Lindsey Graham

See how fake , Flake is.

View attachment 219032

4 days and FBI investigation would be wrong to do.
To clear kava gang trains name.

But Kava won't call for one to clear his name. Why is that?
If untrue, I would call in everybody! FBI, CIA and NSA
if none of this was true against me as a male DOPer or not!

Simple as this: They don't want the FBI talking to Mark Judge.
Bitch McTurtle is gonna ram this through come hell or high water.
Seeing as how only 1 in 3 Americans want Kav confirmed - It won't play well in November.
Shame on Flake - And just when I thought he might grow a set.
He's gonna be living with this decision for a long time.

FYI. Dang..

View attachment 219038

KavaGangTrain keeps lying. Under Oath. Like 6-8 times know. Exposed.

Yep, did you see him squirm when confronted with the fact that his Yale roommate said the same thing?
And then he wouldn't deny being a blackout drunk - Looked BAD badgering Klobuchar ...
Maybe he had a few beers watching Dr Ford's testimony yesterday - Certainly was belligerent!
Former roommate says Kavanaugh was 'belligerent when he was very drunk'
That must be "YOUR TRUTH", because I remember Kavanaugh repeatedly denied that he was a blackout drunk.

Sorry, no denial - See, Brett merely "fell asleep" :D

But during a line of questioning ā€” by Republicans, no less ā€” in which he denied ever drinking to the point of blacking out, he admitted instead to ā€œfalling asleepā€ after imbibing too many beers.​

Then he asked Klobuchar if she was one .. NO denial - What a worm

When asked again minutes later by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) if he ever drank so much that he couldnā€™t remember what happened or parts of what happened, Kavanaugh again squirmed, offering a feeble denial before responding, ā€œyouā€™re asking about blackout. I donā€™t know, have you?ā€​

Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™
Falling asleep is not blacking out. You do understand that, right?
Blacking out means being awake but not remembering what you did.
Grahamā€™s an establishment pol trying to bring more rape to washington. Heā€™s going to go fuck some little boys after this.

You are one of the worst posters on this board, disgusting is all you have.
Isnā€™t that what republicans here believe? Is Lindsey all of the sudden not a rino? Interesting the things republicans will rally together for

Iā€™m not rallying around Graham, I am disgusted with blackfags accusing Graham of raping little boys, it is a pretty disgusting insinuation, something a low class scum would make.
PC police in the house. Itā€™s really the worst thing you can call someone.

He was just joking because clearly Lindsey is gay

Accusing a person of being gay is fine by me, accusing men of raping boys is disgusting.

People are calling him an Incel.

Incels are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom. Self-identified incels are mostly white, male, and heterosexual. Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy, self-pity, self-loathing, misogyny, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people. The Southern Poverty Law Center described the subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups.
See how fake , Flake is.

View attachment 219032

4 days and FBI investigation would be wrong to do.
To clear kava gang trains name.

But Kava won't call for one to clear his name. Why is that?
If untrue, I would call in everybody! FBI, CIA and NSA
if none of this was true against me as a male DOPer or not!

Simple as this: They don't want the FBI talking to Mark Judge.
Bitch McTurtle is gonna ram this through come hell or high water.
Seeing as how only 1 in 3 Americans want Kav confirmed - It won't play well in November.
Shame on Flake - And just when I thought he might grow a set.
He's gonna be living with this decision for a long time.
Zero Evidence.

Changing Stories.

Flawed Testimony.

HER own witnesses say this never happened.

6 FBI Investigations have already been done.

The Democrats had 6 weeks to bring this all up, to call for FBI investigations, but they never had any intention of doing so until the hearing in order to delay more.

As Graham pointed out ,the Democrats had the letter for 6 weeks and any one of them could have gone t the FBI to ask them to investigate - they CHOSE not to.

" As Graham pointed out, the Democrats had the letter for 6 weeks and any one of them could have gone to the FBI to ask them to investigate - they CHOSE not to. "

There's never been any reason to refer this matter to the FBI; the Senate has it's own investigators, who can ask questions of witnesses and under penalty of perjury just as well as the FBI or anyone else can. The Senate does whistle-blower investigations all the time where they protect the identity of the accuser, there was no valid reason for Feinstein to sit on that letter for all that time until the last minute. Any honest person has to realize that the Democrats were not after the truth, they were after delay and deny, in other words it was all about politics. They didn't give a fuck about Ford and they didn't give a fuck about Kavanaugh or the turmoil and damage it would do to them and their families. Fuck 'em, I hope they lose their asses come election day.
Why did he (graham) not force the issue with doing an FBI review of this matter?
He can stop the whole thing, with his one vote..
Plus the Great Douche Ordered the FBI not to do it. Long before we knew IT did so.

Btw! Remember this?


