Liberals Dont Seem to be Laughing Any More

Sanders got it right as well.

However, he got it wrong on immigration. Notice how he said Trump going after people with head scarvers. Bernie would have been as bad as clinton and obama on immigration.

But Sanders did diagnose what defeated the Democrats correctly, and during the campaign he championed Nordic Model Socialism which one day the Industrialized World will have to adopt for its economic model for social stability.
Lol, says the guy slamming me for 'name calling', roflmao

When I say that you are stupid, I mean it literally as you are undercutting your own interests which is the definition of stupid.

But you didnt know that did you? Why? Because you are also an ignoramus.
I did not call you any names.
Lol, sure you did using phrases instead of single nouns, moron.
There is no reason to identify yourself at the end of your posts.
Thanks for demonstrating what an idiot you are, fuckface.
Once again, no need to identify yourself at the end of your post.
Again you rise to the ocassion.

You just cant help it can you? You are like a dog being tossed a bone, or Charlie Brown wanting to kick that football so bad he will accept any of Lucy's lies just for one more try.

They're crying right now on this board. The fun will continue. We can't let up.
But they caused the source of their own pain by being the closed minded ideological fools that they are.

IT is good to laugh at fools as it gives them a chance to wake the hell up and see what idiots that they have been.
I did not call you any names.
Lol, sure you did using phrases instead of single nouns, moron.
There is no reason to identify yourself at the end of your posts.
Thanks for demonstrating what an idiot you are, fuckface.
Once again, no need to identify yourself at the end of your post.
Again you rise to the ocassion.

You just cant help it can you? You are like a dog being tossed a bone, or Charlie Brown wanting to kick that football so bad he will accept any of Lucy's lies just for one more try.

Just like you accept Trumps lies. And a Peanuts analogy, the sign of a true intellectual.
Again you rise to the ocassion.
You just cant help it can you? You are like a dog being tossed a bone, or Charlie Brown wanting to kick that football so bad he will accept any of Lucy's lies just for one more try.
Just like you accept Trumps lies.

If Trump proves to be a liar I will denounce him just like I have the Bush dynasty, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama and any other president.

Meantime you will still be ready with your knee pads just incase Obama ever rolls into town, you Nazi.

And a Peanuts analogy, the sign of a true intellectual.

Hey, I had to get the form of communication down to a level that you might understand it.

Now, tell me once again, how is it that the political left is being completely out-smarted by a bunch of red necks, idiots, clowns and morons?

Liberals on this board are very rarely happy people. In fact, you watch the posts, there is rarely humor in them. Now? want to talk about miserable fucks!! You and I know that every single one of them is walking around with a huge-ass bumpy cucumber far up the pooper which will be staying there for a long, long time!!

Tune in Maddow any night for just 5 minutes if you are a Trump it every night and when possible, try to catch Lawrence O'Donnell's monologue. You want to piss your pants from laughing every night, check it out!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::popcorn:
And these arrogant morons still think that they have this perfect grasp of the world that they live and they have all the expertise of the artilery major who was supposed to hit a target at the military base range, but instead he hits an empty troop mess hall.

Its time to replace the major and get people who know what the fuck they are doing, but the Marxist left will not do this. The problem is not with their ideology but with the rest of the Reality that does not know what it is supposed to be doing.


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