Liberals are faculty lounge lizards...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Rush cracks me up:
Question to an intellectual guest: "Well, would you say that the increasing polarity -- better I should say polarization between admitted leftists and concerned rightists, and, of course, when we consider the great unwashed and the middle, would you say that the way to go about best approaching all these people would be a shotgun approach or would you suggest maybe targeted pistol?"
The intellectual (impression), "Well, it's an interesting question. Ah, the first proposition you mentioned is the rightists. Rightists. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, rightists are really very, very close... I don't even think that -- that -- that -- that -- yabba, yabba -- that they'd even consider seriously, ah ha, what -- what -- what -- what -- what -- what they think. Now, as far as the shotgun approach versus the pistol, both -- as far as I'm concerned -- should be outlawed! I think the world would agree and that you would agree!"
And from this we're to conclude that we're listening to superior intellect and brilliance and so forth, and all it is is a speech pattern that's designed to fool people."

"And, of course, with liberals there is an arrogant condescension and an egotism. They're all brilliant to begin with. They don't have to prove it. They just are by virtue of being liberal. And they postulate all these theories and they propagate this stuff, and everybody starts believing how smart they are. When, in fact, I think they're closed-minded bigots who don't know half what they think they know -- and in the real world, none of them have ever functioned.
They're faculty lounge lizards."

hahahaha soooo true...

Polls Put Liberals on Suicide Watch - The Rush Limbaugh Show
I can think of a half dozen in here that do their own, more limited, version of exactly that.

Too funny.
The Life of a Liberal: making everyone else pay for your ideals and holding everyone else accountable to their own rules.
And they postulate all these theories and they propagate this stuff, and everybody starts believing how smart they are
you mean like having a radio show talking and speculating about theories and propagating whats in your head?

Its sad that this passes for entertainment these days. The very idea that yesterday never happened and therefore you can never look like a hypocrite. The idea that this bubble Rush and his followers live in is so thick that they can actually sway elections with their stupidity, and by extension the laziness of the public is just sad.
"And, of course, with liberals there is an arrogant condescension and an egotism. They're all brilliant to begin with. They don't have to prove it. They just are by virtue of being liberal. And they postulate all these theories and they propagate this stuff, and everybody starts believing how smart they are. When, in fact, I think they're closed-minded bigots who don't know half what they think they know -- and in the real world, none of them have ever functioned."

Sound familiar, pballs?

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