Louie Gohmert: stop ‘luring’ lice and scabies-ridden immigrant children

I'm truly frantic about these babies in these centers. This is wrong man. This is seriously wrong.
Yes it is but it's been wrong for decades now and Obama hasn't been in charge that long. We've had babies in jail because their parents broke our immigration laws as long as I've been alive, which is also many decades.
Yes, Obama wants the diaper-set to come here, as long as they can vote and push a lawnmower. You people are true nutters...

His words resonate in South America. Read the headlines down there. Then get back to me.
Obama said send your kids in diapers here? Or did is say we have to fix this immigration situation and I'll do what I can alone if I have to? Try to be honest for once.

Honest for once? I dare you to find a lie of mine. Truly. Find one post or thread where I have lied.

I don't do that. I have no need to.

Now lets not play games. I said his words resonate in SA. Hey their headlines say it all.

If you go to BBC you get a bigger scan of the planet. They politically lean hard left but they always are impeccable about truth.

You should witness the blazing headlines for children getting amnesty in America because Obama said so.
I'm truly frantic about these babies in these centers. This is wrong man. This is seriously wrong.
Yes it is but it's been wrong for decades now and Obama hasn't been in charge that long. We've had babies in jail because their parents broke our immigration laws as long as I've been alive, which is also many decades.

They are dumping their children. I really couldn't imagine being that 4 or 5 year old dumped. No excuse. No reason other than they can dump their unwanted.

It's beyond sad. My heart breaks for the babies.
I'm truly frantic about these babies in these centers. This is wrong man. This is seriously wrong.
Yes it is but it's been wrong for decades now and Obama hasn't been in charge that long. We've had babies in jail because their parents broke our immigration laws as long as I've been alive, which is also many decades.

How many babies in jail compared to this insane operation?
I'm reading the transcript where Obama himself goes "we don't know how many kids make it".

Look what you liberals have done.
Anyone who voted for this sad sorry fuck of a man should be ashamed.
Why do you say that??........all he did was state what most American's believe. .. :cool:

Or rather what they've been told, because what is happening that is driving 50,000 kids across the border is still largely unknown. We have bare-bones information that states civil war, gang violence and drug cartel wreaking havoc in both metropolitan and rural areas.

Louie Gohmert is a total fucking idiot, by the way:

The Five Most Idiotic Things Louie Gohmert, Who Sees Radical Muslims Anywhere He Looks, Believes
The Five Most Idiotic Things Louie Gohmert, Who Sees Radical Muslims Anywhere He Looks, Believes | Houston Press
I'm truly frantic about these babies in these centers. This is wrong man. This is seriously wrong.
Yes it is but it's been wrong for decades now and Obama hasn't been in charge that long. We've had babies in jail because their parents broke our immigration laws as long as I've been alive, which is also many decades.

How many babies in jail compared to this insane operation?
How many do you need before you say that's just not right?
I am sure the locals here would be happy to send Roma kids to the US. Just think how much they could help with that diversification thing. Hell, they'd probably throw in the adults to make you happier.
It's like Jesus said, "Sick children who come to you for help should be rejected."

Oh, wait. That wasn't Jesus. That was the Republican party.

So you like the idea of bringing in people carrying H1N1, Drug-resistant TB and God knows what else?

I had no idea you hated America that much.
Texas is a scary state - scary dumb. Since Texas was stolen from Mexico, I suggest turning it into a medical concentration camp to heal immigrants before allowing them into the other stolen states.

Lay off the Mary J, FakeIndian.
Louie Gohmert demands Obama stop ‘luring’ lice and scabies-ridden immigrant children

GOP - going down in flames.

Gohmert said that he had visited a facility in Texas over the weekend where children were “lying on a concrete floor.”

“I asked them about, ‘I hear there’s 18 cases of scabies here, where are they?’” Gohmert recalled. “Oh, you see the little red crime scene tape over here, that’s the best we can do because Health and Human Services won’t come pick up these people in a timely manner. So, they’re lying here on a concrete floor. And those 18 lying there on that concrete floor in that little area behind that crime scene tape are our scabies cases.”

“We’re still looking for all the lice cases, and the other cases, the flu cases,” he added. “And I didn’t get this from the federal folks, but from Texas folks who just sent 2,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine to Lackland Air Force Base. They say there’s a case of H1N1 flu at Lackland. Does anybody know for sure that is not true?”

In conclusion, Gohmert said that Obama had “sent the message to the world that we’re open for anybody that wants to come in.”

“And I’m telling you we’re not doing our job as a Congress, and the federal government is not doing their job in protecting us from those people who are coming in.”

Anyone who voted for this sad sorry fuck of a man should be ashamed.

And we see all those lovely rightwing christers agreeing with him, ignoring their own god man

Matthew 25:35
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in

Idea of Christian charity changes when the stranger in question has drug-resistant Tuberculolsis and is hacking like a 10-pack a day smoker.
Headed your way..such cute little innocent kiddies

There are toddlers as well Steph. Parents who can't afford to raise them. This is a nightmare beyond.

