Long Hot Summer of Fire and Floods Fit Predictions



Long Hot Summer of Fire and Floods Fit Predictions

The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia's heat wave and wildfires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They'll discuss such tools in meetings in August and September 2010 in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British government sponsorship.

The U.S. remains the only major industrialized nation not to have legislated caps on carbon emissions, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week withdrew climate legislation in the face of resistance from Republicans and some Democrats.
Long Hot Summer of Fire and Floods Fit Predictions

The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia's heat wave and wildfires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They'll discuss such tools in meetings in August and September 2010 in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British government sponsorship.

The U.S. remains the only major industrialized nation not to have legislated caps on carbon emissions, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week withdrew climate legislation in the face of resistance from Republicans and some Democrats.

would you link me to china's and india's caps, please?
Cap and trade will kill this nations ability to compete....

As if the rest of those nations will actually follow the rules (if they were implemented) :rolleyes:

would you link me to china's and india's caps, please?

Obama will force the Earth and the Sun to sign onto cap and trade he's THAT clean and articulate
Very simply, the 2007 IPPC report predicted with excellent accuracy the floods and heat waves that we are seeing. As well as the results.

What the scientists are incapable of predicting is the stupidity of the people that refuse to see reality. But is does not matter, the die is cast.
Very simply, the 2007 IPPC report predicted with excellent accuracy the floods and heat waves that we are seeing. As well as the results.

What the scientists are incapable of predicting is the stupidity of the people that refuse to see reality. But is does not matter, the die is cast.

Just goes ta show ya, if you make enough prediction some of them are likely to happen. Of course you have to be quick with excuses for the ones that don't pan out.

I won't bring up confirmation bias because were are all subject to that.

Hope you have a nice weekend OR.
Long Hot Summer of Fire and Floods Fit Predictions

The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia's heat wave and wildfires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They'll discuss such tools in meetings in August and September 2010 in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British government sponsorship.

The U.S. remains the only major industrialized nation not to have legislated caps on carbon emissions, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week withdrew climate legislation in the face of resistance from Republicans and some Democrats.

would you link me to china's and india's caps, please?

I am glad you brought that up. The Chinese are so going to kick our ass...

China has over 400 photovoltaic (PV) companies and produces approximately 18% of the photovoltaic products worldwide.[1] In 2007 China produced 1700 MW of solar panels, nearly half of the world production of 3800 MW...

The amount of electricity generated with solar power within China itself is so far comparatively small: as of the end of 2008, the solar power capacity attached to the national grid (i.e., excluding autonomous systems) was under 100 MW, i..e merely 0.01% of the nation's power generation capacity.[9] However, rapid expansion was planned: according to the plans unveiled by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2007, the country's installed solar capacity was to grow to 1,800 megawatts by 2020.[9] In 2009, a Commission's official name Wang Zhongying mentioned at a solar energy conference in Shanghai that, in his opinion, the plan may be exceeded several-fold, the installed capacity possibly reaching as much as 10,000 megawatt by 2020.[9]

Solar power in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To date, U.S. policymakers are losing the Earth Race and the only environmental target they can hit are their own feet. The Chinese recently pulled ahead in the contest, announcing through its State Information Center that it would spend $738 billion in renewable energy projects over the next decade.

Investment Strategies

By any measure, that's a great leap ahead of U.S. clean-tech efforts. The stimulus plan set aside about $36 billion for a host of U.S. Department of Energy-led projects in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown. In contrast, China's stimulus investment for reducing greenhouse gas emissions was $221 billion, according to a report by British Bank HSBC.

John F. Wasik: What to Create Millions of Jobs? Look to China
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TDqvD34hEA]YouTube - Gloom Despair[/ame]
LThe U.S. remains the only major industrialized nation not to have legislated caps on carbon emissions,

What planet do you live on? Please tell me which major industrialized countries have actually implemented caps on carbon. I will enjoy the laugh.
Very simply, the 2007 IPPC report predicted with excellent accuracy the floods and heat waves that we are seeing. As well as the results.

What the scientists are incapable of predicting is the stupidity of the people that refuse to see reality. But is does not matter, the die is cast.

It predicted that there would be massive flooding in Pakistan this year? That Russia would be suffering a heat wave after an unusually cold and wet winter? That temperatures on the west cost of the US would be abnormally low?

Can you provide a link to some study that actually predicts these events, and not just a bunch of predictions where you get to pick the ones you like that fit the current events?
The quote below is from the linked article. The highlighted sentence says it all. There's that nasty little word "might" again. I have never seen so many "mights" or "maybe's"
used by a supposed scientist.

Laughable and sad at the same time.

"Still, climatologists generally refrain from blaming warming for this drought or that flood, since so many other factors also affect the day's weather. Stott and NASA's Gavin Schmidt at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies in New York, said it's better to think in terms of odds: Warming might double the chances for a heat wave, for example."
Very simply, the 2007 IPPC report predicted with excellent accuracy the floods and heat waves that we are seeing. As well as the results.

What the scientists are incapable of predicting is the stupidity of the people that refuse to see reality. But is does not matter, the die is cast.

It predicted that there would be massive flooding in Pakistan this year? That Russia would be suffering a heat wave after an unusually cold and wet winter? That temperatures on the west cost of the US would be abnormally low?

Can you provide a link to some study that actually predicts these events, and not just a bunch of predictions where you get to pick the ones you like that fit the current events?

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The quote below is from the linked article. The highlighted sentence says it all. There's that nasty little word "might" again. I have never seen so many "mights" or "maybe's"
used by a supposed scientist.

Laughable and sad at the same time.

"Still, climatologists generally refrain from blaming warming for this drought or that flood, since so many other factors also affect the day's weather. Stott and NASA's Gavin Schmidt at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies in New York, said it's better to think in terms of odds: Warming might double the chances for a heat wave, for example."

Laughable and sad that even a reasonably intelligent person can understand what they are stating, yet someone that claims to have a degree in science hasn't a clue.
Very simply, the 2007 IPPC report predicted with excellent accuracy the floods and heat waves that we are seeing. As well as the results.

What the scientists are incapable of predicting is the stupidity of the people that refuse to see reality. But is does not matter, the die is cast.

It predicted that there would be massive flooding in Pakistan this year? That Russia would be suffering a heat wave after an unusually cold and wet winter? That temperatures on the west cost of the US would be abnormally low?

Can you provide a link to some study that actually predicts these events, and not just a bunch of predictions where you get to pick the ones you like that fit the current events?

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Thank you for proving you do not, or cannot, read.
The quote below is from the linked article. The highlighted sentence says it all. There's that nasty little word "might" again. I have never seen so many "mights" or "maybe's"
used by a supposed scientist.

Laughable and sad at the same time.

"Still, climatologists generally refrain from blaming warming for this drought or that flood, since so many other factors also affect the day's weather. Stott and NASA's Gavin Schmidt at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies in New York, said it's better to think in terms of odds: Warming might double the chances for a heat wave, for example."

Laughable and sad that even a reasonably intelligent person can understand what they are stating, yet someone that claims to have a degree in science hasn't a clue.

Don't you claim to have a degree?
The only prediction that matters is, if GHGs continue to rise, warming is inevitable.

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