Magneto in Auschwitz: A WWII Comic


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Sep 22, 2013
Auschwitz (WWII) was the darkest chapter in world history. Revisionist historians have added to the dialogue regarding 'interpretive-history' but some wonder if personalizing actual history may create undesirable biases. Nevertheless, Auschwitz, the Nazi 'death-camp' for the extermination of countless martyred Jews, remains a 'Tower of Babel' for many trying to understand the weight of civilization's worst mistake.

I wanted to add to this dialogue by offering up an X-Men adapted comic book story (purely fictional) relating the superhuman Magneto (a man who can manipulate magnetism) in Auschwitz witnessing a demon-dog guardian omen-like horror tale as recounted by a Jewish secretary working at the camp as a secretary while keeping a journal (which Magneto intends to use to adapt into a folk-tale someday).

This Holocaust-fable was inspired by The Omen.



Auschwitz was pure hell. A Jewish woman named Hanna was working in the camp as a menial secretary for the Nazis, keeping notes about the executions for her 'superiors.' Hanna couldn't help but gasp at the level of horrors in the Nazi 'death-camp' and decided to start keeping a journal, complete with sketches of the experiences in the camp as best she could without her superiors, the Nazi officials, noticing. Hanna wrote/drew in her journal at least three times a week.


Hanna befriended another Jewish woman in Auschwitz named Marlene who was working in the kitchen as an assistant cook. Hanna heard from her superiors that Auschwitz would one day become purely an extermination-site (or a graveyard) and no officials or laborers would be required, but for now, there was minimal work to be done including preparation of meals and keeping of notes/records. Hanna and Marlene were close now, and Marlene revealed to Hanna that she was an amateur witch and prayed every night to the Prince of Darkness that the superhuman spirit of Magneto (a being who could manipulate magnetism) would surface in Auschwitz and bend the metal bars of the prison-cells back so the Jews could just flee.


It's an odd fact that Marlene used witchcraft to 'request' the superhuman spirit of Magneto, since there was some ample amount of 'metaphysics' found at Auschwitz, which Hanna noticed and noted in her journal. Hanna wrote, "To my great surprise, I saw a dog the other day with glowing red eyes who ran toward a child, a small boy, crying on the ground and bit its neck so it died immediately. I realized the 'demonic dog' killed the child before the Nazi soldiers witnessing the 'lazy child' weeping on the ground could walk over and cruelly execute him. The dog was something of a 'spirit-guardian' for us all, sparing us from the worse horror of seeing a Nazi soldier shoot the child with a rifle without any regret whatsoever. I've named the dog Max."


After Hanna wrote about six journal entries about the 'spirit-guardian demon dog' Max in her journal, Marlene told Hanna that her witchcraft had worked and she'd managed to invoke the superhuman spirit of Magneto, a being who could manipulate magnetism. Magneto introduced himself to Hanna and Marlene in a quiet and private area in Auschwitz where no one would notice them. Hanna told Magneto about the 'spirit-guardian demon dog' Max, and Marlene wondered if Magneto could just help the imprisoned Jews of Auschwitz escape from their prison-cells. Magneto explained he was there only to complement the work of Max, the dog, and could not unfortunately interfere with human history and help the Jews escape. The Allied Forces (America, England, etc.) would have to do that themselves. Magneto did, however, promise Hanna and Marlene that no one would forget about the 'guardianship' of the demon dog Max.


The following is Hanna's final journal entry in Auschwitz, which she wrote on the day she was executed at close-range by a Nazi soldier ordered to shoot her in the head with a pistol --- "Well, I have to admit, the superhuman Magneto has managed to do much for us and the demon dog Max. Magneto molded and shifted a large metal pole which fell on the heads of two Auschwitz Nazi soldiers who died immediately and just before Max ran to yet another child weeping and sitting on the ground, biting the child's neck and therefore killing it instantly before a Nazi soldier did out of evil disgust. Magneto seemed to 'transform' the metaphysical spirit of this death-camp with his 'eccentric metal-pole manipulation deed,' and Max was the 'complementary agent.'
I've learned in Auschwitz that you need not be a 'superhuman' to see the reality of evil's vanities."



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