Living in the Midst of a Rebellious Generation

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is an important subject addressed by Michael Boldea Jr. in a sermon this past week. Michael Boldea Jr. is the grandson of the great Romanian Christian bible smuggler, Dumitru Duduman. The orphanage work he started continues today by his grandson and brethren in the LORD. Dumitru was the founder of Hand of Help ministries and was a close friend of Richard Wurmbrand who is the founder of Voice of the Martyrs.

Hand of Help Ministries

Rebellion of heart blinds men to their downfall, and the consequences of said rebellion. I’ve had conversations with runaways who were neither abused, beaten, verbally harassed, nor made to feel anything less than a beloved son or daughter, living in squalor, dirty and hungry and cold, huddled under dingy bridges, yet telling themselves over and over again that they are better off this way.

We lie to ourselves often enough, consistently enough, and with as much conviction as we can muster, and eventually we start to believe our own lies.

Many today look at the society our rebellion has vomited into existence, and continually tell themselves that we are better off than our parents and grandparents. Who needs affection when you have Twitter? Who needs love when you have Facebook? Who needs a loving, caring, involved two parent home when you have streaming video and on demand movies?

Some have even taken to looking back on the idyllic times of yesteryear and mocking them ceaselessly, because it’s just absurd to consider a family sitting down for dinner together, holding hands, saying a prayer, talking about their day, and being involved in each other’s lives.

We have entered an age wherein the notion of affection is neither implied nor expected. Love, and the notion thereof have become a punch line, and the notion of family, is as abstract and foreign to many, as molecular biology. Everything is boiled down to animalistic rutting, inflated egos, and constant feelings of entitlement.

Those who would cling to the basic ideas of family, of true love, of lifelong commitment, of God, of Christ, of righteousness, of wholesomeness, of decency and yes, even humanity, are openly mocked and ridiculed as though their actions could readily be likened to some simpleminded child’s attempt to catch butterflies with a fishing net.

I’ve even met individuals who’ve been browbeaten into feeling shame for having a loving family, well behaved children, or in other words, just being what would have passed for normal as little as a decade ago.

Countless individuals have been made to feel like the odd man out. They’ve been made to feel like a circus freak and an oddity just because they’re still together, because they still fight to keep their family intact and put food on the table.

How is it that we are still aghast, or wonder at how the most gruesome things and the most heinous acts can be perpetrated by young and old alike in our age when we have stripped society of the very notions of morality, godliness, or virtue?

Rather than be something to aspire toward, these things have become something to be mocked and ridiculed. Rather than promote virtue as an ideal, we call perversion the new normal and see nothing untoward in having our children inundated with it day in and day out.

When did it become accepted practice in this country to look down on someone because they go to church, or because their family is still intact?

We have taken to calling good evil and evil good, not realizing that by doing so we are creating the instrument of our own demise.

A well written sermon by Michael Boldea Jr. .
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This is an important subject addressed by Michael Boldea Jr. in a sermon this past week. Michael Boldea Jr. is the grandson of the great Romanian Christian bible smuggler, Dumitru Duduman. The orphanage work he started continues today by his grandson and brethren in the LORD. Dumitru was the founder of Hand of Help ministries and was a close friend of Richard Wurmbrand who is the founder of Voice of the Martyrs.

Hand of Help Ministries

Rebellion of heart blinds men to their downfall, and the consequences of said rebellion. I’ve had conversations with runaways who were neither abused, beaten, verbally harassed, nor made to feel anything less than a beloved son or daughter, living in squalor, dirty and hungry and cold, huddled under dingy bridges, yet telling themselves over and over again that they are better off this way.

We lie to ourselves often enough, consistently enough, and with as much conviction as we can muster, and eventually we start to believe our own lies.

Many today look at the society our rebellion has vomited into existence, and continually tell themselves that we are better off than our parents and grandparents. Who needs affection when you have Twitter? Who needs love when you have Facebook? Who needs a loving, caring, involved two parent home when you have streaming video and on demand movies?

Some have even taken to looking back on the idyllic times of yesteryear and mocking them ceaselessly, because it’s just absurd to consider a family sitting down for dinner together, holding hands, saying a prayer, talking about their day, and being involved in each other’s lives.

