MAGA Georgia Election Board Is Doing Everything They Possibly Can To Steal Georgia For Trump

Trump lost 2020, Clinton lost 2016, Kerry lost 2004 and Gore lost in 2000. You are the nuts making up issues that are not their and I don’t vote for Republicans for President, I am a Conservative but I’m more fiscally conservative and Trump is not a fiscal conservative plus he is so abrasive, but that doesn’t change the fact your story is BS. Thanks for the name calling it proves you have nothing but silly childish insults and nothing to contribute. you are just too stupid to see what this MAGA election board in Georgia is doing. Got it.

You obviously learned absolutely nothing about what MAGAts are capable of after Jan 6.
The MAGA election board in Georgia is not the "election workers". They are up to no good, just like the assholes involved in the Eastman plan.
Very obviously.

We know very well that the machines are faster and more accurate than hand counts are. They know it, too.

So they have ostensibly passed a poor solution to address a problem that does not exist.

Which shows quite clearly that the ostensible reasons are lies. There is no debate to be had, on that point.

So all that is left is to speak to their actual motives. We know those, too. Their blueprints have been leaked, and GOP members have made public and leaked private admissions of the actual plan.

We don't have to guess. It's done to sow chaos and doubt in elections and to reduce turnout, so that they can win elections in the courts instead of at the ballot boxes. In front of judges they picked.
Last edited: you are just too stupid to see what this MAGA election board in Georgia is doing. Got it.

You obviously learned absolutely nothing about what MAGAts are capable of after Jan 6.

Is “maga” everyone? Are you one of those who lumps every Republican in the same bowl as “maga”?

The Georgia election board were probably not at J6 and you do realize that MANY Republicans do not agree with what happened that day, right?

You have to explain what you think georgia election board is up to. They simply ordere a hand recount of total ballots. Please explain HOW that favors any particular candidate?
Is “maga” everyone? Are you one of those who lumps every Republican in the same bowl as “maga”?

The Georgia election board were probably not at J6 and you do realize that MANY Republicans do not agree with what happened that day, right?

You have to explain what you think georgia election board is up to. They simply ordere a hand recount of total ballots. Please explain HOW that favors any particular candidate?
If you are not smart enough to understand what this MAGA election board in GA is doing, then you may as well be MAGA.

You obviously learned nothing from Jan 6.

I already fucking explained what the election board is up to. So have several other posters. You are just trolling at this point.
Wrong. Learn the facts. --

Mandating that election officials hand count every ballot is an extreme proposal that would be far more expensive, result in significant delays, and, most concerningly, lead to higher error rates in vote counts and heighten voter concern over corruption. The secure tabulation equipment currently used by states provides a quicker and more accurate result than hand counts. Yet, this dangerous policy has already passed in Arizona – and would be the law if the governor had not vetoed it.

You got anything that's not from a regressive propaganda site? No where do they even claim to be nonpartisan. Also if you don't live in GA why are you so concerned? Do you not believe in the concepts of our constitutional republic? States run their own elections, deal with it.

You got anything that's not from a regressive propaganda site? No where do they even claim to be nonpartisan. Also if you don't live in GA why are you so concerned? Do you not believe in the concepts of our constitutional republic? States run their own elections, deal with it.

Dude, your shit is weak as fuck.

Anybody with a brain knows that voting machines are more accurate at counting ballots than human beings. There is no debate to be had about this. Get out of your fucking cave and join the 21st century.
Imagine the Cyber Ninjas cluster fuck in Arizona when they tried to hand count over 2 million votes in Phoenix a couple of years ago....x 100.

That is what is going to happen.

Damn, are all you commies fortune tellers? And you may want to leave a note for yourself, YOUR thread is about GA, not AZ.

Dude, your shit is weak as fuck.

Anybody with a brain knows that voting machines are more accurate at counting ballots than human beings. There is no debate to be had about this. Get out of your fucking cave and join the 21st century.

Yet in most States where recounts are ordered, they are usually done by hand. GO FIGURE! All you commies are good for is unfounded speculation and pure commie propaganda. You'll only know if there's a problem, if it become one. At this point you don't even know for certain the rule will be allowed to stand, so just STFU.

Let’s not exaggerate.

It’s not like they are inventing a new type of quanrum computer.

In fact, the training gold take less than a day.

You do know that all over the land elections used to be determined by the hand counting of ballots, right. It sometimes went on until like 11 pm on election day.
I don't know how you can logically think that hand counts vs machine counts would not take at least 5 times the amount of workers....especially when you are required to have one hand counter from at least two parties, at every counting station...a Dem and a Repub....

That requires more training for more people, and larger counting centers to accommodate the people needed.

And at a time when election volunteers are running from their previous jobs and no one wants to volunteer for fear of being attacked and getting abused....

AND with only 40 days till the election. It will sow confusion...the election managers are right.

I hope the courts shoot this down, asap! There just isn't enough time to do this right.
Yeah...because in those states, imbecile MAGA Republicans have not stood in the way of the absentee vote counting process.

Not the case in Pennsylvania. Which is why MAGAts like you will be complaining in November when it takes Penn a week to count all the absentee ballots again.
If they take too long, everyone will know it is because they are cheating.
Yet in most States where recounts are ordered, they are usually done by hand. GO FIGURE! All you commies are good for is unfounded speculation and pure commie propaganda. You'll only know if there's a problem, if it become one. At this point you don't even know for certain the rule will be allowed to stand, so just STFU.

Yes, only when the vote tally is very order to determine if voting machines might have counted a few votes incorrectly. Like what happened in Florida in 2000.

It's never done first, before using voting machines....freaking imbecile.
Imagine the Cyber Ninjas cluster fuck in Arizona when they tried to hand count over 2 million votes in Phoenix a couple of years ago....x 100.

That is what is going to happen.
Do you not know the difference in counting the number of ballots and the number of votes? It a vote is cast and there is not a corresponding ballot, that means someone cheated.

They count ballots, which can also be done with machines, but different machines! If cackles McKneepads gets a million votes but has only 800,000 ballots submitted, that means there is cheating going on! My God, you are one ignorant fucktard!
I don't know how you can logically think that hand counts vs machine counts would not take at least 5 times the amount of workers....

It used to be done. It wasn’t rocket science then, either.
Silly me...why didn't I think of that???

Dude, you are an imbecile. Why do you think machines are used?? Because they can tabulate the votes 1,000 times quicker than humans can!!

Someone has to supervise them, to ensure the correct process is being followed and that they aren't cheating. It's not as simple as just counting the votes. Again, it's a much simpler process if machines are used.

There was no election fraud....if there were, you MAGA imbeciles would have found something by now.

Forget it...I'm talking to a caveman. No wonder you vote for Trump.

I think the problem here is you are terminally confused. You have counting ballots and counting votes confused. They are not going to look at each ballot and say this ballot has a vote for Harris and write that down. They won't take the next one and say this ballot is for Trump. They say, now I have two ballots. They will match that with the machine totals of votes. You cannot get more votes than you have ballots. In 2020, there were several precincts in DEM areas that had 105% of the registered voters in that precinct having voted. Anything over 100%, and that is almost impossible to have anywhere close to 100%, is definitive proof of cheating. Many precincts got back more absentee ballots than they mailed out. How is that possible?

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