Liberals Dont Seem to be Laughing Any More

the video may no longer exist or i don't have permission to view it, which is to say, some butthurt liberals must be afraid of embarrassment.
I want all you Liberal/Progressive jerks to know that I am laughing AT you. I have zero sympathy for you assholes. You idiots all but destroyed my country with your sick America hating ideology. Go to Hell and take that bitch whore you ran against Trump with you.
They've skipped to laughing at the anti-establishment Trump hiring the establishment and walking back every promise while his supporters swallow it all.

I find it very amusing myself, but then I'm out of ground zero and won't wear the effects, as well as thinking Trump better for us than Hillarity, who would have been better for the US and worse for us.
They've skipped to laughing at the anti-establishment Trump hiring the establishment and walking back every promise while his supporters swallow it all.

I find it very amusing myself, but then I'm out of ground zero and won't wear the effects, as well as thinking Trump better for us than Hillarity, who would have been better for the US and worse for us.

Fool. Hillary would have finished the job Obama started.

Its funny how Maher admits what we all have been saying here, the Dem Party is all about Social Justice Warriors and telling white people to check their privilege, even while many are unemployed. The funny thing is the Dems didn't even disagree with that assessment. But when we conservatives say it here, we get called "liar" and "racist".

Most truest part of that video was from about the 4.15 mark when the guy with the southern accent says "They'll find a way to blame us" (meaning the left) for Trump's (i.e., your guy JimBowie) fuck ups. Want proof? From the day Obama was sworn in they blamed him for every thing. The GFC. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anything bad? Obama's fault. And they haven't stopped. Biggest irony of all is that all the cons I know on this board are HUGE on personal responsibility. Except when their guy fucks up.

Most truest part of that video was from about the 4.15 mark when the guy with the southern accent says "They'll find a way to blame us" (meaning the left) for Trump's (i.e., your guy JimBowie) fuck ups. Want proof? From the day Obama was sworn in they blamed him for every thing. The GFC. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anything bad? Obama's fault. And they haven't stopped. Biggest irony of all is that all the cons I know on this board are HUGE on personal responsibility. Except when their guy fucks up.

And obama blamed bush for everything. Your point? Oh yeah, you don't have one.

Its funny how Maher admits what we all have been saying here, the Dem Party is all about Social Justice Warriors and telling white people to check their privilege, even while many are unemployed. The funny thing is the Dems didn't even disagree with that assessment. But when we conservatives say it here, we get called "liar" and "racist".

Bill Maher is REALLY hated by the PC zealots. He's an honest liberal.

They agree with him on most points, and then he goes and does stuff like this to trip them up.

They hate that.

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