We have entered an age wherein the notion of affection is neither implied nor expected. Love, and the notion thereof have become a punch line, and the notion of family, is as abstract and foreign to many, as molecular biology. Everything is boiled down to animalistic rutting, inflated egos, and constant feelings of entitlement.

Those who would cling to the basic ideas of family, of true love, of lifelong commitment, of God, of Christ, of righteousness, of wholesomeness, of decency and yes, even humanity, are openly mocked and ridiculed as though their actions could readily be likened to some simpleminded child’s attempt to catch butterflies with a fishing net.

I’ve even met individuals who’ve been browbeaten into feeling shame for having a loving family, well behaved children, or in other words, just being what would have passed for normal as little as a decade ago.

Countless individuals have been made to feel like the odd man out. They’ve been made to feel like a circus freak and an oddity just because they’re still together, because they still fight to keep their family intact and put food on the table.

How is it that we are still aghast, or wonder at how the most gruesome things and the most heinous acts can be perpetrated by young and old alike in our age when we have stripped society of the very notions of morality, godliness, or virtue?

Rather than be something to aspire toward, these things have become something to be mocked and ridiculed. Rather than promote virtue as an ideal, we call perversion the new normal and see nothing untoward in having our children inundated with it day in and day out.

When did it become accepted practice in this country to look down on someone because they go to church, or because their family is still intact?

We have taken to calling good evil and evil good, not realizing that by doing so we are creating the instrument of our own demise.

A well written sermon by Michael Boldea Jr.

Heck of a sermon, that.

Thanks for posting it for us, Jerm.
Yep. But we've still got a way to go, Nutz. It isn't night yet. There is still a harvest that is stretched out as far as the eye can see. The best is yet to come for those who trust in the LORD.
Yep. But we've still got a way to go, Nutz. It isn't night yet. There is still a harvest that is stretched out as far as the eye can see. The best is yet to come for those who trust in the LORD.
I would so much love to have a conversation about this...regretfully, I don't like to feed my faith to the trolls.
Why not? You could lead one to Christ! Besides, you never know who is reading. For some it may be the first time they have ever heard the good news about Jesus Christ, Nutz. When you are in a restaurant even - talking to your friends about Christ, it may not be them that gets the blessing but the person seated behind you that overhears it! It happens. I believe there will be more souls saved off of this message board than any other message board on the internet. I see many, many people who have a desire and an interest to hear about God, to discuss God, to consider God. It's strong evidence of His Presence here.
Talk about a trip down memory lane! Some of these threads I am finding have some wonderful sermons on them! This was back in May but applies to right now just as it did then!
Duduman claimed that his way of seeing if any of his dreams truly came from God was to pray, ‘Lord if that is from you, let me dream that again.’ Of course, that is not the Biblical test or standard for testing either a spirit or a prophecy, and opens one up to all sorts of error, fantasy and delusions. One also has to question the fact that God and his angels would consistently agree to this. God is the one in control in this sense, not Duduman. Furthermore Duduman claims that he asked questions in the dreams in an interactive type of way. Are we led to believe then, that exactly the same questions were asked in exactly the same way in each dream? This claim alone causes me to doubt the truthfulness of the testimony, as this would just not happen in reality. You’d ask differant questions after thinking or praying on it after the first night, or you’d maybe see things with a slightly differant spin on them, or you’d try and gain more understanding or interact in a slightly differant way with God or the angels the second time around. However, all these facts notwithstanding, these dreams and visions of Dudaman’s could have been tested by any discerning mind against scripture and found to be false if following the proper biblical standards. Why few people, if any, have done this bemuses me.
There is a lot of troubling false theology in the dreams, and the very number of angels Dudaman also always claimed to see, almost always Gabriel, also raises a red flag in itself against the reliability of the dream’s source and/or the prophet’s integrity. Intentional false prophets often claim they speak to angels in an attempt to gain extra credibility for their visions. Why he also seeks to draw attention to the ‘manifestations’ to garner extra credibility for the visions is also troubling. For example, he makes sure to mention that he was ‘bathed in sweat’ or he ‘was so afraid he could not sleep the rest of the night’ etc, another indicitive of possible intentional fraud, for a true prophet would know that these manifestations were neither here nor there, but to the undiscerning mind it sounds ’spicy’ and ’supernatural’. I do not think God would leave him in such a fearful state like he claims either.

