Liz Cheney Suggests a New Political Party May Be Needed


Agreed. Liz Cheney AND Adam Kinzinger are BOTH true American Heroes...

Congressional Gold Medal candidates... once hyper-MAGAtts have been phased out of the House...

The Party of Lincoln is on life-support... having become the analogy of the Whig Know-Nothings of the 19th century...

It remains to be seen whether it can recover from its present toxic-sepsis condition; infested with MAGAtts as it is...
The Democrat Party is now Progressive Socialist Communist. Cheney is rich off of American military deaths. Remember when the then Dems warned Republican voters? We finally had enough of what you said is the good Republicans. It seems you have not taken your own advice. You are the war mongers or lead the way. You have won social justice and yet it is not enough for you as you have moved it into drug induced lunacy. There is not enough money for your agendas. That is reality.
That would be interesting, Wonder what kind of people? honest-? education,?- life experience,?- job experience ?
Would steer this kind of party, With focus on Country over political party hacks????
What I would love to see -- and I'm sure as hell not holding my breath -- would be expert facilitators. People who know how to accurately and fairly frame a conversation and (critically) how to pick the right people to participate in it.

So on any given issue, for the platform, these people would simply guide the conversation like it would be done in a business organization. Keeping everything moving forward, getting all points of view in, encouraging innovation and new ideas so that everyone has skin in the game.

So, pretty much the opposite of the simplistic tribalism we see today.
Um, yeah, let's get real here. The real problem is that the GOP has a wonderful ability to re-invent itself after allowing demogogues to define them for a period.

The GOP recovered after Joe McCarthy slinked off into an alcoholic stupor. It recovered after Tricky Dick went to live out his days at San Clemente. It recovered after Dubya and her Dad got us into a war on a lie and wrecked the economy.

WHEN Trump loses, the MAGA movement will disappear with him. The GOP will find new leaders and a bunch of the current ones will all pretend they never met Trump.
You may be right. But the point is that they have lost credibility.

GOP used to stand for morality, fiscal conservatism, and a deep respect for the Constitution. All three are in tatters after the orange douchebag took over the party.

Can they recover and move on as if nothing happened when Trump is gone? Not sure. Hence Cheney's idea of a new party to start fresh.
love how you people who used to hate her now love her because she doesnt like are all a bunch of phonies....
We still won't vote for her but we respect her for her courage in standing up for truth. When Trump encouraged J6 traitors to attack Congress and lynch his own VP, the majority of Republican leaders - Lindsey Graham, Haley, DeSantis, etc - roundly condemned Trump for his actions.

And yet... when they saw that he still had the support of the MAGA retards, they all came crawling back. Not Liz Cheney. For that, she has our admiration.

But don't worry. Retards like you won't get it. If you did, you wouldn't be a MAGA retard. Let me know if you are still confused.
An interesting thread with some predictable reactions.
Nonetheless, it's worth commenting on some of them.

  • This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.................Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her!
  • ".... admire the guts, integrity and honesty she's shown..."
  • Agreed. Liz Cheney AND Adam Kinzinger are BOTH true American Heroes...

I quite agree with posters Magnus, Mac58, and Kondor.
Yes, Cheney's willingness to look into the January 6th insurrection by Trump supporters, and the action and in-action by Don Trump that directly led to the attack, and to the subsequent injury to police officers and damage to our Capitol....served America well.

Her willingness to put her impactful career (#3 Republican in the House) on the line to focus the righteous spotlight on Don Trump and his enablers is....indeed.....worthy of a 'profile-in-courage' medal.

I attended a presentation by Cheney last January in Sarasota. She commanded that audience and that stage. She has presence. 'Presence' in the sense of her 'just-the-facts-Ma'am' demeanor, her command of the details, nuances, and implications of what she participated in during the J6 investigation. Organized. Succinct. Articulate. And to-the-point. She got a standing ovation from the deep red uber-conservative Sarasota crowd. She clearly won them over.

ps......I would highly recommend to all to go to YouTube and re-fresh yourself on the Committee's work, and the revelations they made. Watch Cheney's focus and attentiveness.
J6, was damning to Don Trump and all Americans should know of his direct action and his deliberate inaction. All of which created, inflamed, instigated, and worsened the events of J6. Cheney was one of that Committee that has created a substantive historical record of the attack that was intended to keep Don Trump in power in defiance of the American Constitution.

  • Her own constituents in WY kicked her Dem collaborator ass to the curb.
  • Her warmonger lying ass couldn’t get elected as a dog catcher.
  • there must be something wrong with her that she can't see how hated her and her father have become


Well, as has already been mentioned Cheney knew her career representing deep red Wyoming would be put at risk. Her concerns were justified. But, very smart cookie that she is AND patriotic American and Constitutionalist that she is, she thought that an honorable and righteous effort to reveal the scope and cause of J6 was more important than her political seat. Kudos to her. And good for America to have a prominent and important politician take that high-road approach to her responsibility.



  • love how you people who used to hate her now love her because she doesnt like are all a bunch of phonies....
  • She is no longer a Republican and she is a tool for the Democrats.
Well, Harry and LoL it is true......many Americans viewed Cheney with skepticism. But times change. People change. Circumstances change.
January 6th was a watershed event. THAT changed much of everything.
And as such, it justifiably re-cast many prior perspectives.
So, kudos to Cheney for changing her formerly uber-Republican identity and embracing a more responsible and more impactful'American' identity. And her willingness to put her politician' career on the line.
Good for her. Good for America.
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
I agree.
An interesting thread with some predictable reactions.
Nonetheless, it's worth commenting on some of them.


