Liberals, what should happen to immigrants that bring children that aren't theirs?

First, Liberals have to deny that this is even an issue. Then, they need to say that this is one instance out of thousands (make you think they have empirical, validated data to back this up).
They deserve to be behind bars - but not here. The conditions in our penal institutions are too good for them.
Immediately return them to their home countries and turn them over to the authorities there.
And, ensure the country knows their continued receipt of aid funds from the USA depends upon how they treat those children.
An undocumented immigrant entering the country with a minor child not his own will be addressed and taken into consideration in accordance with immigration law.

But the thread premise isn’t about the law – it’s about rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

It’s about bigoted conservatives attempting to vilify immigrants and asylum seekers.

And it’s about dishonest conservatives attempting to vilify ‘liberals’ because they follow immigration law.
They should be forced to change diapers all day in a detention centre until they give up and go back south.
An undocumented immigrant entering the country with a minor child not his own will be addressed and taken into consideration in accordance with immigration law.

But the thread premise isn’t about the law – it’s about rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

It’s about bigoted conservatives attempting to vilify immigrants and asylum seekers.

And it’s about dishonest conservatives attempting to vilify ‘liberals’ because they follow immigration law.
Should we allow the child who can’t speak English in my kids poor school? Do you think adding someone that can’t speak English helps my kid learn?
An undocumented immigrant entering the country with a minor child not his own will be addressed and taken into consideration in accordance with immigration law.

But the thread premise isn’t about the law – it’s about rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

It’s about bigoted conservatives attempting to vilify immigrants and asylum seekers.

And it’s about dishonest conservatives attempting to vilify ‘liberals’ because they follow immigration law.
Where is the immigration law being followed? And dodging the law is what vilifies the illegals and the liberals who aid and abet them. Examine your bias against conservatives who may or may not be bigoted.
But the thread premise isn’t about the law – it’s about rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

It’s about bigoted conservatives attempting to vilify immigrants and asylum seekers.

You're a hysterical twat. The premise of the thread is exactly what I said it was. Intolerant, fascist leftists like you call everything racist in order to avoid discussing unpleasant realities.

People who show up with someone else's child should be treated as kidnappers and prosecuted for such and then sentenced accordingly. If we did that, little children wouldn't be exploited, raped and left for dead in the desert, which is an outcome that's perfectly fine with Godless, soulless assholes like you.

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