List of Obama's deplorable heroes


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
This isn't pretty, but it helps explain who Obama is and what he thinks of himself.

Fidel Castro - brutal commie dictator, murderer, wanted the US nuked, used torture on critics, lived a billionaire lifestyle while his people lived in extreme poverty

LBJ - traitor, socialist, got to the WH by helping Israel assassinate his boss, sold out the troops in Vietnam, allowed Israel to deliberately murder the crew of the USS Liberty, is cited by MLK family for framing JE Ray for murdering MLK Jr - family now blames LBJ, won his first Congressional seat when his opponent was murdered - nobody was ever put before a Grand Jury about that

Rev Wright - extreme left wing bigot, hates America, hates whites, socialist

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd - former Klansman was always in favor of making US taxdollars disappear, socialist, left winger, life long Democrat, bigot, and coward

These are four of Obama's biggest heroes. They are all despicable people. But they have the following in common

socialist/communist hater of capitalism and small accountable government
kleptocrat - saw political power as a path to getting rich

and that is who Obama really is. Just wait until Trump opens the FBI's "erased" files....

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