Liberals Dont Seem to be Laughing Any More

Its funny how Maher admits what we all have been saying here, the Dem Party is all about Social Justice Warriors and telling white people to check their privilege, even while many are unemployed. The funny thing is the Dems didn't even disagree with that assessment. But when we conservatives say it here, we get called "liar" and "racist".

Bill Maher is REALLY hated by the PC zealots. He's an honest liberal.

They agree with him on most points, and then he goes and does stuff like this to trip them up.

They hate that.

I love Bill Maher. Watch every episode.
And obama blamed bush for everything. Your point? Oh yeah, you don't have one.

So Bush wasn't in power when you invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? He wasn't in power when the GFC hit? Who knew!

I'd like to know how nutbags got the idea that Obama blamed Bush for everything. It must be the same place they got the idea that liberals call them racist just for disagreeing.

Weird shit. Alternate universe.

Most truest part of that video was from about the 4.15 mark when the guy with the southern accent says "They'll find a way to blame us" (meaning the left) for Trump's (i.e., your guy JimBowie) fuck ups. Want proof? From the day Obama was sworn in they blamed him for every thing. The GFC. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anything bad? Obama's fault. And they haven't stopped. Biggest irony of all is that all the cons I know on this board are HUGE on personal responsibility. Except when their guy fucks up.

And obama blamed bush for everything. Your point? Oh yeah, you don't have one.

as i seem to recall baby bush and his crony cheney lied us into iraq, and crashed the economy while running through the surplus left by bill clinton because of cutting taxes for people and corporations who didn't need the tax cuts.

and then your wacko wing nut congress took hundreds of days off and didn't get anything done.

and in spite of that this president brought the economy back. but don't worry, your hacks made sure it wasn't faster or bigger.

now stop whining.
Keep pushing division, keep telling folks their thoughts are stupid, keep hating. It's backfiring and you can't even see it when you're told it's happening. Very amusing.

Most truest part of that video was from about the 4.15 mark when the guy with the southern accent says "They'll find a way to blame us" (meaning the left) for Trump's (i.e., your guy JimBowie) fuck ups. Want proof? From the day Obama was sworn in they blamed him for every thing. The GFC. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anything bad? Obama's fault. And they haven't stopped. Biggest irony of all is that all the cons I know on this board are HUGE on personal responsibility. Except when their guy fucks up.

Stop talking about yourself.

Most truest part of that video was from about the 4.15 mark when the guy with the southern accent says "They'll find a way to blame us" (meaning the left) for Trump's (i.e., your guy JimBowie) fuck ups. Want proof? From the day Obama was sworn in they blamed him for every thing. The GFC. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anything bad? Obama's fault. And they haven't stopped. Biggest irony of all is that all the cons I know on this board are HUGE on personal responsibility. Except when their guy fucks up.

And obama blamed bush for everything. Your point? Oh yeah, you don't have one.

as i seem to recall baby bush and his crony cheney lied us into iraq, and crashed the economy while running through the surplus left by bill clinton because of cutting taxes for people and corporations who didn't need the tax cuts.

and then your wacko wing nut congress took hundreds of days off and didn't get anything done.

and in spite of that this president brought the economy back. but don't worry, your hacks made sure it wasn't faster or bigger.

now stop whining.

With help from the clintons. Don't forget that. Bill had been lying through his teeth about the Middle East for quite a while by then. bush the second merely followed down that same path. Arguably the media can be blamed for the economic crash. They wanted a bad economy to help their candidate win the election. They did nothing but report bad news after bad news after bad news. It was unrelenting. And, a good bit of it was rubbish as was found out later.

This POTUS did NOT bring the economy back. Far from it. His policies have chased the manufacturing base of this country away. I hate to tell you jillian but there are millions FEWER jobs even available thanks to this POTUS than there were before he got in office. He has been an absolute disaster for the middle class and black America.
How stupid conservatives can be is no laughing matter.
Yeah, conservatives are so stupid they got an "unelectable clown" elected Pesident have control of 2/3rds of the state governors, state congresses, both houses of the federal Congress and will soon appoint a good majority of the SCOTUS judges as well.

I like that kind of stupid, but you know, maybe it isnt so stupid, shit4brains.
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as i seem to recall baby bush and his crony cheney lied us into iraq, and crashed the economy while running through the surplus left by bill clinton because of cutting taxes for people and corporations who didn't need the tax cuts.

and then your wacko wing nut congress took hundreds of days off and didn't get anything done.

and in spite of that this president brought the economy back. but don't worry, your hacks made sure it wasn't faster or bigger.

now stop whining.
So Bush single handedly screwed up the economy so bad, doubling the debt has us at 1.2% gdp growth. How does that make sense?
Keep pushing division, keep telling folks their thoughts are stupid, keep hating. It's backfiring and you can't even see it when you're told it's happening. Very amusing.
Isnt it bizarr how this conceited self centered arrogant bunch of walking pricks think that they are oh so smart, and yet they are LOSING the ideological war.

And you are right they dont see it at all! They think that they are winning!

OMG, they have to stop snorting the Draino!
as i seem to recall baby bush and his crony cheney lied us into iraq, and crashed the economy while running through the surplus left by bill clinton because of cutting taxes for people and corporations who didn't need the tax cuts.

and then your wacko wing nut congress took hundreds of days off and didn't get anything done.

and in spite of that this president brought the economy back. but don't worry, your hacks made sure it wasn't faster or bigger.

now stop whining.
Hah, two can play that game!
as i seem to recall baby bush and his crony cheney lied us into iraq, and crashed the economy while running through the surplus left by bill clinton because of cutting taxes for people and corporations who didn't need the tax cuts.

and then your wacko wing nut congress took hundreds of days off and didn't get anything done.

and in spite of that this president brought the economy back. but don't worry, your hacks made sure it wasn't faster or bigger.

now stop whining.
Hah, two can play that game!
I fixeded it!
How stupid conservatives can be is no laughing matter.
Yeah, conservatives are so stupid they got an "unelectable clown" elected Pesident have control of 2/3rds of the state governors, state congresses, both houses of the federal Congress and will soon appoint a good majority of the SCOTUS judges as well.

I like that kind of stupid, but you know, maybe it isnt so stupid, shit4brains.
You do not have to sign your name at the end of your statement.
You do not have to sign your name at the end of your statement.

Wow, what a glib little whimsy you made there!

Why, that completely negates the Democrats loss of the White House, Congress, your future loss of a SCOTUS tie vote, the Dimocrats loss of two thirds of all the governorships and state Congresses..................NOT.

You sad little fucks deserve your fate because you have contempt for both the Truth and for yourselves.
You do not have to sign your name at the end of your statement.

Wow, what a glib little whimsy you made there!

Why, that completely negates the Democrats loss of the White House, Congress, your future loss of a SCOTUS tie vote, the Dimocrats loss of two thirds of all the governorships and state Congresses..................NOT.

You sad little fucks deserve your fate because you have contempt for both the Truth and for yourselves.
Sad little fucks? The only reason people even reply to you is that you are so fucking stupid that you are pitied. Fact.
Sad little fucks? The only reason people even reply to you is that you are so fucking stupid that you are pitied. Fact.

You wouldnt know a fact if it bit you in your kunta kinte.
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