Graham not running for re-election, and is cashing in for somethang.
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See how fake , Flake is.

View attachment 219032

4 days and FBI investigation would be wrong to do.
To clear kava gang trains name.

But Kava won't call for one to clear his name. Why is that?
If untrue, I would call in everybody! FBI, CIA and NSA
if none of this was true against me as a male DOPer or not!

Simple as this: They don't want the FBI talking to Mark Judge.
Bitch McTurtle is gonna ram this through come hell or high water.
Seeing as how only 1 in 3 Americans want Kav confirmed - It won't play well in November.
Shame on Flake - And just when I thought he might grow a set.
He's gonna be living with this decision for a long time.
Zero Evidence.

Changing Stories.

Flawed Testimony.

HER own witnesses say this never happened.

6 FBI Investigations have already been done.

The Democrats had 6 weeks to bring this all up, to call for FBI investigations, but they never had any intention of doing so until the hearing in order to delay more.

As Graham pointed out ,the Democrats had the letter for 6 weeks and any one of them could have gone t the FBI to ask them to investigate - they CHOSE not to.

" As Graham pointed out, the Democrats had the letter for 6 weeks and any one of them could have gone to the FBI to ask them to investigate - they CHOSE not to. "

There's never been any reason to refer this matter to the FBI; the Senate has it's own investigators, who can ask questions of witnesses and under penalty of perjury just as well as the FBI or anyone else can. The Senate does whistle-blower investigations all the time where they protect the identity of the accuser, there was no valid reason for Feinstein to sit on that letter for all that time until the last minute. Any honest person has to realize that the Democrats were not after the truth, they were after delay and deny, in other words it was all about politics. They didn't give a fuck about Ford and they didn't give a fuck about Kavanaugh or the turmoil and damage it would do to them and their families. Fuck 'em, I hope they lose their asses come election day.
Why did he (graham) not force the issue with doing an FBI review of this matter?
He can stop the whole thing, with his one vote..
Plus the Great Douche Ordered the FBI not to do it. Long before we knew IT did so.

Btw! Remember this?

View attachment 219053

Graham not running for re-election, and is cashing in for somthang.

Dunno what happened to Graham - THIS was July. And now look at him ...
Auditioning for Attorney General and clutching his pearls

Simple as this: They don't want the FBI talking to Mark Judge.
Bitch McTurtle is gonna ram this through come hell or high water.
Seeing as how only 1 in 3 Americans want Kav confirmed - It won't play well in November.
Shame on Flake - And just when I thought he might grow a set.
He's gonna be living with this decision for a long time.

FYI. Dang..

View attachment 219038

KavaGangTrain keeps lying. Under Oath. Like 6-8 times know. Exposed.

Yep, did you see him squirm when confronted with the fact that his Yale roommate said the same thing?
And then he wouldn't deny being a blackout drunk - Looked BAD badgering Klobuchar ...
Maybe he had a few beers watching Dr Ford's testimony yesterday - Certainly was belligerent!
Former roommate says Kavanaugh was 'belligerent when he was very drunk'
That must be "YOUR TRUTH", because I remember Kavanaugh repeatedly denied that he was a blackout drunk.

Sorry, no denial - See, Brett merely "fell asleep" :D

But during a line of questioning ā€” by Republicans, no less ā€” in which he denied ever drinking to the point of blacking out, he admitted instead to ā€œfalling asleepā€ after imbibing too many beers.​

Then he asked Klobuchar if she was one .. NO denial - What a worm

When asked again minutes later by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) if he ever drank so much that he couldnā€™t remember what happened or parts of what happened, Kavanaugh again squirmed, offering a feeble denial before responding, ā€œyouā€™re asking about blackout. I donā€™t know, have you?ā€​

Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™
Falling asleep is not blacking out. You do understand that, right?
Blacking out means being awake but not remembering what you did.

Yes, but blacking out can also be akin to passing out. Dozens of high school and Yale pals say that he did both.
I'd be willing to bet that Kav has no recollection of the incident .. even the morning after.
Get to the truth FBI - Go talk to Mark Judge. He may remember the attempted rape.
See how fake , Flake is.

View attachment 219032

4 days and FBI investigation would be wrong to do.
To clear kava gang trains name.

But Kava won't call for one to clear his name. Why is that?
If untrue, I would call in everybody! FBI, CIA and NSA
if none of this was true against me as a male DOPer or not!

Simple as this: They don't want the FBI talking to Mark Judge.
Bitch McTurtle is gonna ram this through come hell or high water.
Seeing as how only 1 in 3 Americans want Kav confirmed - It won't play well in November.
Shame on Flake - And just when I thought he might grow a set.
He's gonna be living with this decision for a long time.

FYI. Dang..

