Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

The Lies were all about shit that should not have mattered. It should not have taken WMDS to convince Americans Saddam Needed to go. Why is it Liberals can Support Force to Remove Gadaffi in the Name of "Humanitarian Reasons" But Ignored Humanitarian Reasons to Remove Saddam that had existed for 25 Years, and Required a Threat in the Form of WMD's to get behind that war? I wonder if Bush had been a Democrat if you guys would have Demanded Iraq Pose a Threat to us to Invade them? Or would it be ok to do it just in the Name of Humanitarian Reasons with a Dem in Office? lol

Why you bringing this up now? To highlight the fact that your Supreme leader Obama has now Tossed away 10 years, over a Trillion Dollars, and 4500 Plus American Lives By Failing to Reach an Agreement to keep US troops there long term, and Thereby Clearing the Way for Iraq to Fall back into Chaos and Eventually become Fully Iran's Bitch.

I Said it before We Invaded. Which I was not for initially, (I wanted to Just Kill Saddam and the Bath Party and lets the Chips fall where they may, which is Ironically what we basically will end up with now) That if we were going to do it, and planned on trying to leave a Stable Democracy there, that we needed to be willing to keep Troops there for Generations as we did in Japan and Germany after WWII. We needed to be in it for the long haul, Instead we started looking for a way out as soon as we got in.

doomed from the Start. You can not expect to just install Democracy in a place that has never known it, Surrounded by enemies, and Divided by 2 Opposed Factions with Much bad Blood Behind them. You have to Be able to keep the place stable and allow it to slowly evolve into what you want.
No matter what you say, there was no good reason to invade Iraq.
Never has been.
It was a big-time WASTE!!
And you're still for it.


Keep mind, after the fact,

virtually every member of the Bush administration said invading Iraq was a good idea even if they had KNOWN there were no WMD's.
I find several dates and events in the OP TIMELINE very interesting, including the following:

Nov. 2000 Future Chief Justice John Roberts flies to Florida to advise Jeb Bush during recount.
By Laura Bassett

Former Paul aide Eric Dondero, who worked closely with him from 1987 to 2003, recently wrote that Paul "engaged in conspiracy theories including perhaps the attacks were coordinated with the CIA, and that the Bush administration might have known about the attacks ahead of time." Dondero said that Paul believed George W. Bush planned to use the attacks as a justification for invading Iraq, which Paul vehemently opposed, and that he expressed "no sympathies whatsoever" for the 9/11 victims.

Paul did tell Iowa voters earlier this month that "there was glee" in the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks because it gave them a pretext to invade Iraq, and he has come under fire for his radically "non-interventionist" views on foreign policy that are out of step with the Republican mainstream. But he vehemently denies having engaged in a 9/11 conspiracy theory and would not engage in a conversation about Dondero's accusations on Sunday.

More: Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Funny how those hack douchebags at Mother Jones fail to mention the 1991 war, Clintoon keeping the Bush 41 policy 100% in place - to the point of lobbing cruise missiles into Baghdad when he needed to get his zipper off of the front page- and only briefly touched on the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act.

Nor do they mention the fact that the Senate democratics demanded to have a second vote in 2002, in advance of the elections, so they could say "meetooomeetoo" and jump on the war bandwagon.

Strangely, they chose to pad out the propaganda with entirely irrelevant events like Ken Lay getting convicted and the attempted Hugo Chavez coup.

Nope....It's ALL the fault of GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!

Lies of omission and obfuscation are lies nonetheless, party man hack.[/img[/QUOTE]

Bush chose to invade Iraq. No one forced him. It was ALL Bush's fault, and it was ALL based on lies.[/QUOTE]
Lies that the Senate democratics who demanded the 2002 vote and those who went along with the 1998 bill lived, right up until it became convenient for them to not do so.

Two-faced party man hack.
By Laura Bassett

Former Paul aide Eric Dondero, who worked closely with him from 1987 to 2003, recently wrote that Paul "engaged in conspiracy theories including perhaps the attacks were coordinated with the CIA, and that the Bush administration might have known about the attacks ahead of time." Dondero said that Paul believed George W. Bush planned to use the attacks as a justification for invading Iraq, which Paul vehemently opposed, and that he expressed "no sympathies whatsoever" for the 9/11 victims.

Paul did tell Iowa voters earlier this month that "there was glee" in the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks because it gave them a pretext to invade Iraq, and he has come under fire for his radically "non-interventionist" views on foreign policy that are out of step with the Republican mainstream. But he vehemently denies having engaged in a 9/11 conspiracy theory and would not engage in a conversation about Dondero's accusations on Sunday.

More: Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Oddball said:
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irrelevant bullshit


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Oddball negged me for the above post.
Iraq is a shining example of why we have NO right to invade sovereign countries that have not attacked us. Bush & Co used flimsy information as an excuse to play international cowboy and it blew up in their faces. OUR faces.

Iraq is/was the War of the Boogeyman. "They have WMD's, and they're gonna use them on us" was by far the primary reason for this travesty. When that turned out to be WRONG, the cry was "it's our responsibility to help these poor people." What a freakin' crock.
There were much-earlier theories.....​

"In the book, "Bin Laden, La Verite Interdite" (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth), that was released recently, the authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, reveal that the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Deputy Director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over the obstruction.

The authors claim that O'Neill told them that "the main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it." The two claim that the U.S. government's main objective in Afghanistan was to consolidate the position of the Taliban regime to obtain access to the oil and gas reserves in Central Asia.

