'Majority' of Afghan allies who applied for special visas still in Afghanistan


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
WASHINGTON — A senior State Department official said Wednesday that it appeared a “majority” of Afghans who had worked for the U.S. military and applied for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) had not been successfully evacuated and remained in Afghanistan.

“I don't have an estimate for you on the numbers of SIVs and family members who are still there,'' said the senior official, who was in Kabul for the evacuation. ‘But I would say it's the majority of them, just based on anecdotal information about the populations we were able to support.” 'Majority' of Afghan allies who applied for special visas still in Afghanistan

So, we screwed our allies, we screwed our own citizens, and we screwed those who helped us on the ground...All because Biden wanted a photo op end to our involvement in Afghanistan...

What the hell? Who in their right mind voted for this?

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