Lowest Unemployment In Half A Century

I should have said, but didn't (brain fart) BLUE COLLAR wages. And I'm talking real wage growth..... Earnings growth minus inflation. It's a little complicated for a dimocrap to understand. No pictures.

Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Since the 2008-2009 recession, wage growth for workers has been stuck at 2.5% or lower — compared to a 3%-plus growth rate for wages before the financial crisis.

It's not surprising this should be so: The economy failed to grow by more than 3% in any year during the Obama era, despite massive stimulus of nearly a trillion dollars and record-low zero-percent interest rates engineered by a desperate Fed.

The average annualized growth of the Obama years was actually less than 2%, the worst performance since the Great Depression.
In other words, after moving the goal post and omitting big chuncks of society, you found your niche.

Hey, job numbers are out today, how come you no longer talk about the real unemployment rate of the record high number of people out of the labor force?
I should have said, but didn't (brain fart) BLUE COLLAR wages. And I'm talking real wage growth..... Earnings growth minus inflation. It's a little complicated for a dimocrap to understand. No pictures.

Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Since the 2008-2009 recession, wage growth for workers has been stuck at 2.5% or lower — compared to a 3%-plus growth rate for wages before the financial crisis.

It's not surprising this should be so: The economy failed to grow by more than 3% in any year during the Obama era, despite massive stimulus of nearly a trillion dollars and record-low zero-percent interest rates engineered by a desperate Fed.

The average annualized growth of the Obama years was actually less than 2%, the worst performance since the Great Depression.
”The average annualized growth of the Obama years was actually less than 2%, the worst performance since the Great Depression.”

Yeah, that’s what happens when you hand a president -8.4% GDP.

So what’s trump’s excuse for not getting GDP up to 3% annually?
If it wasn’t for Fox News we would get no information.
Left wing propaganda machine is awful for America
”The average annualized growth of the Obama years was actually less than 2%, the worst performance since the Great Depression.”

Yeah, that’s what happens when you hand a president -8.4% GDP.

So what’s trump’s excuse for not getting GDP up to 3% annually?

Nice numbers this morning.

Good stuff.

On November 1st, 2016, when it looked like Ubercunt was gonna win the election in a landslide, the Dow closed at 18037.

It changed the next few days when different polls started coming in that showed that the DISGUSTING FILTH was manipulating data in favor of Ubercunt. But the point remains. Under the Lying Cocksucker, nobody had much faith in America.

Which is EXACTLY what dimocrap scum want. I'm not being partisan. It IS what they want.

Now, with a decent President, one that is dismantling the IDIOTIC regulations imposed on Industry by the socialist scum in the dimocrap party, wages are taking off into the stratosphere compared to when the Lying Cocksucker was infesting the Half-White House and the Dow has gone up 47%.

People, think about that.........

This wasn't because the Markets fell off a cliff due to a massive recession, from which we ALWAYS recover. This wasn't because of some mis-step by the prior administration.

They were BRAGGING about how smart they were.

Even now, we have dimocrap scum IN THIS THREAD telling us how smart the Lying Cocksucker was.


Since dimocrap SCUM were removed from power. In LESS THAN 2-1/2 YEARS!!!!!

Forty-Seven Percent rise in the Dow.

All this horse-shit on the Front Page of this forum right now?

It's all bullshit.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about the mewler report.

Nobody cares about some bi-racial fagamuffin that faked a hate crime.

Nobody cares that some mouthy beaner from rico-ville thinks we should 'GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY OR YOU'RE GONNA DIE IN 12 YEARS'!!

Nobody takes those fucking idiots seriously. Not even dimocrap scum.

What matters is economics. It is ALL that matters.

Under dimocrap scum, the Cities tend to do much better than the rest of the Country.

Under Republicans, BOTH areas of the Country do better.

But that isn't good enough for rank and file dimocrap scum. They don't just want to do better, they want to humiliate everybody else. So they're willing to give up a little bit of financial growth so they can profile and pretend to be better.

People are starting to figure that out.

Unless Trump seriously steps on his dick, 2020 is going to be a landslide of epic proportions IF we can get Patriots out to vote. We know the dimocraps will.

More than once.

Economics is what matters in elections. In everything.
Nice numbers this morning.

Good stuff.

On November 1st, 2016, when it looked like Ubercunt was gonna win the election in a landslide, the Dow closed at 18037.