They affirm that until August, the U.S. government saw the Taliban regime "as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of an oil pipeline across Central Asia" from the rich oilfields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. Until now, says the book, "the oil and gas reserves of Central Asia have been controlled by Russia. The Bush government wanted to change all that."

But, confronted with Taliban's refusal to accept U.S. conditions, "this rationale of energy security changed into a military one", the authors claim.

"At one moment during the negotiations, the U.S. representatives told the Taliban, 'either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs,'" Brisard said in an interview in Paris. [This threat was made before September 11th.]."

If you'll remember (correctly), The DICK; Cheney assumed we'd have "First Rights" to all Iraqi-oil, seeing-as-how all previous-contracts (with other Countries) were with Saddam Hussein's government. Cheney's logic was as follows.....All previous-contracts were NULL-AND-VOID, as there was no more Hussein-government.

He'd figured Ahmed Chalabi would end-up running-the-show (in Iraq)......and, American oil-companies would automatically be awarded the "spoils" of that "War".

Unfortunately (for The DICK), an entirely-different government was formed/elected, in Iraq, and ALL oil-contracts were auctioned-off.


Like we should have learned, from Watergate.....ya' (just) gotta "Follow the money."
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i never got sucked in with the lies....i knew iraq was incapable of harming us, i knew we got rid of 97% of iraq's weapon in gulf war 1 and right following it....from some articles i had read. I knew the nukes, the mushroom clouds in 45 minutes was bullcrud from day one.
I was just stunned that the USA would follow a preemptive invasion doctrine based on unproven rumors and specualtion.
that is something the former USSR would do not the USA.

This was a sanctioned mission.

Don't lie. I won't have it and I will personally take you to the wall on this.

Now I never believed in the mission. It didn't smell right. Now the sons....okey dokey go in and do black ops, but cripes all this idiocy about nation building? Just shows the idiots on our side who don't have a freaking clue about Islam.

can someone get wiki Islam/hamas up to the freaking congress?

Who actually approved the mission to Invade Iraq?
Yes I know most of congress enabled them. And they were either pussies or evil.
By Laura Bassett

Former Paul aide Eric Dondero, who worked closely with him from 1987 to 2003, recently wrote that Paul "engaged in conspiracy theories including perhaps the attacks were coordinated with the CIA, and that the Bush administration might have known about the attacks ahead of time." Dondero said that Paul believed George W. Bush planned to use the attacks as a justification for invading Iraq, which Paul vehemently opposed, and that he expressed "no sympathies whatsoever" for the 9/11 victims.

Paul did tell Iowa voters earlier this month that "there was glee" in the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks because it gave them a pretext to invade Iraq, and he has come under fire for his radically "non-interventionist" views on foreign policy that are out of step with the Republican mainstream. But he vehemently denies having engaged in a 9/11 conspiracy theory and would not engage in a conversation about Dondero's accusations on Sunday.

More: Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Oddball said:
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irrelevant bullshit


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Oddball negged me for the above post.
Lahkota cried like a little girl in public about getting dinged for derailing his own thread. :lol::lol::lol:
i never got sucked in with the lies....i knew iraq was incapable of harming us, i knew we got rid of 97% of iraq's weapon in gulf war 1 and right following it....from some articles i had read. I knew the nukes, the mushroom clouds in 45 minutes was bullcrud from day one.
I was just stunned that the USA would follow a preemptive invasion doctrine based on unproven rumors and specualtion.

(aka The BU$H Doctrine.)


[ame=]Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan - YouTube[/ame]​
Historic perspective: How did we get into Korea? Congress never gave Truman permission to use combat Troops. We lost about 40,000 Americans in three years and Truman and his failed general received a tickertape parade courtesy of the liberal media.. How did we get into VeitNam? LBJ faked the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident and there we were. LBJ is perhaps the most crooked president in history but the left still loves the loveable old jerk.

Oddball said:
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irrelevant bullshit


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Oddball negged me for the above post.
Lahkota cried like a little girl in public about getting dinged for derailing his own thread. :lol::lol::lol:

There is no crying in baseball, I mean message board posting. I just like to publicize it when you wingnuts zap me for no logical reason. It seems to be a rightie thingy...
There is no crying in baseball, I mean message board posting. I just like to publicize it when you wingnuts zap me for no logical reason. It seems to be a rightie thingy...
Oh, fuck off.

You posted a completely unanalytical propaganda POS, that oh-so-conveniently omits virtually every instance of your team playing the international warmonger game, then blow some completely unrelated swill about Ron Paul.

You really suck at this, dude....Quit being such a whiny little bitch when your suckiness bears its fruit.
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you right wing nut bags own Iraq, its your mess. If you need me to show you this in the history books in 20 years time, fine. I ill be more than happy to.

the truth is the GOP was wrong about Iraq, like the Barney Frank was wrong about helping lower class citizens obtain loans for houses. Own your mistake and man the fvck up you Republican weenies.
There is no crying in baseball, I mean message board posting. I just like to publicize it when you wingnuts zap me for no logical reason. It seems to be a rightie thingy...
Oh, fuck off.

You posted a completely unanalytical propaganda POS, that oh-so-conveniently omits virtually every instance of your team playing the international warmonger game, then blow some completely unrelated swill about Ron Paul.

You really suck at this, dude....Quit being such a whiny little bitch when your suckiness bears its fruit.

Hey, dude, it's current news and it relates to the OP. Stop whining...

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