

Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Yes there are some. In Austin.

And yes they are just as fucking stupid as the libs in other states.

Surge in property tax bills spurs push to reform tax appraisal... |

My favorite quote from the idiot lib brigade...

“I’m at the breaking point,” said Gretchen Gardner, an Austin artist who bought a 1930s bungalow in the Bouldin neighborhood just south of downtown in 1991 and has watched her property tax bill soar to $8,500 this year.

“It’s not because I don’t like paying taxes,” said Gardner, who attended both meetings. “I have voted for every park, every library, all the school improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But now I can’t afford to live here anymore. I’ll protest my appraisal notice, but that’s not enough. Someone needs to step in and address the big picture.”
I voted for all this shit and now you expect me to pay for it?! WTF!? I thought someone else would be writing the checks!

And who should be writing those checks you ask?

“The property tax system is a tried and tested workhorse that has consistently provided a reliable revenue stream for local government to provide the services taxpayers expect,” Amezquita said. “It has been overburdened by the Texas Legislature’s desire to give away ever greater tax breaks to big business and commercial interests by having them pay an ever-decreasing portion of their property taxes.”

Yep, business' are the problem. You know, the same business' that are making the home values go up due to a booming economy...yeah it's their fault the libs can't pay for what they voted for.

I do wonder if any of these idiots will come to the conclusion that what they voted for is increasing their taxes not especially who isn't paying enough for what they voted for?

Why is it in lib land that taxes are a great thing to be paying as long as it's someone else writing the checks? They vote for all of this shit and then complain someone else isn't paying enough to keep themselves from having to foot the bill.

Liberals are just plain idiots.

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