Can you imagine being a 5 year old baby living thru this hell just so Obama and his left wing loonies can get their rocks off trying to force amnesty?

This is sheer insanity. And it's cruel. And it shows that these liberal bastards will stoop at nothing to achieve some bizarre goal of turning America into Ecuador.

Un mother trucking real.

I've never seen anything like this
it's really disgusting and then to see Pelosi standing out there with a big smile on her plastic face...she could care less how they are getting here, how many died on the way, how many are being raped, robbed, etc or who is going to be paying for them
we are getting hosed right before our eyes
It's like Jesus said, "Sick children who come to you for help should be rejected."

Oh, wait. That wasn't Jesus. That was the Republican party.

Jesus believed in limited government. As for helping sick children, Jesus commands his followers to help them directly. Leftists love to cherry pick Jesus teachings yet shit themselves if Jesus is acknowledged in a public school.

When The Left quotes Jesus, it is borne of an Alinsky Rule to hold others accountable to their own rules and standards. If it were borne of a moral substance, liberals would be calling on their own Hollywood 1 per centers to take leadership and make a difference. Instead, these sick children laying on concrete slabs are simply pawns in an endgame.
I'm truly frantic about these babies in these centers. This is wrong man. This is seriously wrong.
Yes it is but it's been wrong for decades now and Obama hasn't been in charge that long. We've had babies in jail because their parents broke our immigration laws as long as I've been alive, which is also many decades.

They are dumping their children. I really couldn't imagine being that 4 or 5 year old dumped. No excuse. No reason other than they can dump their unwanted.

It's beyond sad. My heart breaks for the babies.

Parents in these countries have been dumping their children for decades. In Brazil they are dumped on the streets. Crime is so bad from these feral children that stores hire off duty police to hunt them down. There are agencies that try to capture and save these feral children but there are too many to really help.

Now the families pay to have these children brought here. The question is the coyotes who transport the children charge about 7,000 each. Where do these poor people get that kind of money?
It's like Jesus said, "Sick children who come to you for help should be rejected."

Oh, wait. That wasn't Jesus. That was the Republican party.

Jesus believed in limited government. As for helping sick children, Jesus commands his followers to help them directly. Leftists love to cherry pick Jesus teachings yet shit themselves if Jesus is acknowledged in a public school.

When The Left quotes Jesus, it is borne of an Alinsky Rule to hold others accountable to their own rules and standards. If it were borne of a moral substance, liberals would be calling on their own Hollywood 1 per centers to take leadership and make a difference. Instead, these sick children laying on concrete slabs are simply pawns in an endgame.

Limited government? Jesus didn't believe in ANY government. Jesus believed in the Kingdom of God. What mankind was up to didn't matter a Tinker's damn expect for the fact that they were building up treasure here while losing it in Heaven, and therefore any chance of Eternal Life. When you claw and fight for dirt, that's what you end up with. His words, not mine.
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It's like Jesus said, "Sick children who come to you for help should be rejected."

Oh, wait. That wasn't Jesus. That was the Republican party.

Jesus believed in limited government. As for helping sick children, Jesus commands his followers to help them directly. Leftists love to cherry pick Jesus teachings yet shit themselves if Jesus is acknowledged in a public school.

When The Left quotes Jesus, it is borne of an Alinsky Rule to hold others accountable to their own rules and standards. If it were borne of a moral substance, liberals would be calling on their own Hollywood 1 per centers to take leadership and make a difference. Instead, these sick children laying on concrete slabs are simply pawns in an endgame.

Limited government? Jesus didn't believe in ANY government. Jesus believed in the Kingdom of God. What mankind was up to didn't matter a Tinker's damn expect for the fact that they were building up treasure here while losing it in Heaven, and therefore any chance of Eternal Life. When you claw and fight for dirt, that's what you end up with. His words, not mine.

Mark 12:17
These rug rats didn't come to us in desperation....they were invited by scumbag Obabble as a down payment on future voting power of the legalized illegal slaves.
Jesus believed in limited government. As for helping sick children, Jesus commands his followers to help them directly. Leftists love to cherry pick Jesus teachings yet shit themselves if Jesus is acknowledged in a public school.

When The Left quotes Jesus, it is borne of an Alinsky Rule to hold others accountable to their own rules and standards. If it were borne of a moral substance, liberals would be calling on their own Hollywood 1 per centers to take leadership and make a difference. Instead, these sick children laying on concrete slabs are simply pawns in an endgame.

Limited government? Jesus didn't believe in ANY government. Jesus believed in the Kingdom of God. What mankind was up to didn't matter a Tinker's damn expect for the fact that they were building up treasure here while losing it in Heaven, and therefore any chance of Eternal Life. When you claw and fight for dirt, that's what you end up with. His words, not mine.

Mark 12:17

Paying Taxes to Caesar

"…16They brought one. And He said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" And they said to Him, "Caesar's." 17And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him."

Which means, whence did this come from? Oh from man, then kindly return it to him, it is of no concern to you. For the Jews to hear that, since they collected taxes for Rome there, that would be astonishing...
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