Lowest Unemployment In Half A Century

The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

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Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

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The private sector operates and makes business decisions based on the environment they are in. Laws and regulations created by the government make it a good or bad environment and colors those decisions. Obama was not business friendly and never met a business killing regulation he didn't like. The economy and job market suffered as a result. That changed when pro-business TRump entered office and it is reflected in today's economical environment.
And we had 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector under Obama. Pretty much rendering your claims as ridiculous.

This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

The people who bet on the economy with their money, instead of with their stupid fucking mouths, think there is a HUGE difference between what Trump is doing ans what the Lying Cocksucker did.

The economy was SO bad when obama took office..... BECAUSE obama took office, that there was nowhere to go but up.

Trump took an 'okay' economy and sent it into overdrive.

On Nov 1st, 2016 when it looked like Ubercunt was going to kick the shit our of Trump, the DJIA closed at 18,037

Now, today, right this minute it is at 26,371.

In 2 years and two Months.

THAT is astounding.

That is a growth rate of 45.26%.

During the same timeframe for Obama the growth rate was 40.21%.

Is the additional 5% growth rate that astounding or did you find the growth of the DJI astounding under Obama as well?

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Stop being such an obtuse hack. It took Obama 8 shitty years of a stagnant economy to get the team to .500 record. Trump revamped the team in took it to a world championship in one. The reason Trump is thoroughly despised by the left is not only because he is very rich, white and the most successful POTUS half of Americans have seen in their lifetime, but because he exposed the failure of Obama and his hopey-changey thing.
And the Lame Stream Media is ignoring it for the most part.

Jobless Claims Dropped to Lowest Level Since 1969 Last Week

Sure, there might be a blurb here and there. And you'll find it in their 'raw feed'.

But are they using it as an opening to their nightly news broadcasts? Nope.

Will they? HELL No!!

The LSM is no longer the 'Press' our Founders envisioned when they wrote the 1st Amendment. It is an arm of the dimocrap party. It is part and parcel of the DNC.

Nazi Pelousy sez it's time to talk about Health Care and...... What happens? The LSM does nothing BUT talk about Health Care for nearly a week on every broadcast news outlet.

But, you know what? That's okay.

Trump has labelled the LSM as "The Enemy of The People" and it's sticking.

Because....... Well, because they are.

Meanwhile, America has never been better than it is right now. Because......

dimocraps essentially have no power.

Funny how that works out, huh??
This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.
Is that why on election night the Left were screaming stock market doom only to have the market have one of its biggest gains in history the next day?
This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

The people who bet on the economy with their money, instead of with their stupid fucking mouths, think there is a HUGE difference between what Trump is doing ans what the Lying Cocksucker did.

The economy was SO bad when obama took office..... BECAUSE obama took office, that there was nowhere to go but up.

Trump took an 'okay' economy and sent it into overdrive.

On Nov 1st, 2016 when it looked like Ubercunt was going to kick the shit our of Trump, the DJIA closed at 18,037

Now, today, right this minute it is at 26,371.

In 2 years and two Months.

THAT is astounding.

That is a growth rate of 45.26%.

During the same timeframe for Obama the growth rate was 40.21%.

Is the additional 5% growth rate that astounding or did you find the growth of the DJI astounding under Obama as well?

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Stop being such an obtuse hack. It took Obama 8 shitty years of a stagnant economy to get the team to .500 record. Trump revamped the team in took it to a world championship in one. The reason Trump is thoroughly despised by the left is not only because he is very rich, white and the most successful POTUS half of Americans have seen in their lifetime, but because he exposed the failure of Obama and his hopey-changey thing.

Look, you can spout all the talking points you like, I will stick to the cold hard facts.

Obama’s DJI growth rate over the same timeframe as mentioned above was only 5% less than that of Trump, and for Obama that included 5 months of negative growth that started a year before his election.

These are the facts.

Not one single economic measure changed direction under Trump, they all kept going as they had been.

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This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

The people who bet on the economy with their money, instead of with their stupid fucking mouths, think there is a HUGE difference between what Trump is doing ans what the Lying Cocksucker did.

The economy was SO bad when obama took office..... BECAUSE obama took office, that there was nowhere to go but up.

Trump took an 'okay' economy and sent it into overdrive.

On Nov 1st, 2016 when it looked like Ubercunt was going to kick the shit our of Trump, the DJIA closed at 18,037

Now, today, right this minute it is at 26,371.

In 2 years and two Months.

THAT is astounding.

That is a growth rate of 45.26%.

During the same timeframe for Obama the growth rate was 40.21%.

Is the additional 5% growth rate that astounding or did you find the growth of the DJI astounding under Obama as well?

