Looks like the Mueller Probe 'release' bump Trump got is over

Rasmussen - the biased pollsters that Trumpbots depend on - has him back down to a 48% approval rating.

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

BTW - when Trump took office? It was at 56%.

So - Trump is less popular now (according to Rasmussen) then when he took office.

Trump must be kinda like a colonoscopy; not very popular, because it fucks you in our ass.

Trump must be kinda like a TERP aka transurethral resection of the prostate; not very popular.

Trump must be kinda like a swollen vagina aka oh fuck; the swollen pussy is itchy, red, and fuck it is swollen aka not very popular.
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Rasmussen - the biased pollsters that Trumpbots depend on - has him back down to a 48% approval rating.

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

BTW - when Trump took office? It was at 56%.

So - Trump is less popular now (according to Rasmussen) then when he took office.

So, Mueller probed Trump & Trump was OK with getting probed?

I always figured Trump for a 'closet homo'

No wonder Trump had so many divorces .............

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