It changed the next few days when different polls started coming in that showed that the DISGUSTING FILTH was manipulating data in favor of Ubercunt. But the point remains. Under the Lying Cocksucker, nobody had much faith in America.

Which is EXACTLY what dimocrap scum want. I'm not being partisan. It IS what they want.

Now, with a decent President, one that is dismantling the IDIOTIC regulations imposed on Industry by the socialist scum in the dimocrap party, wages are taking off into the stratosphere compared to when the Lying Cocksucker was infesting the Half-White House and the Dow has gone up 47%.

People, think about that.........

This wasn't because the Markets fell off a cliff due to a massive recession, from which we ALWAYS recover. This wasn't because of some mis-step by the prior administration.

They were BRAGGING about how smart they were.

Even now, we have dimocrap scum IN THIS THREAD telling us how smart the Lying Cocksucker was.


Since dimocrap SCUM were removed from power. In LESS THAN 2-1/2 YEARS!!!!!

Forty-Seven Percent rise in the Dow.

All this horse-shit on the Front Page of this forum right now?

It's all bullshit.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about the mewler report.

Nobody cares about some bi-racial fagamuffin that faked a hate crime.

Nobody cares that some mouthy beaner from rico-ville thinks we should 'GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY OR YOU'RE GONNA DIE IN 12 YEARS'!!

Nobody takes those fucking idiots seriously. Not even dimocrap scum.

What matters is economics. It is ALL that matters.

Under dimocrap scum, the Cities tend to do much better than the rest of the Country.

Under Republicans, BOTH areas of the Country do better.

But that isn't good enough for rank and file dimocrap scum. They don't just want to do better, they want to humiliate everybody else. So they're willing to give up a little bit of financial growth so they can profile and pretend to be better.

People are starting to figure that out.

Unless Trump seriously steps on his dick, 2020 is going to be a landslide of epic proportions IF we can get Patriots out to vote. We know the dimocraps will.

More than once.

Economics is what matters in elections. In everything.

Too rightarded.

The Dow went up a whopping 200% under Obama. It’s up just 32% under trump.
And the Lame Stream Media is ignoring it for the most part.

Jobless Claims Dropped to Lowest Level Since 1969 Last Week

Sure, there might be a blurb here and there. And you'll find it in their 'raw feed'.

But are they using it as an opening to their nightly news broadcasts? Nope.

Will they? HELL No!!

The LSM is no longer the 'Press' our Founders envisioned when they wrote the 1st Amendment. It is an arm of the dimocrap party. It is part and parcel of the DNC.

Nazi Pelousy sez it's time to talk about Health Care and...... What happens? The LSM does nothing BUT talk about Health Care for nearly a week on every broadcast news outlet.

But, you know what? That's okay.

Trump has labelled the LSM as "The Enemy of The People" and it's sticking.

Because....... Well, because they are.

Meanwhile, America has never been better than it is right now. Because......

dimocraps essentially have no power.

Funny how that works out, huh??
This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

just give Trump some time; he will fuck it up just like everything else he ever touched .......

Too rightarded.

The Dow went up a whopping 200% under Obama. It’s up just 32% under trump.

That's a lie from a psychopathic liar....

July 19, 2007 -- Dow closest at it highest point under Bush, 14,000

Under the Lying Cocksucker, Dec 23, 2014 -- 18,024...... And that was mostly because Republicans had just got done taking Congress away from dimocrap scum.

That's about a 28% increase over a period of 7+ years. yawner

As we speak, the Dow is at 26,400 more or less

Less than five years after the Lying Cocksucker's peak numbers, Trump's Dow is 47% higher.

His peak was back in October of 2018, about 4 years later, at 26,800 more or less

A 49% increase over the Lying Cocksucker in Chief

You're a fucking idiot. You seriously are.
Yeah, we know it's all because of obama.....

You don't understand.

Obama's Godlike wonderfulness was so awesome that it just couldn't be contained in the mere 8 years that are reserved for mortals.
Exactly, just like conservatives explained how Reagan’s economy lasted some 18 years until Clinton killed it in 2000.

Too rightarded.

The Dow went up a whopping 200% under Obama. It’s up just 32% under trump.

That's a lie from a psychopathic liar....

July 19, 2007 -- Dow closest at it highest point under Bush, 14,000

Under the Lying Cocksucker, Dec 23, 2014 -- 18,024...... And that was mostly because Republicans had just got done taking Congress away from dimocrap scum.