View attachment 219038

KavaGangTrain keeps lying. Under Oath. Like 6-8 times know. Exposed.

Yep, did you see him squirm when confronted with the fact that his Yale roommate said the same thing?
And then he wouldn't deny being a blackout drunk - Looked BAD badgering Klobuchar ...
Maybe he had a few beers watching Dr Ford's testimony yesterday - Certainly was belligerent!
Former roommate says Kavanaugh was 'belligerent when he was very drunk'
That must be "YOUR TRUTH", because I remember Kavanaugh repeatedly denied that he was a blackout drunk.

Sorry, no denial - See, Brett merely "fell asleep" :D

But during a line of questioning ā€” by Republicans, no less ā€” in which he denied ever drinking to the point of blacking out, he admitted instead to ā€œfalling asleepā€ after imbibing too many beers.​

Then he asked Klobuchar if she was one .. NO denial - What a worm

When asked again minutes later by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) if he ever drank so much that he couldnā€™t remember what happened or parts of what happened, Kavanaugh again squirmed, offering a feeble denial before responding, ā€œyouā€™re asking about blackout. I donā€™t know, have you?ā€​

Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™

There is a huge difference between falling asleep and passing out. If you do not drink, you can be excused for not knowing that but if you spent any time drinking for pleasure, you know that there is a difference. I weight 240 pounds and I can (and do) drink a lot. I have never passed out at any time when I wasnā€™t in my own bed. But there are times when I just want a drink and sit in the couch and relax after a hard day. Iā€™ve been known at that point to fall asleep after one drink. Huge difference.
Liberals are a grave threat to our country, traitors who side with America's enemies.
This is a liberal country. The majority of Americans are liberals. Truth and justice is the American way, but that's not what we saw from Senate republicans yesterday.

All you have is his word and her word, that is it. There is no evidence, no witnesses, she claimed there were four at the party and all four denied being there and her friend not only denied being there but said she didn't know who Kavanaugh was. So, in the search of justice in this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty and there is absolutely no proof. None.
List these four.

From the Ford testimony: "There were four boys I remember being there: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth, and one other boy whose name I cannot recall," Ford said in her prepared remarks. "I remember my friend Leland Ingham attending."

Leland who is a longtime friend of Ford says she doesn't remember the party and said she had never met Kavanaugh.

The most compelling LIE Ford told...

After nearly being raped and murdered, fearing for her life she escaped the house, still fearing Kavanaugh would chase her down. So now she's outside the house still in fear, this SEARED INTO HER MEMORY and then she can't remember how she got home? BS

She was 15 with no car and no drivers license. She's miles from home and in fear Kavanaugh may chase her down and murder her. How far did she get, did she make it to the end of the driveway? Did she run to a neighbors house? There were no cell phones then so how did she contact someone for a ride home?

This is a GIANT hole in her fabricated story. Why pretend not to remember this? Because if someone gave her a ride home after this horrifying event that person would be called on to testify THATS why.
Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t jump on the Lindsay Graham bandwagon. Heā€™s been a complete spineless prick for a decade and he does this one thing right and Iā€™m supposed to love the guy? Yeah good job finally getting your head out of your ass.
Wants to be Trump' s New Attorney General to replace Jeff Sessions.

How do you think he's doing in his 'try out' ?
/ā€”ā€”/ Heā€™s doing Godā€™s work by kicking libtard ass.
God has nothing to do with this administration. The bible is very clear on divorce...
/ā€”ā€”/ Sorry Tinkerbell but Graham was never divorced
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
FYI. Dang..

View attachment 219038

KavaGangTrain keeps lying. Under Oath. Like 6-8 times know. Exposed.

Yep, did you see him squirm when confronted with the fact that his Yale roommate said the same thing?
And then he wouldn't deny being a blackout drunk - Looked BAD badgering Klobuchar ...
Maybe he had a few beers watching Dr Ford's testimony yesterday - Certainly was belligerent!
Former roommate says Kavanaugh was 'belligerent when he was very drunk'
That must be "YOUR TRUTH", because I remember Kavanaugh repeatedly denied that he was a blackout drunk.

Sorry, no denial - See, Brett merely "fell asleep" :D

But during a line of questioning ā€” by Republicans, no less ā€” in which he denied ever drinking to the point of blacking out, he admitted instead to ā€œfalling asleepā€ after imbibing too many beers.​

Then he asked Klobuchar if she was one .. NO denial - What a worm

When asked again minutes later by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) if he ever drank so much that he couldnā€™t remember what happened or parts of what happened, Kavanaugh again squirmed, offering a feeble denial before responding, ā€œyouā€™re asking about blackout. I donā€™t know, have you?ā€​

Kavanaugh claims he never passed out from drinking, just ā€˜fell asleepā€™
Falling asleep is not blacking out. You do understand that, right?
Blacking out means being awake but not remembering what you did.

