Lost sound on computer


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
I am a 100% computer illiterate senior citizen.

My computer has suddenly lost all sound.

Before I call a repairperson, does anyone have a suggestion on how to start up the sound again? I have something called Windows 10.

I talked with some very nice people at Microsoft. They offered to remotely take over my computer in order to fix it. Is that a good idea to let someone take over your computer in order to fix it?

Thank you
I am a 100% computer illiterate senior citizen.

My computer has suddenly lost all sound.

Before I call a repairperson, does anyone have a suggestion on how to start up the sound again? I have something called Windows 10.

I talked with some very nice people at Microsoft. They offered to remotely take over my computer in order to fix it. Is that a good idea to let someone take over your computer in order to fix it?

Thank you

If this is not a joke post...

Didja reboot? Rebooting cleans up about three-quarters of unexpected anomalies.

Check the speaker icon at lower right (or wherever Windblows 10 moved it to), check your Control Panel (or whatever WindBlows 10 renamed it).

And review what was the last thing you did before the sound died.

Plug in headphones or something into the audio jack (if Windblows 10 hasn't eliminated it) and see if it's there.

And no, I'd resist any attempt by anyone at Microslush to take over your computer, seeing as how they've already saddled you with WindBlows 10. They tried to do that to me and I reversed it. The mere fact that you were able to converse with anyone at Microslush at all is a major victory.
I am a 100% computer illiterate senior citizen.

My computer has suddenly lost all sound.

Before I call a repairperson, does anyone have a suggestion on how to start up the sound again? I have something called Windows 10.

I talked with some very nice people at Microsoft. They offered to remotely take over my computer in order to fix it. Is that a good idea to let someone take over your computer in order to fix it?

Thank you
I would not let them take over. Try to press F1 to get help and if it comes up search for "no sound" or a similar phrase. That should make the sound troubleshooter come up and that may help you. Also, if you haven't done so, reboot the machine.

Also, if none of that works if you can get on the internet search for something like "no sound". That may get you going.
If you are using a desktop check your speaker line into the back of your PC.....if you are using a laptop toss it out its not a real computer.....lol
I am a 100% computer illiterate senior citizen.

My computer has suddenly lost all sound.

Before I call a repairperson, does anyone have a suggestion on how to start up the sound again? I have something called Windows 10.

I talked with some very nice people at Microsoft. They offered to remotely take over my computer in order to fix it. Is that a good idea to let someone take over your computer in order to fix it?

Thank you

If this is not a joke post...

Didja reboot? Rebooting cleans up about three-quarters of unexpected anomalies.

Check the speaker icon at lower right (or wherever Windblows 10 moved it to), check your Control Panel (or whatever WindBlows 10 renamed it).

And review what was the last thing you did before the sound died.

Plug in headphones or something into the audio jack (if Windblows 10 hasn't eliminated it) and see if it's there.

And no, I'd resist any attempt by anyone at Microslush to take over your computer, seeing as how they've already saddled you with WindBlows 10. They tried to do that to me and I reversed it. The mere fact that you were able to converse with anyone at Microslush at all is a major victory.

--- which also reminds me of a joke apropos to the topic

A plane was nearing its destination city in a fog when suddenly all its navigation instruments went out. No radio, no radar, no ILS --- no way to know where to point the plane. In desperation the pilot swooped down below the fog to a high-rise building, spotted somebody looking out the window and yelled,


"YOU'RE IN AN AIRPLANE"came the reply.

Upon hearing this the pilot turned the plane 82 degrees and cruised straight into the airport, dead-on balls accurate, perfect landing.

The co-pilot was astonished. "HOW did you do that??"

"Well" said the pilot, "the information the guy in the building gave me was both technically correct and completely useless, so that told me that was the Microsoft customer support building and I knew the way from there."
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I am a 100% computer illiterate senior citizen.

My computer has suddenly lost all sound.

Before I call a repairperson, does anyone have a suggestion on how to start up the sound again? I have something called Windows 10.

I talked with some very nice people at Microsoft. They offered to remotely take over my computer in order to fix it. Is that a good idea to let someone take over your computer in order to fix it?

Thank you

If this is not a joke post...

Didja reboot? Rebooting cleans up about three-quarters of unexpected anomalies.
I had a similar problem and even had "official" (microsoft person on the phone I screen shared with) help to uninstall and reinstall the sound driver whatever it is- that didn't fix it either- I noticed I was having other issues- don't recall specifics, but, when I got those issues resolved it resolved the sound issue- call microsoft they were helpful

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