Looks like that number ten can is finnaly opened

That was a poll of CEOs and NOT my opinion.

Then you guys pulled the debt ceiling mess out.

The CEOs backed off just like the right wanted them to.

Party over country at every turn for you guys

You haven't posted any polls that I've seen in this thread. So what the heck are you talking about?
THE Obama administration is assembling secret drone bases in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula as part of a new, aggressive campaign against al-Qaeda affiliates in Somalia and Yemen.

Read more: Killer drones target al-Qaeda offshoots

I can appreciate this kind of whup ass...
How did the country fair after 8 years of you guys having almost all of the control?

We did pretty well for the first 6 years, considering what happened in September of '01, but something happened in the last 2 years of the Bush administration, just before the shit hit the fan. I can't remember quite what that was. Perhaps you can help me out? Anyone?

I think there may have been an election in 06. I could be wrong. It's so hard to keep track of all that political stuff.
All I found is this:


You saying the same thing almost 2 years ago. WTF? :cuckoo:

She's clearly suffering from an acute case of repetitive bullshit syndrome. No cure available on ObamaCare.


Look at what she promised:

that is where I have been for a while my friend.

Very discouraging, but seems to be the way it is.

I am giving them a couple of months and if they dont start kicking ass and taking names its time to become an Independent. I will leave the party I have been in all my life.

Just another thing she lied about...
Let's see- Obama is leading all Pub candidates and has just started campaigning, maybe. Everyone knows about the party of no and the do nothing congress. Please eat shytte and die, elitist mega rich pubs, bought off talking heads...hoping for your recovery, brainwashed dittoheads/Foxbots...
It's actually a blessing the "jobs, jobs, jobs" PFFFFT! Pubs won some control in 2010- they got their rope and they've hung themselves...

I suggest you ask Rudy Guiliani and Hillary Clinton how reliable polls are this far out fromt he election.
he did open it , its for him to waste the contents or use them.

He saved that can for a long time , I dont think he will waste it.

You are incoherent.

From almost 2 years ago:

I told you the number ten can was opening.

This is what happens when you refuse to help Dad clean up the house.

So he opened it and then saved it and now he's opening it?

Only to save it again it seems.

Maybe he's using one of these...


I wonder if it comes in size 10??
Obama may have actually grabed the can opener and popped the lid off that number ten can of whoopass I was asking for last year.

I see you're still challenged with your spelling. Public schools are so poor these days I am sorry they were inflicted on you. However if you consider the two big scandals developing over Solyndra and LightSquared and his personal involvement in both then yes the can of whoopass has been opened and it's pointed squarely at him.

He promised open and ethical government, instead he's given you typical Chicago style corruption and you're so limited in your reasoning ability that you think he's the second coming.

I really, really, feel sorry for your dog. You must be a real peach.

You forgot the other scandal selling weapons to Mexican Druglords...Fast and Furious
Obama may have actually grabed the can opener and popped the lid off that number ten can of whoopass I was asking for last year.

I see you're still challenged with your spelling. Public schools are so poor these days I am sorry they were inflicted on you. However if you consider the two big scandals developing over Solyndra and LightSquared and his personal involvement in both then yes the can of whoopass has been opened and it's pointed squarely at him.

He promised open and ethical government, instead he's given you typical Chicago style corruption and you're so limited in your reasoning ability that you think he's the second coming.

I really, really, feel sorry for your dog. You must be a real peach.

You forgot the other scandal selling weapons to Mexican Druglords...Fast and Furious

So far we can only prove that Holder was involved. As soon as there is good evidence that BO was involved there will be hell to pay.
I see you're still challenged with your spelling. Public schools are so poor these days I am sorry they were inflicted on you. However if you consider the two big scandals developing over Solyndra and LightSquared and his personal involvement in both then yes the can of whoopass has been opened and it's pointed squarely at him.

He promised open and ethical government, instead he's given you typical Chicago style corruption and you're so limited in your reasoning ability that you think he's the second coming.

I really, really, feel sorry for your dog. You must be a real peach.

You forgot the other scandal selling weapons to Mexican Druglords...Fast and Furious

So far we can only prove that Holder was involved. As soon as there is good evidence that BO was involved there will be hell to pay.
True for now. I have every reason to belive it was an affront to increase fervor regarding the Second Amendment which Obama has spoken about negatively in the past.

And How could obama not know what Holder was up to? Just like Nixon didn't know what Liddy and other were up to...
Obama may have actually grabed the can opener and popped the lid off that number ten can of whoopass I was asking for last year.

Obama is a bumbling idiot that few take seriously at this point in his presidency..

He's done nothing but spend us into nothing and you better believe intelligent Americans right or left realize this.

Quite frankly I believe those who disregard his epic failure as POTUS make those in the middle even more disgusted with the democratic party.

I mean you would have to be some kind of special stupid to ignore reality and focus on empty promises..
You forgot the other scandal selling weapons to Mexican Druglords...Fast and Furious

So far we can only prove that Holder was involved. As soon as there is good evidence that BO was involved there will be hell to pay.
True for now. I have every reason to belive it was an affront to increase fervor regarding the Second Amendment which Obama has spoken about negatively in the past.

And How could obama not know what Holder was up to? Just like Nixon didn't know what Liddy and other were up to...

I agree completely, however, we must not forget that it has to be proven in a court of law.
Holder is toast. He's indictable right now on at least two felonies. You can bet he's praying that Obama gets reelected.

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