Link to the 3rd party investigation into the Biden Chinese corruption


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Here is the report. It is very detailed but long. Interesting reading if you want to know what is actually going on.
Plus the 2018 NYT story on a Chinese businessman eventually arrested for bribery in NY and his connections to the Bidens.
How much proof of corruption do sheople need to see the truth?
Well my key take away is he contacted Joe Biden and met a couple of times.

He contacted Republicans and met with them a couple of times

He tried to make deals with those in power. The story does not say if any were made only that he was trying to do something. He donated money to the Clinton foundation and another American charity. Yet some do donate large sums of money to foundations like the Clinton or Trump foundations in the belief that it will get political favors for lack of a better word. Vince Mahon (WWF) wife donated to Trump's foundation and she was picked to lead a government entity when Trump came to office.

Then the Feds investigated him for buying off government officials in 2 African countries. I do not know why they would be investigating that but that is what the story says.

Still it all failed and I do not see the relevance as he talked with people and try to gain influence with them by making deals. Nothing is said that any deal was done. The shady world of politics is one that those who seek the spotlight do it for the prestige and for the deals that can be made.
Well my key take away is he contacted Joe Biden and met a couple of times.

He contacted Republicans and met with them a couple of times

He tried to make deals with those in power. The story does not say if any were made only that he was trying to do something. He donated money to the Clinton foundation and another American charity. Yet some do donate large sums of money to foundations like the Clinton or Trump foundations in the belief that it will get political favors for lack of a better word. Vince Mahon (WWF) wife donated to Trump's foundation and she was picked to lead a government entity when Trump came to office.

Then the Feds investigated him for buying off government officials in 2 African countries. I do not know why they would be investigating that but that is what the story says.

Still it all failed and I do not see the relevance as he talked with people and try to gain influence with them by making deals. Nothing is said that any deal was done. The shady world of politics is one that those who seek the spotlight do it for the prestige and for the deals that can be made.
Actually, NYT never says he met with Joe Biden but it does say he met with Hunter at least twice, in 2 separate cities, including the private meeting at a Miami hotel. It also say when he was busted for bribery, he promptly reached out to the Bidens for help. Kinda presumptuous for a foreign national with known Chinese intelligence & military connections to call the family of the VP for help.
Whenever I get busted by the feds on corruption charges, I immediately contact people I barely know for help.
I'm sure it was all completely innocent though. It's not like there is other evidence out there showing other shady dealings with those connected to the Chinese govt. Or the Russian govt. Or the Ukrainian govt.
Well my key take away is he contacted Joe Biden and met a couple of times.

He contacted Republicans and met with them a couple of times

He tried to make deals with those in power. The story does not say if any were made only that he was trying to do something. He donated money to the Clinton foundation and another American charity. Yet some do donate large sums of money to foundations like the Clinton or Trump foundations in the belief that it will get political favors for lack of a better word. Vince Mahon (WWF) wife donated to Trump's foundation and she was picked to lead a government entity when Trump came to office.

Then the Feds investigated him for buying off government officials in 2 African countries. I do not know why they would be investigating that but that is what the story says.

Still it all failed and I do not see the relevance as he talked with people and try to gain influence with them by making deals. Nothing is said that any deal was done. The shady world of politics is one that those who seek the spotlight do it for the prestige and for the deals that can be made.
Actually, NYT never says he met with Joe Biden but it does say he met with Hunter at least twice, in 2 separate cities, including the private meeting at a Miami hotel. It also say when he was busted for bribery, he promptly reached out to the Bidens for help. Kinda presumptuous for a foreign national with known Chinese intelligence & military connections to call the family of the VP for help.
Whenever I get busted by the feds on corruption charges, I immediately contact people I barely know for help.
I'm sure it was all completely innocent though. It's not like there is other evidence out there showing other shady dealings with those connected to the Chinese govt. Or the Russian govt. Or the Ukrainian govt.

okay typo I meant Hunter.

They article says that Hunter meet with him in May 2017 which is a date that Biden is no longer VP. Hunter is a business man and makes deals. It does not even say if a deal was struck just that they talked. Later in November US authorities are looking for him. So I doubt a deal was made just people talking about a deal.

He made a call to James Biden but obviously how could biden help him. They are not in power and they certainly are not lawyers.
Obviously in 2017 they were talking about making deals. Joe was not the VP and had no sway in a republican administration. The guy probably called all the people he meet in the US.

Obvious they met so he made a call to get help. Desperate gamble but it is still just a call for help to people he had met.

So what is the story line here. he met with Hunter Biden to make deals. As far as I know there was no deal was made or at most it was in the talking phase

He bribed government official in Africa and probably a few other places in Russian and China. He was a rich guy and thought that he could do it in the US. A rich person who thought that he could buy his way out of anything.

The only connection is a meeting with Hunter It is not even clear if they reached any deal as 5 months later he is in trouble with law enforcement.

Still it is not illegal to make business deals. Hunter seems to make a living off the Biden name. I am sure the Trump children are doing the same from the Trump name.

Is it illegal, no it is not. This is the land of milk and honey.

Is it ethical well when Trump suggested that they hold a world summit or meeting at one of his properties is that ethical behavior. Or does it send the wrong message that the President would make money from government functions because he can suggest it and it is kosher

obviously Trump thought it was a good idea and a man with no ethics thinks like that.

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