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Stop being such an obtuse hack. It took Obama 8 shitty years of a stagnant economy to get the team to .500 record. Trump revamped the team in took it to a world championship in one. The reason Trump is thoroughly despised by the left is not only because he is very rich, white and the most successful POTUS half of Americans have seen in their lifetime, but because he exposed the failure of Obama and his hopey-changey thing.

Look, you can spout all the talking points you like, I will stick to the cold hard facts.

Obama’s DJI growth rate over the same timeframe as mentioned above was only 5% less than that of Trump, and for Obama that included 5 months of negative growth that started a year before his election.

These are the facts.

Not one single economic measure changed direction under Trump, they all kept going as they had been.

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You're not sticking to facts. In fact, you're trying to restore an iota of success to a bygone and failed presidency in spite of them.

It is indeed Trump's success which magnifies his predecessor's failures. It's over buttercup.
This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

The people who bet on the economy with their money, instead of with their stupid fucking mouths, think there is a HUGE difference between what Trump is doing ans what the Lying Cocksucker did.

The economy was SO bad when obama took office..... BECAUSE obama took office, that there was nowhere to go but up.

Trump took an 'okay' economy and sent it into overdrive.

On Nov 1st, 2016 when it looked like Ubercunt was going to kick the shit our of Trump, the DJIA closed at 18,037

Now, today, right this minute it is at 26,371.

In 2 years and two Months.

THAT is astounding.

That is a growth rate of 45.26%.

During the same timeframe for Obama the growth rate was 40.21%.

Is the additional 5% growth rate that astounding or did you find the growth of the DJI astounding under Obama as well?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Stop being such an obtuse hack. It took Obama 8 shitty years of a stagnant economy to get the team to .500 record. Trump revamped the team in took it to a world championship in one. The reason Trump is thoroughly despised by the left is not only because he is very rich, white and the most successful POTUS half of Americans have seen in their lifetime, but because he exposed the failure of Obama and his hopey-changey thing.

Look, you can spout all the talking points you like, I will stick to the cold hard facts.

Obama’s DJI growth rate over the same timeframe as mentioned above was only 5% less than that of Trump, and for Obama that included 5 months of negative growth that started a year before his election.

These are the facts.

Not one single economic measure changed direction under Trump, they all kept going as they had been.

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You're not sticking to facts. In fact, you're trying to restore an iota of success to a bygone and failed presidency in spite of them.

It is indeed Trump's success which magnifies his predecessor's failures. It's over buttercup.

I gave cold hard facts, you give partisan talking points and name calling...

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The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

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The private sector operates and makes business decisions based on the environment they are in. Laws and regulations created by the government make it a good or bad environment and colors those decisions. Obama was not business friendly and never met a business killing regulation he didn't like. The economy and job market suffered as a result. That changed when pro-business TRump entered office and it is reflected in today's economical environment.
And we had 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector under Obama. Pretty much rendering your claims as ridiculous.

When you end up in the basement, there is only one way to go, so Obama doesn't get much credit for taking a couple of steps up. When he left, things really began to move because the environment changed.
The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The private sector operates and makes business decisions based on the environment they are in. Laws and regulations created by the government make it a good or bad environment and colors those decisions. Obama was not business friendly and never met a business killing regulation he didn't like. The economy and job market suffered as a result. That changed when pro-business TRump entered office and it is reflected in today's economical environment.

Did you copy and paste that directly from your talking points email?

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I don't get one, but if you ask your friends to add me to the list you're on I'll give it a look.
The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The private sector operates and makes business decisions based on the environment they are in. Laws and regulations created by the government make it a good or bad environment and colors those decisions. Obama was not business friendly and never met a business killing regulation he didn't like. The economy and job market suffered as a result. That changed when pro-business TRump entered office and it is reflected in today's economical environment.
And we had 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector under Obama. Pretty much rendering your claims as ridiculous.

When you end up in the basement, there is only one way to go, so Obama doesn't get much credit for taking a couple of steps up. When he left, things really began to move because the environment changed.
We weren’t as low as we could have gone. The recession could have dragged on longer than it did; or worse, there could have been a double dip; or even worse, we could have slid into a depression.

Your strawman fails you. Try harder next time.
The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The private sector operates and makes business decisions based on the environment they are in. Laws and regulations created by the government make it a good or bad environment and colors those decisions. Obama was not business friendly and never met a business killing regulation he didn't like. The economy and job market suffered as a result. That changed when pro-business TRump entered office and it is reflected in today's economical environment.

Did you copy and paste that directly from your talking points email?

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I don't get one, but if you ask your friends to add me to the list you're on I'll give it a look.

