Looks like police lied again. Cop was not dragged in Scottie Sheffler deal


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Burley, Idaho
New fillm shows otherwise. Cop seams to have over reacted and turned a nothing burger into something
Also shows police will lie about white people as well\
Bryan Gillis owes Scottie an apology" who is being disciplined. for not having his body cam on.=
"oh but scottie has money, and he can hire the finest lawyers and he'll win cuz he can beat the systme." ya ok

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The fact that the officer had his video turned off killed their case

I agree BUT the guy was a jerk. He thought he was more important than all the other people that had to wait as traffic was stopped for the accident.
I am sure this happens all the time. Golfers show up at the course, there is a lineup of cars, but the actual GOLFERS in the tournament don't have to wait in line...it's THEM who the line is wanting to see. So OF COURSE it you are one of the golfers in the tournament, you will jump the line.

This time it was not the usual cluster fuck because some unfortunate soul had got killed in a pre-dawn mishap, but how would anyone know that? The cop should have known, or should have been told that the GOLFERS could skirt the line.

This cop will be disciplined. Bank on it. He was being a jag-off.
I am hesitant to pass judgement based on 4th hand knowledge, but didn't this officer realize that was a professional golf tournament and that the professional golfers are given special passes to participate in the tournament? Unless Scheffler was in the immediate vicinity of the accident or interfering with police or medical access to the scene, he should have been waved through into his designated parking area.
I am hesitant to pass judgement based on 4th hand knowledge, but didn't this officer realize that was a professional golf tournament and that the professional golfers are given special passes to participate in the tournament? Unless Scheffler was in the immediate vicinity of the accident or interfering with police or medical access to the scene, he should have been waved through into his designated parking area.

The 27-year-old reportedly tried to get around a traffic jam caused by a fatal accident near the Valhalla Golf Club in Kentucky.

Scottie Scheffler: World number one golfer plays major tournament hours after being handcuffed and charged by police

In Kentucky no one gets to go around a fatal accident. I've sat in line for hours. I disagree with the way they do this but it is what it is for everyone.
The 27-year-old reportedly tried to get around a traffic jam caused by a fatal accident near the Valhalla Golf Club in Kentucky.

Scottie Scheffler: World number one golfer plays major tournament hours after being handcuffed and charged by police

In Kentucky no one gets to go around a fatal accident. I've sat in line for hours. I disagree with the way they do this but it is what it is for everyone.

He was trying to get into the course in order to participate in the tournament
Police overreacted and then covered up what really happened
He was trying to get into the course in order to participate in the tournament
Police overreacted and then covered up what really happened

And everyone else was trying to get to work also.
The fact that the officer had his video turned off killed their case

I don't understand why COPS aren't disciplined severely for turning cameras off when they feel like it when in the middle of a situation? The real killer IMO is when a cop does something criminal w/ little regard he's being recorded! I thought they were supposed to examine these people's mental state during hiring procedures! :omg: :nono::dunno::meow:
As a rule, I both respect and support police.

But when they lie, they have a very bad effect on society.

That cop was outed very publicly.

I don’t know what penalty he will get (if any) but I’m guessing it is or will be akin to the proverbial slap on the wrist.
Wingnuts can't decide if they Back the Blue or not.

Louisville police officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler had been previously suspended​

Detective Bryan Gillis has faced various discipline over workplace violations going back more than a decade.
Gillis was suspended for five days for "conduct unbecoming" for driving "an intoxicated civilian in your police vehicle" and "proceeding to doing 'donuts' in a business parking lot," according to a Sept. 18, 2013, memo by then-Chief Steve Conrad.

He was also disciplined for pursuing "a vehicle that did not commit a violent felony or wanted on a warrant," according to a June 9, 2021, memo by then-Chief Erika Shields.

Gillis was found "at fault" for accidents on May 22, 2021, and Aug. 6, 2019, that led to oral reprimands.

Gillis was also found to be "at fault" for a Dec. 1, 2013, accident that led to an oral reprimand and mandatory driver's training.

The officer was hit with one-day suspensions in both 2010 and 2011 for failing to show up to court. That was followed by a four-day ban in 2012 for continuing to miss court appearances, documents showed.

Gillis did, however, receive a commendation for being among seven officers who went "above and beyond" the call of duty in a "high-intensity traffic enforcement detail" that "culminated in you issuing a staggering 108 citations (114 charges, 1 DUI arrest) out of 201 citations issued during the four-hour operational period" on Sept. 16, 2021.

Louisville police officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler had been previously suspended​

Detective Bryan Gillis has faced various discipline over workplace violations going back more than a decade.

Blame the Supreme Court! They've almost given cops carte blanche to violate rights by lying! They've literally put it on the books cops can lie to suspects which inflates the possibility of abuse! This is where all the lawsuits come from w/ cops thinking they're above the law in the simplest of instances! :omg: :nono::meow:
Blame the Supreme Court! They've almost given cops carte blanche to violate rights by lying! They've literally put it on the books cops can lie to suspects which inflates the possibility of abuse! This is where all the lawsuits come from w/ cops thinking they're above the law in the simplest of instances! :omg: :nono::meow:
wish "I" could go golfing. This is positively the worst spring I've ever witnessed
Cold and rainiy again today. I hear lake powell has risen 15 feet

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