Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

As long as the role the Democrats
played in the war is noted,the vote
that was taken to give the President
the power to use force I'm ok with it.
Yeah.....if you (actually) believe what BU$HCO was "selling".....



you right wing nut bags own Iraq, its your mess. If you need me to show you this in the history books in 20 years time, fine. I ill be more than happy to.

the truth is the GOP was wrong about Iraq, like the Barney Frank was wrong about helping lower class citizens obtain loans for houses. Own your mistake and man the fvck up you Republican weenies.
Eight years and Clintoon did NOTHING to reverse the policy toward Iraq of his predecessor.

The 2002 Senate vote of democratics was 29-21 in favor of war.

There were plenty of you leftloon nutbags who played right along, hack boy.
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There is no crying in baseball, I mean message board posting. I just like to publicize it when you wingnuts zap me for no logical reason. It seems to be a rightie thingy...
Oh, fuck off.

You posted a completely unanalytical propaganda POS, that oh-so-conveniently omits virtually every instance of your team playing the international warmonger game, then blow some completely unrelated swill about Ron Paul.

You really suck at this, dude....Quit being such a whiny little bitch when your suckiness bears its fruit.

Hey, dude, it's current news and it relates to the OP. Stop whining...
I'm not whining and you're still a cheap propagandist hack, who wouldn't know an analytical thought if it kicked you in the ass.
Oh, fuck off.

You posted a completely unanalytical propaganda POS, that oh-so-conveniently omits virtually every instance of your team playing the international warmonger game, then blow some completely unrelated swill about Ron Paul.

You really suck at this, dude....Quit being such a whiny little bitch when your suckiness bears its fruit.

Hey, dude, it's current news and it relates to the OP. Stop whining...
I'm not whining and you're still a cheap propagandist hack, who wouldn't know an analytical thought if it kicked you in the ass.

You're so funny. Stupid, but funny. I assume you had to copy/paste the word "analytical"...

lol, keep on doing what you do Oddball. just trying to baptize you with some smarts. Go on an blame this on your fictional version of the left.

Never have a group of American been so insanely misinformed, this current crop of Republicans dreamed up Iraq, and did a excellent sales job on bogus intel, ya, well done there homer. Im overseas right now, been in the sand box many times. you are clueless.

you should stop before you look like a compete loon. do it for American man, be a right wing patriot brah.
Why in the world did the democrat senate majority leader tell Americans (and the Troops) that the "war in Iraq was lost"? Why didn't someone in the media ask him? Who bought the $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling General Petraius "betray-us"? What happened to Cindy Sheehan's mob after Barry Hussein won the election? Why didn't the democrat majority in congress withdraw funding for the war when they had the chance? The answer to all those questions is based on the fact that democrats betrayed the Troops and the American people by undermining the war during a republican administration.
But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. Nor is it limited to the intelligence operatives who sat silent as the administration cherry-picked its case for war, or with those, like Colin Powell or Hans Blix, who, in the name of loyalty or statesmanship, did not give full throat to their misgivings. It is also shared by far too many in the Fourth Estate, most notably the New York Times' Judith Miller. But let us not forget that it lies, inescapably, with we the American people, who, in our fear and rage over the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, allowed ourselves to be suckered into the most audacious bait and switch of all time.

True, the press failed miserably with regard to its Constitutional mandate, and ultimately the American people who failed to hold those accountable, responsible.
virtually every member of the Bush administration said invading Iraq was a good idea even if they had KNOWN there were no WMD's.

and knew Saddam posed no threat to his people or his neighbors and was not involved in 9/11.
Why in the world did the democrat senate majority leader tell Americans (and the Troops) that the "war in Iraq was lost"? Why didn't someone in the media ask him? Who bought the $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling General Petraius "betray-us"? What happened to Cindy Sheehan's mob after Barry Hussein won the election? Why didn't the democrat majority in congress withdraw funding for the war when they had the chance? The answer to all those questions is based on the fact that democrats betrayed the Troops and the American people by undermining the war during a republican administration.
Because they don't give a flying fuck when the warmongers have that (D) by their names.

That's why.
lol, keep on doing what you do Oddball. just trying to baptize you with some smarts. Go on an blame this on your fictional version of the left.

Never have a group of American been so insanely misinformed, this current crop of Republicans dreamed up Iraq, and did a excellent sales job on bogus intel, ya, well done there homer. Im overseas right now, been in the sand box many times. you are clueless.

you should stop before you look like a compete loon. do it for American man, be a right wing patriot brah.

Are you lefties ready to admit that the majority of democrats who voted for boots on the ground in Iraq were fools? Were they duped or maybe they just didn't give a damn? Why did Kerry call US Soldiers "terrorists"? Why did democrat congressman Murtha call Marines "murderers"? No politician has ever talked that way about American combat Troops. Why did Bill Clinton say Saddam was developing WMD's? Was he a fool also? Democrats cheered for "give 'em hell Harry" when he bypassed congress and lost 40,000 Americans in Korea and looked the other way when big dumb LBJ faked a crisis in VietNam and they cheered when the pervert-in-chief declared war on Yugoslavia without consulting congress to take the focus away from Monica's dress. You almost gotta laugh when democrats take a page out of John Kerry's playbook and claim that they unauthorize the war in Iraq after they authorized it.
its a fact Dems voted us into Iraq as well, this is a position that can not be denied. However, I might even add, with the intel put forth at the moment, I would have voted us in as well. Im just being honest. No one wanted Saddam with WMD's, the truth is, there were none.

However, looking back, Bush and the his puppet master were pulling stings. this Iraq invasion part II was a GOP wet dream from he get go. to deny as much would be disingenuous at best.

own it GOP, its your mess. Obama cleaned it up. again, par for the course around these parts.
TY, lying Pub chickenhawk jingo covert a-hole BS bought off tools for screwing up Iraq-Afghan for 30 years, along with the economy, as always. Great propaganda though.

And blaming the gay guy for ending redlining is more hopeless twaddle.

Pub dupes! Change the channel...
You almost gotta laugh when democrats take a page out of John Kerry's playbook and claim that they unauthorize the war in Iraq after they authorized it.

I laugh as hard when Republicans try and claim prominence on national defense. BS to the highest degree, Obama has done quite the job in keeping these terrorists ay bay.

Im 32, I have never once been impressed with the GOP, not one single time in my life. I served in the USAF and still don't get it. the GOP is a wasteful, hateful, ignorant bunch.
Lefties? Righties? What the f is your cluenessness? Don't you know that it is the ***Independents*** who now rule you blind bastards.

Wake up and smell the coffee. You are only a couple of decades late.

Who gives a crap about lefties righteys?
I was raised in a Irish Catholic house hold, a few sisters and a few brothers. Lost a Gpa in WWII, my pops served in Nam and I served (as did my bothers) in Iraq. We are Democrats good sir. too the bone, and Florida State Seminoles. try us.

I lost my pops to cancer in NOV. It was his wish we root Obama on, and I shall. He provided us with a great life as he was a huge part of the space program, and im only trying to carry the torch.

Its just the way it is.
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