And yet all you do is parrot party talking points without a single fact to support them.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The jobless claims have been steadily dropping for the last 9 years. Nothing changed when Trump took office.

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....


Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

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Presidents are routinely given too much credit or blame for the state of the economy. Economies go through natural cycles, and I will tell the avid Trump supporters, be prepared to be blamed for next recession that will occur before 2023.

I have question for those who believe Trump has created an epic economy- Why is he and Kudlow begging the Fed to lower rates if the economy is sooooo strong?
Do any of you remember when The Lying Cocksucker in Chief repeatedly and vehemently stated that America's best days were behind her? That a lower standard of living of living was the 'new normal'?

Do any of you obama sac-sucking apologists remember that? Of course you don't. For one thing, you're too fucking stupid. For another, if you did you wouldn't be polluting this thread with lies that obama had ANYTHING to do with the incredible growth brought on by a REAL President.

One that actually likes the Country he's President of.

Goldman Sachs: Trump Raises Voters’ Wages with Tight Labor Market

"Wage growth has picked up sharply in the bottom half of the wage distribution... The solid wage growth suggests a relatively optimistic outlook on consumption,"

THIS is what people are going to remember in 202. Not some loud-mouth douche funded by an anti-american foreigner. Or some America-Hating scrunt.

Wages have jumped by 4% under Trump in only one year.

They did not go up at all under the Lying Cocksucker. At all.

In fact, he put an extra 8 MILLION PEOPLE on Food Stamps (SNAP)

It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.

But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.

Yep. That's precisely what Obama and his Amen Chorus in the press want us to believe.
Do any of you remember when The Lying Cocksucker in Chief repeatedly and vehemently stated that America's best days were behind her? That a lower standard of living of living was the 'new normal'?

Do any of you obama sac-sucking apologists remember that? Of course you don't. For one thing, you're too fucking stupid. For another, if you did you wouldn't be polluting this thread with lies that obama had ANYTHING to do with the incredible growth brought on by a REAL President.

One that actually likes the Country he's President of.

Goldman Sachs: Trump Raises Voters’ Wages with Tight Labor Market

"Wage growth has picked up sharply in the bottom half of the wage distribution... The solid wage growth suggests a relatively optimistic outlook on consumption,"

THIS is what people are going to remember in 202. Not some loud-mouth douche funded by an anti-american foreigner. Or some America-Hating scrunt.

Wages have jumped by 4% under Trump in only one year.

They did not go up at all under the Lying Cocksucker. At all.

In fact, he put an extra 8 MILLION PEOPLE on Food Stamps (SNAP)

It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.

But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.

Yep. That's precisely what Obama and his Amen Chorus in the press want us to believe.
Liar. Wages have been rising steadily for years now...

Do any of you remember when The Lying Cocksucker in Chief repeatedly and vehemently stated that America's best days were behind her? That a lower standard of living of living was the 'new normal'?

Do any of you obama sac-sucking apologists remember that? Of course you don't. For one thing, you're too fucking stupid. For another, if you did you wouldn't be polluting this thread with lies that obama had ANYTHING to do with the incredible growth brought on by a REAL President.

One that actually likes the Country he's President of.

Goldman Sachs: Trump Raises Voters’ Wages with Tight Labor Market

"Wage growth has picked up sharply in the bottom half of the wage distribution... The solid wage growth suggests a relatively optimistic outlook on consumption,"

THIS is what people are going to remember in 202. Not some loud-mouth douche funded by an anti-american foreigner. Or some America-Hating scrunt.

Wages have jumped by 4% under Trump in only one year.

They did not go up at all under the Lying Cocksucker. At all.

In fact, he put an extra 8 MILLION PEOPLE on Food Stamps (SNAP)

It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.

But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.

Yep. That's precisely what Obama and his Amen Chorus in the press want us to believe.
Liar. Wages have been rising steadily for years now...

I do not think he is lying, he is just parroting what his party masters told him and he is too stupid to know it is not accurate.

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I should have said, but didn't (brain fart) BLUE COLLAR wages. And I'm talking real wage growth..... Earnings growth minus inflation. It's a little complicated for a dimocrap to understand. No pictures.

Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Since the 2008-2009 recession, wage growth for workers has been stuck at 2.5% or lower — compared to a 3%-plus growth rate for wages before the financial crisis.

It's not surprising this should be so: The economy failed to grow by more than 3% in any year during the Obama era, despite massive stimulus of nearly a trillion dollars and record-low zero-percent interest rates engineered by a desperate Fed.

The average annualized growth of the Obama years was actually less than 2%, the worst performance since the Great Depression.

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