MAGA: Mueller's A Great American! So, let us, Meet Mueller's team of Pro's on this 'A' Team. WOW!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Very well done, a full review of all 100% Real American Heros hunting for Great Douche un-American criminals.


Meet the Mueller team
Here is one..
Kyle Freeny


Prior to joining the Mueller investigation, Kyle Freeny was a Justice Department prosecutor for the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative, which focuses on foreign corruption and money laundering.

Role on Mueller team:

Freeny is working on the Manafort and Gates case, appearing in court alongside her special counsel colleagues Andrew Weissmann and Greg Andres.

Notable cases:

Freeny was involved with the prosecution of the production company behind “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which was allegedly funded with laundered money from the Malaysian government. The Justice Department said the case led to the largest single action ever brought under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative

:11_2_1043:Gotta Love the Mueller and his Team! :clap::clap::clap:

MAGA: Mueller's A Great American.
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Rush Atkinson

Before joining Mueller’s team, trial attorney Rush Atkinson worked for the Criminal Division Securities and Financial Fraud Unit at the Justice Department, where he worked under Andrew Weissmann, who is also now on Mueller’s team. Atkinson previously worked in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, which specializes in counterterrorism and foreign intelligence surveillance cases.

Role on Mueller team:

Atkinson has been involved in the case against 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian entities for allegedly meddling in the 2016 election by using social media to spread divisive political messages.

Notable cases:

Atkinson was involved with the indictment of a former vice president of finance for Bankrate, Inc. The former bank official was charged with wire fraud, securities fraud and other financial crimes.

Atkinson also helped with the prosecution of a mother and son charged with orchestrating a $16 million Medicare fraud scheme in Miami.

:thankusmile: Nice to put a face to great work being done.
WOW.. Gets to work on and run a 2nd POS out of the oval office.

James Quarles

James Quarles was a young assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force in the mid-1970s. He then joined the Boston-based law firm Hale and Dorr and led its Washington office while specializing in intellectual property litigation. That law firm merged with an old-line DC partnership — Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering — and Quarles joined its executive committee. Mueller also worked at that firm, known as WilmerHale, and he brought Quarles along after he was appointed special counsel.

Notable cases:

Quarles’ former clients as a private attorney include Apple, the NFL and Volkswagen, for which he worked alongside Mueller to oversee hundreds of settlements brought against the car maker regarding its diesel emissions, according to a federal ethics disclosure.
Even "great Americans" can sometimes and up as stooges, dupes, and useful idiots for the Communists, as is Mueller.

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