Liz Cheney Suggests a New Political Party May Be Needed

He encouraged them to protest peacefully. That protest turned into a riot because security at the Capital was so badly managed. That wasn't Donald Trump's fault. He offered the National Guard. That offer wasn't accepted.
LOL So, it is the Capitol police's fault that the MAGA retards turned violent? :auiqs.jpg:

Not the orange douchebag's fault for falsely claiming that the elections were rigged or for encouraging his retards to lynch Pence.

And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
I'm curious, Magnus...who is it that you think "supports" Liz Cheney these days?
People who care about our Constitution. Certainly not the traitors who raided the Capitol or spread false tales about the 2020 election being rigged or that Trump was cheated. Not them.

Let me know if you are still confused.
LOL So, it is the Capitol police's fault that the MAGA retards turned violent? :auiqs.jpg:

Not the orange douchebag's fault for falsely claiming that the elections were rigged or for encouraging his retards to lynch Pence.

And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
Of course it's not the Capital Police's fault that protest turned violent! The fault lies with the people in charge that failed to provide an adequate force to handle a huge protest of people that the FBI was warning had the potential to become violent. So why wasn't the offer of the National Guard gratefully accepted? Because it came from Trump? Or was a small riot something that Nancy Pelosi welcomed?
People who care about our Constitution. Certainly not the traitors who raided the Capitol or spread false tales about the 2020 election being rigged or that Trump was cheated. Not them.

Let me know if you are still confused.
Liz Cheney is a champion of the Constitution? Gee, Magnus...when did that happen? When she declared war against Donald Trump? The Cheney family was LOATHED by the left before Trump! Suddenly she's a combination of Mother Theresa and Lincoln? Don't make me laugh...
Here's the problem with that...
If Liz Cheney actually HAD integrity then the Jan. 6th committee would have investigated all of the things that led to that riot not just try to pin the blame for the riot on Donald Trump! I'm sorry but Liz let her hatred of Trump to make her a propagandist...something that the voters of Wyoming observed and disapproved of. She was overwhelmingly defeated in a State where her family has held enormous political clout for decades and that happened because the voters of Wyoming didn't think she HAD integrity!
You liar, you what all things. Trying to twist Trump's attack on the Republic is faarking disgusting. We all saw live what Trump's goons did that day and we know what Trump did for those crutial 187 minutes while his people pleaded with him to call off his goons.
Of course it's not the Capital Police's fault that protest turned violent! The fault lies with the people in charge that failed to provide an adequate force to handle a huge protest of people that the FBI was warning had the potential to become violent. So why wasn't the offer of the National Guard gratefully accepted? Because it came from Trump? Or was a small riot something that Nancy Pelosi welcomed?
Trump was in charge, what was he doing in his basement for 187 minutes?
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
Why? She want to get kicked to the curb by another one?
Trump was in charge of the police at the Capital? In what world? The Speaker of the House and the Mayor of DC were "in charge"...what were they doing in the DAYS before that protest turned into a riot?
How were they to know Trump's goons were going to be incited to attack the Capitol? Your guy hid in his basement for 187 minutes and did nothing despite pleads from Don Jr and others. What was that about.
How were they to know Trump's goons were going to be incited to attack the Capitol? Your guy hid in his basement for 187 minutes and did nothing despite pleads from Don Jr and others. What was that about.
Because the FBI made it quite clear days before Jan. 6th that they thought violence might very well occur? Which was why Trump offered additional National Guard troops. So why weren't those troops accepted by the Mayor of DC and the Speaker of the House?
LOL So, it is the Capitol police's fault that the MAGA retards turned violent? :auiqs.jpg:
Not the orange douchebag's fault for falsely claiming that the elections were rigged or for encouraging his retards to lynch Pence.
And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
Everything is someone else's fault. Always. The leader is always an innocent victim. It's the chosen people against the world. Only they know The Truth.

A cult.
Because the FBI made it quite clear days before Jan. 6th that they thought violence might very well occur? Which was why Trump offered additional National Guard troops. So why weren't those troops accepted by the Mayor of DC and the Speaker of the House?
Show me evidence that additional NG was offered. BTW changes nothing it was Trump's goons who attacked the Capitol because your whining loser incited them to. It's like saying the guards didn't stop me from robbing the bank.

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