I quite agree with posters Magnus, Mac58, and Kondor.
Yes, Cheney's willingness to look into the January 6th insurrection by Trump supporters, and the action and in-action by Don Trump that directly led to the attack, and to the subsequent injury to police officers and damage to our Capitol....served America well.

Her willingness to put her impactful career (#3 Republican in the House) on the line to focus the righteous spotlight on Don Trump and his enablers is....indeed.....worthy of a 'profile-in-courage' medal.

I attended a presentation by Cheney last January in Sarasota. She commanded that audience and that stage. She has presence. 'Presence' in the sense of her 'just-the-facts-Ma'am' demeanor, her command of the details, nuances, and implications of what she participated in during the J6 investigation. Organized. Succinct. Articulate. And to-the-point. She got a standing ovation from the deep red uber-conservative Sarasota crowd. She clearly won them over.

ps......I would highly recommend to all to go to YouTube and re-fresh yourself on the Committee's work, and the revelations they made. Watch Cheney's focus and attentiveness.
J6, was damning to Don Trump and all Americans should know of his direct action and his deliberate inaction. All of which created, inflamed, instigated, and worsened the events of J6. Cheney was one of that Committee that has created a substantive historical record of the attack that was intended to keep Don Trump in power in defiance of the American Constitution.


Well, as has already been mentioned Cheney knew her career representing deep red Wyoming would be put at risk. Her concerns were justified. But, very smart cookie that she is AND patriotic American and Constitutionalist that she is, she thought that an honorable and righteous effort to reveal the scope and cause of J6 was more important than her political seat. Kudos to her. And good for America to have a prominent and important politician take that high-road approach to her responsibility.



Well, Harry and LoL it is true......many Americans viewed Cheney with skepticism. But times change. People change. Circumstances change.
January 6th was a watershed event. THAT changed much of everything.
And as such, it justifiably re-cast many prior perspectives.
So, kudos to Cheney for changing her formerly uber-Republican identity and embracing a more responsible and more impactful'American' identity. And her willingness to put her politician' career on the line.
Good for her. Good for America.
Liz Cheney is a liar and a con artist who hid evidence that exonerated J6 defendants. She denied them their constitutional rights and violated the law. If there was real justice, she would go to jail for that. But not in Biden’s Banana Republic, and not with asshats like you that swallow any and all propaganda spewed by the left and these RINOs.
"....the majority of Republican leaders ...... roundly condemned Trump for his actions........And yet... when they saw that he still had the support of the MAGA retards, they all came crawling back.

All of those, and the wider circle of enablers are forever damned by their Hunger Games approach to their willing role in a Sycophancy Competition.

The Democrat Party is now Progressive Socialist Communist. Cheney is rich off of American military deaths. Remember when the then Dems warned Republican voters? We finally had enough of what you said is the good Republicans. It seems you have not taken your own advice. You are the war mongers or lead the way. You have won social justice and yet it is not enough for you as you have moved it into drug induced lunacy. There is not enough money for your agendas. That is reality.
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are true American Heroes... to everyone except MAGAtt Cult True Believers, anyway... :cool:
No they are not. This lie that "both parties are the same" isn't helpful, nor is it true. But it does give Republicans the notion that their party is just fine and the Democrats are no different that they are, which is clearly NOT TRUE.

Democrats are NOT controlled by their "most radical members". They're fielding centrist candidates for leadership. Not people who are killing pregnant women.

It’s a lie to claim that ‘both parties’ are ‘the same.’

They’re not.
We still won't vote for her but we respect her for her courage in standing up for truth. When Trump encouraged J6 traitors to attack Congress and lynch his own VP, the majority of Republican leaders - Lindsey Graham, Haley, DeSantis, etc - roundly condemned Trump for his actions.

And yet... when they saw that he still had the support of the MAGA retards, they all came crawling back. Not Liz Cheney. For that, she has our admiration.

But don't worry. Retards like you won't get it. If you did, you wouldn't be a MAGA retard. Let me know if you are still confused.
hey MAGanus why dont you prove what you said about me....and when you cant...ill let you blow me...if you can open that wide...
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are true American Heroes... to everyone except MAGAtt Cult True Believers, anyway... :cool:
the trumpers can say that trump is an American hero to everyone except democrat cult true people are a lot alike....
"But not in Biden’s Banana Republic, and not with asshats like you that swallow any and all propaganda spewed by the left and these RINOs."

Well, whine if you wish, poster Hawk.
But, you see, if you were a git-er-done kind of would do something about it. Instead, you retreat behind anonymous grievance-filled snowflaking under a fake name on an internet gossipboard.

Do something. Take your convictions to authorities.
Don't be just another skinflint whiner and complainer.
Don't let TDS---Trump's Duped & Snookered ---sycophancy define you forever.

Good luck.

It’s a lie to claim that ‘both parties’ are ‘the same.’

They’re not.
in respect to how you people think about each other your very call each other the same names,you accuse each other of doing the same shit.....the people of each party are the same kinds of people...yes jones you are just like the born
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.
The problem here is that Cheney supports the Trump agenda; she likes the Trump message, she just doesn’t like the messenger.

A new party advocating for the same failed, wrongheaded Trump agenda would be just as reprehensible and destructive as the GOP is now controlled by Trump and his Cult.

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