Lowest Unemployment In Half A Century

Dang.....the last 2 weeks have been a spike the football-fest for the President. Got a giant plaque erected on the border fence today......the winning has been making my head spin!:boobies::boobies:
And the Lame Stream Media is ignoring it for the most part.

Jobless Claims Dropped to Lowest Level Since 1969 Last Week

Sure, there might be a blurb here and there. And you'll find it in their 'raw feed'.

But are they using it as an opening to their nightly news broadcasts? Nope.

Will they? HELL No!!

The LSM is no longer the 'Press' our Founders envisioned when they wrote the 1st Amendment. It is an arm of the dimocrap party. It is part and parcel of the DNC.

Nazi Pelousy sez it's time to talk about Health Care and...... What happens? The LSM does nothing BUT talk about Health Care for nearly a week on every broadcast news outlet.

But, you know what? That's okay.

Trump has labelled the LSM as "The Enemy of The People" and it's sticking.

Because....... Well, because they are.

Meanwhile, America has never been better than it is right now. Because......

dimocraps essentially have no power.

Funny how that works out, huh??
And huge deficits. How did Trump manage that?

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