LOCAL TV News bias. This is how the Arizona CBS local news reported on Biden's "hostage swap".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The headline was "Five Americans walk free in exchange for frozen Iranian assets". Ummmm seems like they left out a little detail about five Iranian terrorists who were freed in the exchange. Just like Obama did a decade ago. Interesting, it looks like the Democrat bias has spread to local news outlets, not just national news.
Everybody knows it was a shit "deal" and was so in line with The Halfrican's "deal" there is no longer any question (not that there was much doubt) who is calling the shots at the WH.

This could be the dem's theme song.

Our President got American Hostages released

Republicans go…..

Republicans hate it when Americans are set free from foreign prisons and brought back home to their loved ones.
What they really hate is having a target painted on their backs when they're just trying to relax abroad with their families.
Republicans hate it when Americans are set free from foreign prisons and brought back home to their loved ones.

Republicans hate it when hostage takers are rewarded with $billions in cash. It just keeps them doing it over and over again. Obama sent them literal $billions in cash on pallets just before he left office and they're still taking US hostages to this day.
What they really hate is having a target painted on their backs when they're just trying to relax abroad with their families.
Good point

And if you are abducted while abroad, I expect our country to give the same consideration you give others
Republicans hate it when hostage takers are rewarded with $billions in cash. It just keeps them doing it over and over again. Obama sent them literal $billions in cash on pallets just before he left office and they're still taking US hostages to this day.

Obama unfroze their assets in return for abandoning their nuclear program

Trump let them start it again
Good point

And if you are abducted while abroad, I expect our country to give the same consideration you give others
When My President actively seeks to endanger Me and My family, he can get fucked right in the ass by Tyrus.
Obama unfroze their assets in return for abandoning their nuclear program

Trump let them start it again

Trump said Iran is going on with their nuclear program no matter what and let's not pretend that they aren't. The guy has a tremendous grasp of the obvious which most American and European liberals don't.
Trump said Iran is going on with their nuclear program no matter what and let's not pretend that they aren't. The guy has a tremendous grasp of the obvious which most American and European liberals don't.
Yet, Trumps own inspectors reported there was no evidence of a nuclear program

Trump broke the deal, stopped international inspections and allowed Iran to restart their nuclear program
Yet, Trumps own inspectors reported there was no evidence of a nuclear program

Trump broke the deal, stopped international inspections and allowed Iran to restart their nuclear program

Trump "allowed Iran to restart their nuclear program" lol! Like Iran wasn't gong to develop a nuclear weapon until Trump came along. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Iran's main focus has been to develop a nuke to us use against Israel (the little Satan) and the US (the big Satan).
Trump "allowed Iran to restart their nuclear program" lol! Like Iran wasn't gong to develop a nuclear weapon until Trump came along. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Iran's main focus has been to develop a nuke to us use against Israel (the little Satan) and the US (the big Satan).

Actually, Iran destroyed all their enriched uranium and the centrifuges needed to enrich

Trump stopped all inspections and allowed them to restart
Actually, Iran destroyed all their enriched uranium and the centrifuges needed to enrich

Trump stopped all inspections and allowed them to restart

Where are we now with Iran trying to create a nuclear weapon? If they're not still going full speed ahead what's stopping them??

Biden? Lol!

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