That's about a 28% increase over a period of 7+ years. yawner

As we speak, the Dow is at 26,400 more or less

Less than five years after the Lying Cocksucker's peak numbers, Trump's Dow is 47% higher.

His peak was back in October of 2018, about 4 years later, at 26,800 more or less

A 49% increase over the Lying Cocksucker in Chief

You're a fucking idiot. You seriously are.
You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

The Dow bottomed out at 6600 in March, 2009, from Bush’s Great Recession. It closed at 19800 on the day Obama left office. That’s a 200% gain.


Under trump, it’s gone from 19800 to 26400, a 33% gain.

That’s undeniable fact that not even a retard like you can alter...

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Stock Historical Prices & Data
And the Lame Stream Media is ignoring it for the most part.

Jobless Claims Dropped to Lowest Level Since 1969 Last Week

Sure, there might be a blurb here and there. And you'll find it in their 'raw feed'.

But are they using it as an opening to their nightly news broadcasts? Nope.

Will they? HELL No!!

The LSM is no longer the 'Press' our Founders envisioned when they wrote the 1st Amendment. It is an arm of the dimocrap party. It is part and parcel of the DNC.

Nazi Pelousy sez it's time to talk about Health Care and...... What happens? The LSM does nothing BUT talk about Health Care for nearly a week on every broadcast news outlet.

But, you know what? That's okay.

Trump has labelled the LSM as "The Enemy of The People" and it's sticking.

Because....... Well, because they are.

Meanwhile, America has never been better than it is right now. Because......

dimocraps essentially have no power.

Funny how that works out, huh??
This achievement didn’t occur overnight. Assuming tomorrow’s job numbers remain positive, that will mark the 109th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. An astounding streak. And while trump certainly gets credit for not fucking it up, he’s been president for just 26 of the 109 months.

just give Trump some time; he will fuck it up just like everything else he ever touched .......
I hope not. :ack-1:

He’s done good so far.
Plus, the economy added nearly 200,000 new jobs.

No, it did not.

That is the Establishment Survey. It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the unemployment rate. Plus, it is altered by the Birth-Death Model.

CES Net Birth/Death Model So last month, this mathematical model added 724,000 jobs...out of thin air.

The Household Survey is what the U-3 (official unemployment rate) is based on. And in that survey - 201,000 LESS people were employed in March.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

The unemployment rate stayed the same.

But the REAL (IMO) unemployment rate - the Employment-Population Ratio - went down (down is bad). It has been basically stuck since last October.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

March was NOT a good month for employment in America. A mixed bag at best.

ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES - no matter which party you vote for.
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They're going to scream about Russia until Trump wins again in 2020. I really believe most partisans don't give a damn about the health of the nation. They get angry when the other side accomplishes something because all they care about is their side winning. I think if Trump managed to secure peace with North Korea they'd actually consider it a bad thing.

We've got about 30% of the population that are incapable of rational thought. That are so filled with hatred that they are beyond salvation of any kind.

The best we can hope for with those people is to silence them. We will never be able to convert or educate them. Can't be done, so we just need to move on.

If they don't want to be part of the resurgence and growth that is what we are about right now, so be it. We don't need them.

They'll bitch and moan and complain and whine no matter what we do. No matter what Trump does to make their lives better, it won't be enough. It's just how some people are.

The lowest unemployment since 1969. When we were in the middle of a War.

Because Lyndon Johnson was SO fucking stupid, the only way he could get his idiot programs through Congress and keep the economy going was by getting us deeper and deeper into a senseless War. Billions of dollars, Tens of Thousands of dead American Men. What a scumbag that guy truly was.

And Trump is doing it without a War of any kind right now.


Just amazing how this Country can respond when dimocraps are out of power.
And Nixon kept Nam goung for what, 4 years you poor Republican?
Of course not, Obama was a terrible President, 2nd worst ever in my opinion.

It was not because of Obama and now it is not because of Trump.

Quit worshiping the government and giving them credit for what the private sector does.

A big part of being a good leader, a good Commander, is getting the hell out of the way. Knowing when to get out of the way.

This Country doesn't need politicians telling businessmen and women how to run their businesses. Trump knows that.

So it is less about what he does than it is about what he doesn't do.
Trump ran every business he was involved with into the ground. Someone should have told him to quit his day job, he's in the wrong line of work.
Trump lost a fortune investing in that company that made flux capacitors.

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