Yes, but blacking out can also be akin to passing out. Dozens of high school and Yale pals say that he did both.
I'd be willing to bet that Kav has no recollection of the incident .. even the morning after.
Get to the truth FBI - Go talk to Mark Judge. He may remember the attempted rape.
Blacking out is not passing out. How can you sexually assault someone when you're passed out.
Blacking out is being awake but not remembering what you did......thus the attempt to blame Kavanaugh for committing the assault but not remembering it.
Liberals are a grave threat to our country, traitors who side with America's enemies.
This is a liberal country. The majority of Americans are liberals. Truth and justice is the American way, but that's not what we saw from Senate republicans yesterday.

All you have is his word and her word, that is it. There is no evidence, no witnesses, she claimed there were four at the party and all four denied being there and her friend not only denied being there but said she didn't know who Kavanaugh was. So, in the search of justice in this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty and there is absolutely no proof. None.
List these four.

From the Ford testimony: "There were four boys I remember being there: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth, and one other boy whose name I cannot recall," Ford said in her prepared remarks. "I remember my friend Leland Ingham attending."

Leland who is a longtime friend of Ford says she doesn't remember the party and said she had never met Kavanaugh.

The most compelling LIE Ford told...

After nearly being raped and murdered, fearing for her life she escaped the house, still fearing Kavanaugh would chase her down. So now she's outside the house still in fear, this SEARED INTO HER MEMORY and then she can't remember how she got home? BS

She was 15 with no car and no drivers license. She's miles from home and in fear Kavanaugh may chase her down and murder her. How far did she get, did she make it to the end of the driveway? Did she run to a neighbors house? There were no cell phones then so how did she contact someone for a ride home?

This is a GIANT hole in her fabricated story. Why pretend not to remember this? Because if someone gave her a ride home after this horrifying event that person would be called on to testify THATS why.
She blacked out.
From one beer no less.
drunk guys who may have made mistakes always get the benefit of the doubt. drunk girls do not
/ā€”ā€”/ Heā€™s doing Godā€™s work by kicking libtard ass.
God has nothing to do with this administration. The bible is very clear on divorce...
/ā€”ā€”/ Sorry Tinkerbell but Graham was never divorced
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
/ā€”ā€”/ I was talking about Graham and only Graham. You moved the goal posts to include Trump. My reading skills are just fine but your deceptive debate tactic is what needs attention
God has nothing to do with this administration. The bible is very clear on divorce...
/ā€”ā€”/ Sorry Tinkerbell but Graham was never divorced
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
/ā€”ā€”/ I was talking about Graham and only Graham. You moved the goal posts to include Trump. My reading skills are just fine but your deceptive debate tactic is what needs attention
You think God would support trumpy? Shall we discuss what the Bible says about divorce?
/ā€”ā€”/ Sorry Tinkerbell but Graham was never divorced
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
/ā€”ā€”/ I was talking about Graham and only Graham. You moved the goal posts to include Trump. My reading skills are just fine but your deceptive debate tactic is what needs attention
You think God would support trumpy? Shall we discuss what the Bible says about divorce?

You sure you want to discuss that?
I read after 10,000 plus reports of child rapes
by so-called leaders in the church. And many confirmed true.
The lord' not that moral. Or the flock for that matter.
As they supply the fresh young pussy anal meats
at each mass.
/ā€”ā€”/ Sorry Tinkerbell but Graham was never divorced
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
/ā€”ā€”/ I was talking about Graham and only Graham. You moved the goal posts to include Trump. My reading skills are just fine but your deceptive debate tactic is what needs attention
You think God would support trumpy? Shall we discuss what the Bible says about divorce?
/ā€”-/ Godā€™s love and support is unconditional. Itā€™s what you choose to do with that support.
Trumpy, itā€™s his pick.
/ā€”ā€”/ Ahhhh guilty of divorce by association. How liberal of you.
I said administration. You need better reading skills.
/ā€”ā€”/ I was talking about Graham and only Graham. You moved the goal posts to include Trump. My reading skills are just fine but your deceptive debate tactic is what needs attention
You think God would support trumpy? Shall we discuss what the Bible says about divorce?
/ā€”-/ Godā€™s love and support is unconditional. Itā€™s what you choose to do with that support.

So the lord' loves and plans female rapes in support.
So here the female should just be the victim unconditionally
for the support and love of the lord'?

Gurl, go elsewhere for support and love. The lord' is abusive
and a Born and Unborn baby killer as well. As his church leaders
here rape young pussy, anal and face holes for the lords' love
and support..unconditionally and conditionally for money.
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I quit listening to loon tards comments on what they want to see The GOP do, or comments about what they are doing a long time ago.

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