or give the assets to the gov to distribute them

he was also against anyone owning homes etc while people around them didn't have one. just imagine chavez in white skin
republicans are pushing for intelligent design

Er.. that would be some Fundamentalist Theists which are a very tiny minority of Theists which are in turn only a fraction of "Republicans" ...... you need to pick up a narrower brush to paint with, that is of course if you have any interest in being at least somewhat accurate.
Let's just remember who peddles hobgoblin strawmen, with bigoted sweeping generalizations. :lol:

Still, you can't ignore that a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the right these days is anti-education.

This isn't a new phenomenon. The right is embracing populism these days and populism has always been leery of elites and professional education.

Populism itself is an interesting study in the human psyche that is basically xenophobia incorporated into political debate. It doesn't align with any economic model (Huey Long and his followers were basically socialists (real socialists, not the 2010 'Obama is a socialist' bullshit). Rather, populism seems to basically attract disaffected voters.

If history is any indicator, populist movements rarely gain any degree of power. Rather they seem to implode upon themselves.
You're conflating anti-liberal-indoctrination with anti-education.

nope, that excuse went out the window when the creationist people started changing proven math to fit their model, i.e. changing the speed of light to non-constant in order to justify young earth. they are fucking crazy people who should not be allowed around children.
What made Nazi ideology compelling was not its penetrating intellectualism or the cohesion of its system of ideas.

Rather it was the gripping effectivness with which popularised snippets of ideas and dogmas of salvation of a certain kind were combined with a political-emotional attachment.

What was decisive was not whether these ideas were suited to transmit insights or even comprehensive utopias based on rational arguments, but could be used for the deliberate simplification of political world-views and the creation of a political myth for the masses.

(Martin Broszat - 'Hitler and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic')

Snippets of ideas, dogmas of salvation, deliberate simplification, the creation of political myth...?

Sounds like rightwing talk radio, Glen Beck tv, and the Tea Party rolled into one.

You're conflating anti-liberal-indoctrination with anti-education.

You mean like studying evolution in biology classes?
No, like teaching that America is the root of all evil in the world.

what events in americas past shouldn't be taught? conservatives get all upset and protesting if schools teach anything but that america has done no wrong and all its actions are sanctioned by jesus
I am now in graduate school and have yet to hear that once.

Perhaps you have mistaken the shunning of the rather un-academic concept of "American Exceptionalism" in universities for thinking America is the root of all evil.

Then again, you guys don't do nuance so it most likely went over your head.

That is what happens to idiots who refuse to educate themselves try to make sense of republican talking points

Or when you listen to a bunch of college dropouts (Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck) preach about the evils of the American University.

That is what happens to idiots who refuse to educate themselves try to make sense of republican talking points

Or when you listen to a bunch of college dropouts (Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck) preach about the evils of the American University.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs -both huuuuuuuuuuuuuge libs- dropped out of college, too.

You're strawman is showing.

do they rail against universities though? i believe you are bringing the strawman not him
You're conflating anti-liberal-indoctrination with anti-education.

nope, that excuse went out the window when the creationist people started changing proven math to fit their model, i.e. changing the speed of light to non-constant in order to justify young earth.
And that's a very small minority of conservatives.
they are fucking crazy people who should not be allowed around children.
Kinda like the fucking crazy people with their distorted and cherry-picked data promoting world socialism via the AGW cult?
You mean like studying evolution in biology classes?
No, like teaching that America is the root of all evil in the world.

what events in americas past shouldn't be taught? conservatives get all upset and protesting if schools teach anything but that america has done no wrong and all its actions are sanctioned by jesus
You might be interesting to talk to if...

Well, hell. I can't think of a reason.
You mean like studying evolution in biology classes?
No, like teaching that America is the root of all evil in the world.

what events in americas past shouldn't be taught? conservatives get all upset and protesting if schools teach anything but that america has done no wrong and all its actions are sanctioned by jesus

Yet more factually incorrect nonsense, the "conservatives" I know personally only get upset when their children are taught half-truths, utter lies, partisan propaganda or twisted facts.... BTW you're not a teacher are you ? If so given your pattern of fibbing here I suspect you'd be one of those teachers that conservatives are constantly upset with but the "Union" won't let them fire.

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