When reading through his numerous visions, I find Dumitru Duduman to be a prophet Daniel ‘copycat’, I believe he generally misunderstands the nature of true prophetic encounters and has created in his own accounts something to fit what he thought Daniel went through, and what he thinks sounds believable and Biblical to others, while mistakenly mixing it up with Joseph’s dreams and visions (which were not interactive like Daniel’s). Yet Duduman made a fundamental flaw in that he misunderstood the interactive element between the dreamer, God and the angels for dreams such as the ones he claimed he experienced; the visionary though in some sort of an altered state would be fully concious and able to respond and would not be in a normal dreamstate. There is also a distinct lack of any kind of intercession in the claimed interactions, which again raises suspicions to their veracity. Because of this misunderstanding, Duduman has made fatal flaws in storyline and logic, indicating his account is untrue, at least in part. He has not told a full and true account of what has happened: he cannot have. He has at best embellished his story and at worst he has outright lied. There are just too many inconsistencies in what he claims.

In terms of the lies in the dreams of factual circumstance:

In one instance the angels allegedly told a sick Dumitru Duduman that he would be healed to preach again for a long time and that when he did eventually die, his ministry would be continued by his wife. (This idea of keeping a ministry in the family is not Biblical in itself, another thing that troubles me about this clan of prophets.)

‘As I was laying in my hospital bed, looking over the faces of my family, three men appeared beside me. One had a globe in his hand, and he began to rotate it and point out certain countries saying: “This is where the destruction will come from.” I don’t remember all the places he pointed to, but I remember I saw Mexico, Cuba, and the Alaskan border. Then one of the men spoke to me; “we fought against death for you. It was a hard fight. Do not fear you will not leave. You still have work to do.” Suddenly, 3 stars appeared behind them. One of them asked; “Do you know what that means?” “No” I answered. “We won’t say exactly, but it probably means that in another 3 years a great massacre will occur.” Then the stars turned into blood, and everything disappeared.’ (Vision of Dumitru Duduman received November 29, 1996)

“I won’t say exactly” and “It probably means….” Where in the Bible would you find one of God’s messengers giving a confused message like this? Either God says something or He does not! This predicted massacre did not come to pass in either Mexico, Cuba, or the Alaskan border, and despite the angel’s apparent fudging, still have not over eleven years later.

Anyway these predictions given to him regarding his wife taking over the ministry were proven false 4 to 5 months later when his wife died. He then died several months later, all of this proving that these angels were wrong.

He also gave key dates for a Russia-chinese invasion of the USA and then the end of the world which dates have long since passed. In August 1991 he claimed he saw the back of a book in a vision and counted out 4 remaining blank pages at the end.“When these (pages) are filled,” the angel said, “the book of the Gentiles will be complete. Then I will return to my people.’ (There are some mixed up thoughts there between the angel and the Lord Jesus Christ, indicating the untrustworthiness of the vision. If it had been Christ appearing as an angel, or as like a son of man, there would have been a lot more awe and wonder on Duduman’s part, there are quite a few cases of similar slips of storyline like this in his other visions, which just would not happen if you are relaying a fully truthful account. (Such slips of logic like this and inconsistencies of fact are normally indications someone is lying - they have not thought through their story well enough. This is the stuff police detectives look for when testing an alibi.)

In January 1996, in a vision, Duduaman said:

Two men ’opened a great book and said, Do you remember how many pages were left to fill when I showed you last time? Now, there is but one page left. When this is completed, what I have told you will happen …..” The man proceeded to tell me that the time it would take for this page to be filled, would not be longer, but shorter.

The time between these visions is four and a half years, and Dumitru Dudman claims it will be less time than these four and a half years before the end of the time of the Gentiles and the return of Christ. Well, at the time of writing this articles, it is twelve years now, so these visions and their source, are patently false.
"Living in the Midst of a Rebellious Generation"

Generations have been 'rebelling' for the last 5000 years, just as they'll continue to do so for the next 5000 years.

The premise of the OP is ignorant and ridiculous.

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