Man Has Lego Stuck In His Nose For Twenty-Six Years

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Well first of all I thought that that picture was a little girl. 😆 Second of all how could the doctor miss that all these years when he or she was probably looking up his nose? 🤔

I love stories about folks who vote for the DNC.

I swallowed a plastic ball that barely fit my throat when I was five. But I passed that thing. I am lucky that I didn't choke to death or get it stuck in my body.
Meanwhile as a teen I got electrocuted when vacuuming. I couldn't let go of the cord and for some miracle one of my muscle spasms got it unplugged. I must of gotten smart from that. The problem was a faulty electric socket. I was able to breathe without a heartbeat and I pounded my chest and my heart restarted.

Man Has Lego Stuck In His Nose For Twenty-Six Years​

Somehow I think that if I had a LEGO up my nose, I would have known it. They don't just fall up there by themselves! (I assume since I've never played with LEGOS).

Second of all how could the doctor miss that all these years
Obviously, the doctor had not looked up his nose very well if he missed a LEGO for 32 years. Frankly, I think both the LEGO man AND the doctor sound a little bit screwy!
Somehow I think that if I had a LEGO up my nose, I would have known it. They don't just fall up there by themselves! (I assume since I've never played with LEGOS).

Obviously, the doctor had not looked up his nose very well if he missed a LEGO for 32 years. Frankly, I think both the LEGO man AND the doctor sound a little bit screwy!

26 years actually but I see your point.
I swallowed a plastic ball that barely fit my throat when I was five. But I passed that thing. I am lucky that I didn't choke to death or get it stuck in my body.
I once swallowed a McDonald's chicken nugget whole. It was sometime during the seven years that I spent with braces in my mouth, and it happened during one of the few times that they made my teeth hurt me. Thankfully I guess that I had made the nugget soggy enough in my mouth to where it could go all the way down my system, but yeah because of how bad my braces hurt me, I had a hard time biting down on anything that I ate.

God bless you always!!!


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