Liz Cheney Suggests a New Political Party May Be Needed

Just as democrats circled the wagon around bill clinton, obama, and biden
Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about a corrupt and dishonest Republican party controlled by the Trump Cult and the need for a right of center party interested in sound, responsible governance, not appeasing a fascist thug such as Trump.
Republicans vote for Democrats quite often.

Democrats vote for Republicans quite often.

Independents vote for Republicans OR Democrats quite often.

How one votes in a given election does not define one's political affiliations nor inclinations.
Actually, yes it DOES define affiliations. You're no independent, you're just another typical far Left scumbag voting for CUNTmala and Tampon Tim.
Where do you think you are?

My avatar is only a well-meaning citizen-contributor who offers reasoned skepticism on the various conspiracy-fantagasms that keep being flogged on this gossipboard.

In fact, we embrace the idea that holding to account weird unsupported assertions is the responsible adult thing to do.
Nutsocrazo assertions like 'Liz Cheney has no self-awareness'.

;Do you see now?
It' goofy, weird nonsense like that that NEEDS to be called out, lest the nutsocrazos become normalized.

And you wouldn't want that.
Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about a corrupt and dishonest Republican party controlled by the Trump Cult and the need for a right of center party interested in sound, responsible governance, not appeasing a fascist thug such as Trump.
I’m not terribly worried about Robinson

We cant win them all, doncha know
Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about a corrupt and dishonest Republican party controlled by the Trump Cult and the need for a right of center party interested in sound, responsible governance, not appeasing a fascist thug such as Trump.
Who the fuck are you kidding? You favor permanent far Left one party rule, as do all Democrats.
She is not the first and will not be the last to put forth the idea of a new party, Those efforts pretty much never come to fruition.
" for CUNTmala..."

There seems to be a belief often articulated by some that crude misogyny directed at women by derogatorily referencing their genitalia is a sign of an adequate education, is witty, and will make America great again.

I personally am skeptical of that school of thought.
A resentful misogynist is a resentful misogynist.
Even more so when they are NOT witty, or clever....but only crude.

Making America great with misogyny?
Don't bet on it.
Um, yeah, let's get real here. The real problem is that the GOP has a wonderful ability to re-invent itself after allowing demogogues to define them for a period.

The GOP recovered after Joe McCarthy slinked off into an alcoholic stupor. It recovered after Tricky Dick went to live out his days at San Clemente. It recovered after Dubya and her Dad got us into a war on a lie and wrecked the economy.

WHEN Trump loses, the MAGA movement will disappear with him. The GOP will find new leaders and a bunch of the current ones will all pretend they never met Trump.
More than likely
Liz Cheney is a liar and a con artist who hid evidence that exonerated J6 defendants. She denied them their constitutional rights and violated the law. If there was real justice, she would go to jail for that. But not in Biden’s Banana Republic, and not with asshats like you that swallow any and all propaganda spewed by the left and these RINOs.

There was no exoneration for those creeps possible
LC is a Deep State Establishment hack just like McConnel, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest. She is just as Deep State as Hilary

When Michael King ( aka Marten Luther King) plagiarized his Thesis at Boston University, it was Lynn Cheney that got the story buried by the Wall St. Journal.

What people are too stupid to understand is that all of the hate for TRUMP IS MANUFACTURED HATE BY THE DEEP STATE. If it were Ron Paul instead of Trump,,,,,most of these idiots would be hating Ron Paul.
My avatar is only a well-meaning citizen-contributor who offers reasoned skepticism on the various conspiracy-fantagasms that keep being flogged on this gossipboard.

In fact, we embrace the idea that holding to account weird unsupported assertions is the responsible adult thing to do.
Nutsocrazo assertions like 'Liz Cheney has no self-awareness'.

;Do you see now?
It' goofy, weird nonsense like that that NEEDS to be called out, lest the nutsocrazos become normalized.

And you wouldn't want that.
Okay professor.... :cuckoo:
Before Trump... you were us... but your brainwashed hatred for him keeps you from seeing that... look at the people on your side to know where your side is....

Um, I just see Trump for what he is: a con artist who looked at you guys as marks.

You see, here's the thing. If people voted PURELY on economic issues, only the top 20% would vote Republican.

So how did the Republicans get people who aren't in the top 20 to vote for them? By playing on their racial, religious, and sexual fears.

Trump just traded in the Dogwhistles for a bullhorn, which is why many of those mainstream Republicans are mortified, as they should be.

Trump is not fucking Jesus; he's just someone who has figured out to press your buttons.
Cheney made an incorrect political calculation she did what so many career inside the beltway politicians do she assumed the media and political elites spoke for and represented the majority of the voters they don't. She thought trashing Trump would get her the support of the beltway elites which it did which in turn would get her the support of the voters which it did not. It was not a courageous decision it was a dumb one by woman who was out of touch with those outside of the beltway bubble.
Cheney made an incorrect political calculation she did what so many career inside the beltway politicians do she assumed the media and political elites spoke for and represented the majority of the voters they don't. She thought trashing Trump would get her the support of the beltway elites which it did which in turn would get her the support of the voters which it did not. It was not a courageous decision it was a dumb one by woman who was out of touch with those outside of the beltway bubble.

Or she stood up for principle and assumed decent Republicans would as well.

When Trump unleashed an angry mob on the Capitol, EVERY LAST REPUBLICAN should have voted to impeach him, THAT DAY.

The fact that most of the GOP lives in fear of this man and his followers is a very sad commentary on where your party is now.
Or she stood up for principle and assumed decent Republicans would as well.

When Trump unleashed an angry mob on the Capitol, EVERY LAST REPUBLICAN should have voted to impeach him, THAT DAY.

The fact that most of the GOP lives in fear of this man and his followers is a very sad commentary on where your party is now.
Your response is a rehash of the same talking points you of the TDS mindset have been spouting since 2016 they are no more relevant today than they were then. Perhaps you on the left would be taken seriously if YOU EVER held anyone on your side to the same standard you insist the right do. When you only demand those you don't agree with or like be held accountable you don't care about accountability at all.
Um, I just see Trump for what he is: a con artist who looked at you guys as marks.

You see, here's the thing. If people voted PURELY on economic issues, only the top 20% would vote Republican.

So how did the Republicans get people who aren't in the top 20 to vote for them? By playing on their racial, religious, and sexual fears.

Trump just traded in the Dogwhistles for a bullhorn, which is why many of those mainstream Republicans are mortified, as they should be.

Trump is not fucking Jesus; he's just someone who has figured out to press your buttons.
You are on the side of mega global corporations and the weapons manufacturers.... enjoy WW3....
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
Liz needs a new party because she couldn't get elected Dogcatcher in Wyoming as a Republican! People know exactly what Cheney was doing on that January 6th Committee and conservatives have no respect for her at all. That smear job she helped perpetrate was political suicide. You only like her because she hates Trump. There's not a policy that she's in favor of that would make a progressive like her so you ONLY like her because she hates Trump!
Don't need a new political party, the US needs a new electoral system that allows for more than two parties
We'll never have good government until our 95% corrupt media starts holding our 95% corrupt politicians accountable. Unfortunately, politics and the media are saturated with low grade, corrupt and immoral people.
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
Great. :rolleyes:
They can call it the SWAMP PARTY

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